Chapter 14.

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Our 2 week anniversary as an official couple was coming up soon for me and Michael. He mentioned to me that celebrating every little anniversary was something he especially disliked, so of course I was planning a little date. I'd formally introduced Calum and Alexa, and they'd been talking and texting pretty frequently, so I planned on inviting them along as sort of a double date. I still haven't informed Michael of the "forgotten moment" between me and Calum, and it's definitely for the better. Even though their relationship is mending, I don't want to tip them off.

"Are you excited for your little date?" I playfully nudged Calum's shoulder with mine as we both got ready in the bathroom. He usually takes his precious time with his hair, so I get mine done in about the same amount of time. He stood in front of the mirror for a second in contemplation.

"Yeah, actually. She seems super cool. How should I do my hair? Up, beanie, or flat?" He ruffled his hair. I turned and studied it for a moment, before messing with it myself.

"What are you wearing?" He pulled my wrist into his room where he had a jean jacket, a plain white shirt, and worn black jeans laying on his bed. "You're really prepared, aren't you?" I giggled. I'd never seen Calum like this, nervous almost. He started to bite his fingernails and nodded. I studied his hair again. I stepped in front of him and quickly ran my fingers upwards through his hair to preview how a quiff would look. He stared into my eyes as I did so. I took a baby step back. "l like it messy. It looks good messy." I said, with a balled fist under my chin. He skipped into the bathroom to take a look.

"Are you sure?" I could almost hear him messing with it.

"Don't touch it!" I yelled, just to be sure.

"Fine." I made my way into the bathroom. "Help?" He innocently asked and pointed to his head. I stuck in a bit of gel to make it keep its' shape. I rubbed his arm.

"You look cute, Cal." I whispered with a small grin.

"Cal?" He smirked. "I like it." I felt scared that another awkward moment was going to happen, so I scurried off to my room. I changed into tight leather-looking pants and a thin, white, loose shirt that I proceeded to tuck in. I slipped on a pair of high heels and went to Calum for approval.

"Is this good? Too much?" I asked as I spun in a circle.

"No, it's good, it's good."

"Now, hair down or up?"

"Up." I quickly threw my hair in a high ponytail. "Good." He nodded. "You should wear your hair up more." I stepped closer to him.

"You need to get dressed." I poked his chest, making him stumble backwards. He smirked and skipped into his room while I applied light eyeliner and mascara in the bathroom. I smoothed my shirt in the mirror then waited for Calum outside his room door. When he emerged, we left to meet them at the restaurant we had already set plans for.

"This place is nice!" Alexa excitedly whispered as she looked at the outside of the restaurant like a little kid. I giggled at her attitude.

"Yeah, it's nice." I returned. Alexa and I walked side by side in front of Calum and Michael. I couldn't help but wonder what they were talking about, or if they were even talking at all. I flicked my head back to see them trailing far behind. Calum was looking at me and talking while Michael stared, also wearing a smile. I felt my cheeks get warm all over and turned back forward. I stood still in our path.

"What are you doing?" Alexa shot at me.

"Waiting for our dates." I shrugged. They quickly approached us.

"I'll take him from here, thanks." I nodded to Calum, taking Michael's hand. Alexa held onto Calum's arm in front of us. Her formally pixie-cut hair had grown a bit, almost to shoulder length.

We walked in and sat in a dimly-lit booth. I slid across to the inside for Michael to sit next to me. He plopped down and attached his hand to my leg like a magnet. We explored the menu for a minute in silence, other than the commotion around us. We placed our drink and food orders and started conversation among us.

"So Calum, you play soccer, right?" I asked, trying to make him even more appealing to Alexa.

"Yeah. Since I was younger. I'm pretty good at it if I do say so myself." He breathily laughed. I wanted to ask Alexa if she had a thing for soccer players, but I didn't want to pressure them too much.

We talked for a good while before our food came. When it did come, there was mostly silence, other than the sound of clinking silverware. We started walking out. Michael and I slowly meandered behind Calum and Alexa. Calum had his arm around her waist.

"They are gonna be so cute. I can feel it." I clapped with my fingertips giddily.

"Yeah they look happy. I could see it." He leaned down and kissed my forehead. His constant kisses were something I'd gotten used to by now, but I could never get used to the way they made me feel weightless. Calum and Alexa had gotten measurably far away from us and closer to the car. They stood next to it, talking quietly. I slowed down our pace purposely

"What are you doing?" Michael shot me a quizzical glance.

"Give it a second." I placed my hand on his chest. Alexa leaned against the passenger side door as Calum inched in closer until the space between them closed. My eyes got wide. "Yes!" I squealed. He pulled away with a cheesy smile.

"Aww." Michael cooed. He put his hand on my waist. "I remember our first kiss." He giggled.

"Oh that was horrible. Can we have a redo?" I stood in front of him. "So it started out as us sitting on the couch, right?"

"Yeah." He bit his lip.

"And we were playing a video game, and I wasn't sure if you wanted to kiss me, so I backed off." I roughly pressed my lips to his. "That's how it was supposed to go." I mumbled against his lips. I grabbed his hand and pulled him to the car. Michael drove and I sat next to him as we headed to our apartment.

Michael and I headed into my room and Calum and Alexa took the living room.

"Your room's so clean. I don't think I've ever been in here before." He adventured around, picking up small things and inspecting them.

"No guy has been in here. Other than Calum, but he doesn't count." He turned and lifted one eyebrow. "You don't have to worry babe." I wrapped him in a hug.

"What would you say if I asked you to make out?" Michael whispered into my ear.

"I'd say why not?" A devious smile grew on my face as I pulled him towards the bed. He attached his lips to mine before we could even sit down. We clumsily fell all at once. He took control above me, teasing my neck. I ran my hands under his shirt and up his back until he got the hint to take it off. He started to untuck my shirt then paused.

"Is this okay?" He tried to ask but his breathing was hard and fast, so the words didn't exactly come out. I quickly nodded and peeled my shirt off. This didn't feel like one of our make out sessions, it felt more heated, and I knew exactly where this was headed. I also knew that I was more than ready to go there with Michael.

sorry this took so long and then sucked lol but with sports and school I've just been trying to update when I can :-)

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