Swap Paps's Anger

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A/N: I will find a picture for this one at some point!
Requested by UndertaleWeirdo89
   "Come on! Put all ya got into it!" Alphys shouted as she blocked out Blue's attack with her battle axe.
   The smaller skeleton puffed as he lunged forward, a glowing blue bone in his gloved hand. His cape fluttered behind him as he struck down on Alphys's battle axe, which disappeared as a result.
   Papyrus sighed as he watched the two smaller monsters train. He blew a puff of smoke from his mouth, a disinterested expression on his face.
   "Better! But I bet you can't dodge this!" Alphys encouraged as she summoned several glowing spears from the ground.
   The lazy expression left Papyrus's face as Blue just barely managed to avoid the spears. The taller skeleton watched in horror as a spear knocked into his brother's leg. Blue cried out as he fell to the ground.
   Alphys ran over to the injured skeleton, worry gleaming in her eyes.
   "Oh jeez, I'm so sorry!" she apologized, examining Blue's leg.
   "Don't touch my brother."
   Alphys whipped around to see Papyrus, who was standing up. Orange flames blazed in his eye sockets.
   "Papyrus you don't-"
   "Don't speak. You could have killed him. You could have killed my brother," Papyrus snapped.
   Alphys fell silent. Something told her that arguing wasn't going to solve anything.
   "Bro, it's okay. I'm fine. It's just a little..." Blue trailed off as Papyrus lifted up the leg of the smaller skeleton's pants.
   Blood was running down from a large gash on Blue's leg. Papyrus visibly winced as he looked at the wound.
   "Papyrus, it was just an accident..." Alphys trailed off.
   The taller skeleton began to chuckle. Eventually, the chuckles had erupted into a fit of maniacal laughter. It was unsettling, to say the least. Alphys found herself taking a step away from Papyrus.
   "What's so funny?" Blue asked, his eyes round as he stared at his brother.
   Papyrus didn't respond.
   "Bro?! Answer me!" Blue shouted, fear gleaming in his eyes.
   Suddenly, Papyrus lurched forward with a pained grunt. The fear in Blue's eyes gave way to concern as his brother doubled-over while tightly grasping at his ribs.
   Papyrus dug his fingertips into the ground as the tips of his fingers grew into claws. The fabric of his orange hoodie tore as spikes formed along his vertebrae. He gritted his teeth, which were growing into sharp fangs.
   Twisted horns erupted from the back of his skull, forcing a scream out from between his clenched teeth as his face elongated into a muzzle.
   The tips of Papyrus's toes were also growing sharper as long claws burst from the toes of his sneakers. A tail was beginning to appear behind him as well.
   Blue wanted to look away so badly, but something kept his eyes fixated on his brother. He trembled as he heard the sound of bones cracking and reforming in unison with Papyrus's increasingly animalistic screams.
   Before he even knew it, Blue was faced with a massive skeletal beast staring down at him with piercing orange eyes.
   A feral snarl was all that came from the beast's mouth.
   "Bro, come on! I know you're in there!"
   Orange smoke poured from the beast's massive jaws. A feral spark ignited in his flaming orange eye sockets.
   The creature took a step, the weight of his clawed foot shaking the ground. That was when a spear flew at the massive beast, hitting him in the jaw. He spun around, roaring furiously as he lunged towards Alphys.
   "Pap, no!" Blue screamed.
Blue's magic activated, pinning down the massive beast just before he tackled Alphys. Sweat began to trickle down Blue's skull as he strained to keep his brother pinned. The creature roared loudly as he struggled to free himself from Blue's magic.
"Pap, please... You gotta remember me... Please..." Blue pleaded, panting as he began to lose his grip.
Much to the smaller skeleton's surprise, Papyrus's struggles began to weaken. The feral light was slowly draining from his blazing orange eye sockets.
A smile spread across Blue's face. "I knew you could do it bro!"
Papyrus rumbled happily as he thrust his muzzle into his brother's chest. Blue put his arms around his brother's skull and trapped it in a hug.
"I love you bro."

A/N: Remember that requests are open! Leave your suggestions for the next oneshot in the comments below! OCs are welcome! Just send me either a picture or a description to have your OCs put into the story. ;3

Edit: I was informed that Alphys uses a battle axe instead of spears, so i changed that.
I did keep some of the spear attacks however, since now I have a personal head canon that Alphys can use both attacks. :P

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