~Your Best Friend~

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   Surprise, surprise! Another non-request! XD
   This is a Flowey Possession oneshot that I just thought of. Yes, this means more Papyrus. Fite me. >:3
Papyrus darted backwards, away from a spray of small, white bullets that were aimed at him. He summoned several bone attacks, sending them flying in the direction of his opponent; a small, golden flower.
The flower easily dodged, sinking into the ground before suddenly popping up near the skeleton's feet. With a sinister grin, he latched onto Papyrus's leg with his vines, rooting himself securely into the ground just as the skeleton tried to pull away. The flower pulled him to the ground without any trouble.
Papyrus landed with a soft thud in the snow, unable to get back up. He laughed, rubbing the side of his head with one hand. "Okay, okay. You win."
A satisfactory look crossed the flower's face as he released his opponent. "I always win, Papyrus."
"Hey! Don't get so cocky! I'm catching up to you! I almost had you that time!" the skeleton protested, sitting up to face the flower.
"Hmmm..." he thought for a moment. "You still need some work."
Papyrus groaned in exasperation. "But, Flowey! You tell me that every single time!"
Flowey curled a leaf-tipped vine under his chin, as if pondering something. "Maybe all this training isn't necessary... Maybe all you need is a bit more fire power..."
Papyrus tilted his head to the side. "How do I get that?"
The flower shrugged. "I've seen your brother fight... He's got some weird skull cannon things... Do you have anything similar, by chance?"
Papyrus shook his head- perhaps a little too quickly for Flowey's liking. "The Great Papyrus does not need that kind of artillery!"
Flowey raised an eyebrow. "You answered that in a hurry, didn't you?"
The skeleton looked away. "I don't have blasters."
The flower narrowed his eyes, his expression slightly annoyed. "Whatever you say. Let's keep training then. Maybe we'll find a different source of power for you."
Papyrus sighed as he stood up, dusting the snow off his armor. "Okay. Whenever you're ready."
Flowey smirked, almost slyly, as he went at the skeleton with all the power he could muster. Bullets flew through the air and vines reached for Papyrus's limbs, yet he still managed to dodge all of it.
Though, he didn't do so without a great amount of effort. After a few short rounds, he was exhausted. But the attacks kept coming.
Finally, it became too much for him to handle. He instinctively went into his "last resort" attack. His eyes flared neon-orange as a massive, dragon-like skull materialized behind him.
The disembodied skull snarled, it's neon-orange gaze fixated on Flowey. But unlike most of the other targets that the skull had aimed for in the past, the flower wasn't afraid.
He was quite the opposite. He was delighted.
"Well, what do ya know?? You are capable of summoning blasters!" Flowey exclaimed, bobbing up and down in excitement.
"Wh-Wha?" Papyrus flinched as he peered over his shoulder, noticed the blaster for the first time since he'd summoned it. "I-I... I don't even know how I did that!"
Flowey gave a gentle smile. "Oh Papyrus. Why didn't ya say so? I'd be glad to help you!"
"Really? You'd do that for me?" Papyrus asked, his eyes lighting up with joy.
"Of course!" The flower giggled childishly. "That's what friends are for~!"
   "Soo... How do you plan on helping me exactly?" Papyrus scratched the back of his head uncertainly.
   "Hmm..." Flowey considered the question for a moment. "Hold on a sec."
   Papyrus didn't get a chance to protest as the flower grabbed his legs with his vines, somehow managing to weave his way through his bones before eventually popping his head out from one of the skeleton's eye sockets. "There we go!"
   Papyrus tugged at his gloves slightly, unnerved by the feeling of being fused with his friend. "What'd you do that for??"
   "It'll be much easier for me to control- I mean, help you out like this," Flowey replied.
   "Whatever you say... This doesn't feel right though," Papyrus said with a shrug.
   Flowey ignored the comment. "Okay, lemme think about this for a minute..." A sinister grin slowly crept onto his pale, white face as the act he'd been so carefully maintaining began to fall away.
   The flower chuckled eerily. Papyrus fidgeted anxiously, tapping the toe of his boot idly against the snow-covered ground. "You're acting kinda weird..."
   "Oh Papyrus~" Flowey leaned out of the skeleton's eye socket, far enough so that he could look him dead in the eye. "I can't believe you fell for that so easily."
   Papyrus instinctively stumbled back, despite knowing that he couldn't escape the flower's presence. "Wh-What are you talking about??"
   "You idiot! I can't believe you're that stupid! Couldn't you see that I was using you this entire time?!"
   Papyrus flinched. The flower held his gaze, a terrifying smile splitting his face. "Now... Lets see what I can make my favorite toy do!"
   The skeleton shuddered at the statement. "Please... Don't make me hurt anyone..."
   "Okay... Fair enough. I won't make you hurt another monster..." Flowey muttered reluctantly.
   Papyrus breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank god..."
   "...I'll just make you suffer instead!"
   Suddenly, Papyrus felt a surge of energy rush through him, catching him off-guard. "F-Flowey...?"
   The flower seemed to fall back into his friendly act once more. "What's the matter?"
   "I-I feel... weird... Wh-What did you do to me?"
   Flowey chuckled. "Let's just say that I know some things you don't."
   Papyrus was about to respond when he felt another surge of energy rush through him. But it was different this time. It hurt.
   "S-Seriously... Wh-What's going on?"
   "I'm helping you out, buddy! Just like I said!" Flowey responded in a cheery, sing-song voice.
   Pain shot through him once more, the extent of it being much worse than it had been before. A soft grunt of pain escaped from the skeleton as he doubled over slightly.
   "I'm making you an even better monster than before, Papyrus."
The skeleton let out another grunt as pain tore through him again, instinctively clawing at his chest as his soul began to pound frantically. It was getting worse.
His focus was soon diverted from the agony as he heard a strange cracking sound. At first, he wasn't sure where it was coming from. That is, until he felt a sharp sting of pain at the tips of his fingers. He looked down at his hand, clenching and unclenching his fist cautiously, as if expecting it to make it hurt again.
As if in cue, the cracking sound started once more, sending another shockwave of pain through his hand. He grunted once more, digging his fingers into his own wrist like it would somehow make it stop.
That was when he became aware of a different sensation. It was like his gloves had become tighter... like the fabric was stretching out for some reason.
He looked back at his hand, his eyes going wide as he noticed several sharp points beginning to press against the worn red fabric of his glove, right where the tips of his fingers would be.
"F-Flowey...? Wh-What's going on?" He paused for a moment, biting back another grunt as pain surged all the way up both of his arms. "Wh-What's happening to me??"
"Shh..." The flower reached for the skeleton's mouth with a single leaf-tipped vine. "Just let it happen. Trust me. It'll be so much better when this is all over. No one will ever mess with you again after this."
Papyrus opened his mouth to respond, but the words he planned on saying never came out. Instead, the only sound that came from him was a loud, high-pitched cry of agony as pain suddenly jolted through his spine, causing him to arch his back in response.
He collapsed to the ground, planting the palms of his hands in the snow before he could hit his head. In that same moment, his gloves finally tore open, revealing large, animalistic claws that had formed on the tips of his fingers.
   The skeleton inhaled sharply, barely holding back a groan as pain ran all the way up his spine once more. "Wh-Why are you doing this to me?"
   "I can't help it. Making people suffer always makes me happy," Flowey answered in a mockingly sympathetic voice.
   He heard the sickening sound of bones cracking once more, just as he felt his spine begin to distend. A sharp, stabbing pain began in his vertebrae as large spikes began to emerge along his spine. He whimpered pitifully, tears welling up in the corners of his eye sockets.
   "I-It hurtss..."
   Flowey's expression twisted into his trademark grin. "No pain, no gain."
   "M-Make it s-stop... Pleasse..." Papyrus pleaded as he choked down another cry of anguish.
   "It's too late to stop it. C'mon, don't tell me you're too much of a wuss to handle this!"
   Papyrus screamed as the pain struck once more, though it was probably about ten times worse than before. He sobbed as he finally fell over onto his side, curling up into a ball and tightly grasping his ribcage with both arms.
   A mixture of tears and neon-orange magic streamed down his face, staining the snow where it fell from his cheekbones. "It h-hurts... I-It hurtss..."
   The skeleton continued to mumble as he began to shudder uncontrollably. Flowey's grin widened. This was it. The moment he'd been waiting for.
   Papyrus's body suddenly began to contort as the transformation really started to affect him. His bones felt like they were on fire. Everything hurt.
   He shrieked in agony as he kicked out his legs, his bones beginning to splinter and shift, rapidly changing from plantigrade to digitigrade in structure. His feet elongated, and the tips of his toes grew sharper, mirroring the claws that had formed on his fingertips.
   He could feel his newly-developed claws beginning to push against the toes of his boots, until they finally burst through them, completely destroying them.
   A strange tingling sensation began at the base of his spine, forcing him to look back. He gasped as he realized that he had somehow begun to grow a tail.
   "Wh-What'ss happening to me??" The sound of his voice caused him to flinch. It didn't sound anything like himself!
   His voice had deepened in pitch, and it was edged with a distinct growl. He slapped both hands over his mouth, horrified by the way he spoke now.
   He couldn't stay silent for long though. A sudden surge of pain wracked his body, forcing a long, drawn-out moan from between his clenched teeth, which were rapidly turning into curved fangs.
His soul was pounding so hard that his back seemed to throb with it. He was terrified of what he was becoming. He didn't feel like himself. He didn't sound like himself... He didn't even look like himself.
"F-Floweyy... I-I'm sscared..." Papyrus whimpered, his breath coming in short, ragged gasps.
The flower chuckled. "I know. This sorta thing is very frightening."
Papyrus grunted softly, holding a clawed hand to the side of his skull. He inhaled sharply before continuing. "H-How do you know?"
Flowey smirked. "I've seen your brother go through the same thing before." He giggled. "I've never seen him freak out so badly~!"
Papyrus was about to respond before a sudden migraine came over him, causing him to instinctively start clawing at his skull. He groaned in agony as he felt his mouth and nose begin to extend outward into a long muzzle, while several horns emerged along the back of his head.
His entire body was beginning to draw on a mass that it didn't usually have. His bones were distending, twisting, and thickening all at once. The agony was indescribable.
It was then that he began to lose himself gradually to the beast he was rapidly becoming. "F-FLoWeY..."
His voice was garbled; barely even understandable due to the heavy growl that covered up the rest of his voice. Yet, he continued to speak regardless.
"PLeaSSe... D-DoN'T Do THiSS To Me..."
"It's much too late for the whining, Papyrus. What's done has already been done. We can't go back on that now, can we?" Flowey lectured.
   Papyrus's vision filled with a blood-red haze as his consciousness slipped to the back of his mind, leaving only the beast to control his actions. He panted heavily, his breath rumbling in his throat. His tail swished from side to side as he rose to his feet.
"See? It's all over now," Flowey murmured softly. The creature that Papyrus had become gave only a low growl in response, as if irritated by something. Flowey chuckled. "Now... All I have left to do is track down that smiling trashbag, and put an end to him!"
He cackled sinisterly, the steps to his plan easily falling into line. This was going to be amazing, finally getting revenge on his worst enemy in the entire Underground.
Sans yawned as he woke up, stretching his arms out across the table-top surface of his sentry station. He gave a slight smile of satisfaction as he managed to get his joints to pop. It was weird that he enjoyed the sensation, all things considered.
   He closed his eyes, trying to fall asleep once more, but he was quickly jolted back into awareness by a low growl from behind him. He flinched, remaining as still as possible. He felt hot breath on the back of his neck as whatever had made the noise crept closer.
   Sans slowly turned his head to look back. He couldn't help but jump back in fright as he was faced with a massive skeletal beast, its neon-orange gaze fixated on him.
   The creature had vines weaving in and out of its bones, with a single golden flower protruding from its left eye socket.
   "Uhh... H-Hey there, buddy... You look a little, uh, tangled up there..." Sans said anxiously, scooting backwards across the ground, away from the beast.
   That was when an all-too-familiar face appeared on the flower. "Hey there, Sans~"
   The skeleton narrowed his eyes, a spark of blue flame igniting in the palm of his hand. "What do you want?"
   "Oh, please. I just came to make you suffer~"
   "If your plan is to use a full-body blaster to attack me, that's not gonna work. I can just take control of it and turn it against you," He paused. "Speaking of which, how did ya get one of those anyway??"
   A sick, twisted smile crept across the flower's face. "Notice anything... familiar about this one?"
   Sans took a moment to really look at the blaster, before he finally noticed one haunting detail he'd overlooked initially...
   The remnants of a bright red scarf around the creature's neck.
   He gasped. "Wh-What the hell did ya do to him?!"
   Flowey chuckled. "It doesn't matter. Like I said, I only came here to make you suffer."
   Sans sprung back, summoning several gaster blasters as the creature that his brother had become lunged forward, claws outstretched as he lashed out.

   Boom! Another oneshot for y'all! XD
   I'm gonna try to do some requests here shortly. That being old ones that are from 2 years ago lol. I'm still not taking any new ones, since I have so many that I still need to write.
   But! I will try to update this more often! Just stay determined!
   Also, not sure what's been going on, but I feel like I've lost readers. There are people who used to comment all the time, but now aren't saying anything at all... It concerns me...
   Anyway! That's a ramble for another time! As for now, I'm gonna go work on another non-request! XD (it's a rewrite of a previous oneshot)
   See you guys later!

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