Broken Dreams

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   Yes! I finally got a serious burst of inspiration to write this! >:D   Like, I'm literally SHAKING because of this

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Yes! I finally got a serious burst of inspiration to write this! >:D
Like, I'm literally SHAKING because of this. XD
Oh, and btw, I'm gonna give you guys a heads-up, this one involves quite a bit of cursing (due to the involvement of a certain other AU)! But, please try to get past the cursing, just for this one, cuz I'm really happy with how this came out.
Anyway, artwork above is by me! :3
Enjoy the oneshot!

   "Where are we?" Dream asked, looking around at a dark, gloomy version of Snowdin forest before resting his gaze on his friend, Ink.
   "Underfell. We're here to check on things. Make sure Error isn't trying to make a mess of things again," Ink answered. "Just be careful. The townsfolk here aren't exactly very nice people."
   Dream nodded, drawing out his bow, just in case he needed it for any small skirmishes he might run into. He really didn't want to fight anyone, but he would if it came to defending himself, as well as his friend.
   Ink crept silently through the forest, with Dream following close behind. The two skeletons finally reached the edge of the trees, looking out across a pathway that lead straight to the town.
   Dream couldn't help but shudder as he picked up on some negativity right off the bat. Being that he was created out of positive energy, he was always weakened by negative energy.
   Ink glanced back at his friend. "You okay?"
   Dream nodded. "Yeah. There aren't a whole lot of good things around here..."
   "Like I said, they aren't exactly very friendly around here. I've been here a couple times... never left with any good experiences. One time, the Sans here totally kicked my butt in a fight! And then, another time, I had the entire Royal Guard on my heels! I barely escaped! And then... uhh..." Ink trailed off, a perplexed look on his face.
   Dream tilted his head to the side, equally as confused as his friend. "Umm... Ink?"
   The other skeleton got a very distant look in his eyes before he suddenly barfed up a stream of black ink, causing Dream to flinch. But Ink stood back up, as if nothing had ever happened. "Sorry 'bout that! Umm... What was I talking about??"
   Dream shook his head, chuckling quietly. "I got the point, buddy."
   "Okay, good! 'Cuz I don't remember a single bit of what I just said!" Ink replied, almost proudly. "Anyway, let's keep going!"
The artistic skeleton led the way down the battered path to the town. Dream followed, but his pace was a bit slower than before. He didn't like the fact that they were heading towards the source of the negative energy. It almost made him feel sick. It always had previously, but it felt different this time. He couldn't quite put his finger on why though.
On the way, the two skeletons passed by a group of teenagers, all gathered around a small, feeble-looking monster. Dream halted in his footsteps to see what they were up to, his curiosity getting the better of him.
He watched as a heavy-set wolf monster picked up the weaker monster, which happened to be a malnourished deer child. The wolf hung the deer on a low tree branch by the hood of his jacket, just before he began to clobber him with his massive paws, throwing harsh insults at the child as he attacked.
The deer child screamed and cried, thrashing about as he tried to fight back. The other teenagers joined in, landing heavily blows on the poor, helpless deer.
Dream winced, gripping his sternum tightly with one hand. Watching the events unfold was painful- and not just mentally. For the cheery skeleton, this sort of negativity was physically painful.
   "-Dream! You comin'?"
   He finally managed to pull his gaze from the scene, focusing instead on Ink, who was quite a long distance away. "Y-Yeah. Be right there."
   Dream dashed over to his friend, his cape fluttering behind him. Ink flashed him a look of concern. "You okay? You kinda spaced out back there..."
   "I'm fine." Dream didn't meet the other skeleton's gaze. "Something just caught my attention, that's all."
   "Let's hurry up then. I don't wanna stay here any longer than I have to!"
   Dream sighed. He wasn't sure how much more of this negativity he could take. The weight of it all was beginning to build up deep within him... and it certainly didn't make him feel all that great.
They kept going until they reached the town, which was dark and empty-looking, aside from a few lone monsters standing in the shadows in silence.
Dream could feel the hatred radiated from them. He kept his gaze fixated to the ground, not wanting to make eye contact with any of them. The amount of negative energy around him was almost unbearable.
He was beginning to feel weak. He felt light-headed and slightly nauseous, and even a bit feverish. He wanted so badly to get away from everything, but he couldn't. He wasn't sure if it was his determination to finish out the quest with Ink, or the strength of all the unhappiness that was keeping him where he was.
He wasn't even really sure of anything at the moment.
Dream was brought back into awareness as he bumped into Ink from behind, catching him off-guard. "...Ink?"
The artistic skeleton had stopped in front of an edgy-looking skeleton, who stood with his arms crossed. Anger was coming off of him in waves, adding to all the bad things piling on top of Dream already.
   "-I told ya not to come back here."
   Dream couldn't help but flinch at the tone of the edgy skeleton's voice. It was harsh and rather raspy, filled with nothing but cruelty. He clearly didn't mean well.
   "Fell, I've already told you. It's my job to look after all the AUs. Not just my favorites. I'm not doing this on purpose," Ink insisted.
   Dream half-stumbled backwards, trying to get a better look at Fell. He was wearing a black jacket, with maroon-colored patches on the shoulders that were lined with spikes. The fur on the jacket's hood was a pale golden color, unlike the usual white shade of other Sanses.
   He noticed a distinct broken heart pattern just below the spike patches, with lines that resembled a heartbeat coming from either direction of the heart. Looking further down, he saw that the edgy Sans was wearing trademark basketball shorts, though the stripes on the legs were yellow instead of white. He was also wearing a pair of red high-top sneakers.
   "Hey! You, over there!"
   Dream snapped out of his thoughts as Fell began to talk to him. "Wh-Wha...?"
   "Yes, you! Do me a favor and quit fuckin' staring at me, will ya?" Fell growled.
   Dream twitched at the foul curse, which seemed to fuel the edgy skeleton's cruelty.
   "What's wrong? Too innocent for cursing? Are ya gonna tell mommy on me?" Fell's voice became mockingly childish as a smirk crossed his face.
   Ink narrowed his eyes. "Leave Dream out of this."
   Fell ignored him. "You gonna run home and cry now? Whine to your happy little family about what an asshole I am?"
   Dream winced, bowing his head down as he clutched a hand to his forehead. All of the anger and fear of his surroundings were beginning to build up around him. It almost felt like it was pouring into him.
   "Well, guess what? Life isn't fucking fair. You can't dictate what people like me decide to do. So take your sorry-ass home and leave me to suffer in my hell alone."
   "I said, leave him out of this." Ink repeated, a furious tone creeping into his normally cheerful voice.
   The unhappiness in Ink's response didn't make the situation any better. In fact, it was probably making matters worse. The overwhelming pressure of all that was going on began to take its toll on Dream; both mentally and physically. He was aware of a dull ache radiating through his body, the source being in his chest.
   "Why? He came, didn't he?" Fell turned his gaze to look at Dream. "He didn't warn you about what a hellhole this place is? He didn't advise you to stay behind, considering how much you obviously hate this place's atmosphere?"
   Dream suddenly lurched forward with a grunt, clinging on to Ink's scarf as a sharp burst of pain struck him right in the chest. He took a moment to recollect himself before he managed to look up at his friend feebly.
   "P-Please... Don't f-fight... You know h-how much I dislike f-fighting..." Dream's voice was barely more than a weak murmur.
   "Pssh. You can't stop a fight just by bein' a crybaby. That's the first lesson ya learn here," Fell sneered, his eyes narrowing.
   Ink looked back at his friend, a solemn look on his face. "I'm sorry... But I can't let him get away with treating you like this." His gaze turned over to Fell. "You don't have a reason to hold a grudge against him. He hasn't done anything to you."
   "Well... If it's a fight you want, then it's a fight that you'll get!" Fell spat, summoning several strange-looking gaster blasters and aiming them at Ink.
   The artistic skeleton grabbed ahold of Dream's cape and nimbly darted out of the way, setting his friend down on the side of the soon-to-be battlefield.
   "Stay here. I can tell that you aren't in good shape to fight. I don't want you getting hurt," Ink explained, not waiting for a response before he leapt back into the fight, pulling out a handful of sharp-tipped pencils and using them as his weaponry.
   Dream watched with wide eyes as Fell lifted his hand, directing several sharpened bone attacks to shoot out of the ground. Ink jumped out of the way before painting a gaster blaster in the air, which came to life and automatically targeted the edgy skeleton, firing a huge beam of rainbow magic from its maw.
   Fell dodged before aiming his own blaster at Ink, almost hitting his mark, much to Dream's dismay. Though the rage in the air was putting a lot of strain on him, he managed to shakily take out his bow, drawing it back and directing the arrow at the edgy skeleton.
   His aim wasn't very good though. As he released the arrow, a jolt of sharp pain in his chest caused him to lurch forward, causing the arrow to drop significantly below his target.
Ink didn't even notice it. He was so focused on the fight that he wasn't even aware of what his friend was going through.
Dream had fallen forward, tightly grasping his ribcage with both arms. The pain was becoming a lot more severe than before.
He wondered if this was really all negative energy that he was feeling the effects of. Maybe there was something else contributing to the agony he felt...
He didn't have much time to think about it before his body was wracked with another jolt of pain. Instantly, he recognized that it was much worse this time, which worried him a little.
He wasn't sure of what was going on. He'd never experienced anything like it before.
He trembled slightly before he mustered up enough strength to glance up at the battle. He spotted Ink on the edge of the area, drawing up more blasters to combat Fell's.
Dream took a deep breath before trying to call his friend over. "I-Ink..." His voice was hoarse, and barely audible over the repetitive sounds of blasters firing. "Ink...!"
He kept trying to get the creative Sans's attention, but with no success. He finally collapsed back to the ground, just as another surge of pain rushed through him.
He inhaled sharply, but managed to remain silent. He needed to settle down. Freaking out was not the solution to his problem.
   What's going on with me? Why does everything hurt?
Dream had just managed to calm himself down when pain suddenly shot through his arms, beginning at the tips of his fingers. He grunted softly, gritting his teeth as he clawed at his wrist with one hand.
Sweat trickled down his forehead as he fought to remain calm. Whatever passed for his soul was pounding frantically in his ribcage, with such force that it felt like it would burst from his chest at any given moment. He looked back up towards Ink, who still hasn't noticed that anything was awry.
Dream tried to steady his panicked breathing, but didn't succeed. Another stab of pain through his hands caused him to let out another grunt, this one louder than the last. Yet still not quite loud enough to get Ink's attention.
   He was caught off-guard as he heard a muffled cracking sound, and at first, he had no idea where it was coming from. But another shockwave of pain through his arms seemed to give an answer.
   He looked down at his gloved hands, a spike of cold fear rushing through him as he noticed something sharp beginning to push against the golden-colored fabric, right where the tips of his fingers were.
   The cracking sounds continued, and he could feel the fabric of his gloves beginning to stretch out before finally tearing open. He stared down at his hands in horror as he noticed the large dagger-like claws that had formed on the tips of his fingers.
   Dream looked up towards Ink, a desperate gleam in his glowing yellow eyes. "Ink!!" His voice broke mid-cry, stuttering off into a grunt as pain surged through him once more.
The artistic skeleton finally noticed, narrowly dodging a blast from one of Fell's blasters as he made a mad-dash for his friend, quickly painting a shield behind him for protection as he skidded to a halt next to Dream.
"Dream?! What's wrong?!"
Fell crept over cautiously, his eyes narrowed.
"I-I dunno... E-Everything hurts..." Dream responded, inhaling sharply between his teeth.
Ink knelt down, picking up the other skeleton from under his arms and lifting him so that he could look him in the eye. "Jeez, you really don't look so great..."
Dream glanced up at Ink weakly. "I-I really don't feel great..."
"So that's it then? We just stop fighting? Just like that?" Fell growled, crossing his arms and tapping his foot impatiently.
"Not now. Can't you see that you are far from my biggest concern right now?" Ink retorted, casting a glare back at the edgy skeleton before turning his attention back to his friend.
Dream suddenly arched his back, wailing in agony as he felt a jolt of searing pain through his spine. Ink flinched, clearly not expecting the action. "You okay there buddy?"
"N-Not really..." the skeleton murmured, staring down at his hands and taking in the sight of his newly-formed claws.
Ink narrowed his eyes as he noticed what Dream was staring at, having to do a double-take to make sure he was seeing things correctly. "Oh no..."
Dream was about to say something, but another sharp surge of pain through his spine stopped him, an agonized groan escaping from between his clenched teeth, which were gradually becoming long, curved fangs.
This time, the pain was accompanied by a series of loud snaps as his spine began to re-set itself. He lurched forward, clawing at himself in helpless panic. He wasn't even aware that his claws were tearing the fabric of his short-sleeved jacket.
Tears rolled down his face as a result of both the sheer amount of agony he was in and the extent of his fear. The pain continued to ripple down his spine as something began to emerge from along his vertebrae, forming a ridge all the way down his back.
"I-Ink... I-I'm scared... I-I don't know what's h-happening to me!" Dream whimpered, the frightful gleam in his eyes backing up his words.
   He didn't even have time to catch his breath before the pain struck once more, causing him to scream in anguish as his short-sleeved jacket tore down the back, revealing several massive spikes that had formed along his spine.
Ink looked helpless for a moment, but quickly pushed the feeling away. No. He'd been through this before himself, and he had been alone. He knew exactly how Dream felt: scared, confused, and in a hell of a lot of pain. He'd been through it before.
That's why he was so determined to help him through it, no matter how ugly things got. Underfell really wasn't the best place to be in a time like this.
   "Hey." He picked up the other skeleton again, forcing him to make eye contact. "It's gonna be fine. You don't need to be scared. I'm here for you, buddy."
   Dream let out another cry of agony, his voice deepening slightly mid-shriek. "I-Ink... I-It hurtss... It h-hurtsss..."
Ink pulled his friend in close to him, hugging him tightly. "I know it hurts... You just gotta go with it..."
Dream slowly put his arms around the other skeleton's neck, thankful to have someone to (quite literally) lean on. Golden-colored magic trickled down his face from his eye sockets, intermixing with the tears that rolled down his cheeks and dripping onto Ink's shoulder.
The artistic skeleton didn't seem to mind. All that mattered was being there for his friend at that moment.
   Dream began to calm down as the pain seemed to subside for a minute. He was gradually able to slow his breathing as a dull sense of hope rose up within him, praying that it was all over.
   Ink could sense his friend's hope, which sent a pang of sympathy through him. He didn't want to say what was on his mind. He didn't want to crush that small glimmer of faith that Dream had.
   "P-Pleasse... Tell me it's over..." the other skeleton murmured, his voice weak and hoarse.
   Ink flinched, not wanting to respond. But Dream seemed desperate for some sort of confirmation.
   "I-It has to be over... Pleasse... I-It can't go any further than this..." His words became more and more strained as he felt the pain beginning to rise up once again, the fear coming back with it.
   Ink twitched as he felt his friend's grip tighten, his claws digging into his back. The creative Sans kept holding on to the other skeleton, determined not to let him go.
   Dream's breathing grew rapid once more as the pain struck him again, with much more force than before. He screamed in anguish, his entire body tensing as the transformation took ahold of him.
   The sickening sound of bones splintering filled the air, joining the freakish chorus of fabric tearing and Dream's increasingly animalistic wails. Ink felt tears begin to well up in his own eyes at the thought of everything his friend was going through.
He knew all of it. He'd experienced it himself. And with that mindset, Ink felt an immense amount of sympathy for his friend. He wasn't sure why everyone was becoming affected by one simple AU... maybe it was like a disease that only passed between skeletons?
   Ink was pulled out of his thoughts by a loud shriek, followed by the horrific sounds of bones cracking, as Dream's form continued to change. The other skeleton was leaning on him with what seemed like his full body weight as his leg structure shifted from plantigrade to digitigrade, his feet elongating and the tips of his toes growing into sharp claws, which ripped through his golden-colored boots in a matter of seconds.
   "I-Ink... P-Pleasse... H-Help me..." Dream's voice came out as a deep rasp, and it was edged with a distinct growl. It was barely even recognizable as his own voice.
   "I-It's okay. I'm here for you," Ink murmured softly, trying his best to comfort his friend.
   Fell, who had been silent ever since Ink had snapped at him, finally spoke up. "Do you... need me to do something...?"
   Ink shot him a surprised look. "You... want to help??"
   Fell snorted, averting his gaze. "I ain't doin' it ta be nice. I'm just tired of him makin' a scene. I witness enough suffering each day, ya know?"
   The creative skeleton narrowed his eyes. "You can start by trying not to be such a jerk."
   "It's in my nature to be an asshole," Fell grumbled.
   "You said you wanted to be helpful. So why don't we start by fixing the problem that started this?" Ink retorted.
   The argument was cut off by a guttural scream, which sounded more like an animalistic roar than anything else.
   Ink turned his attention back to Dream as he stumbled backwards, throwing his head back as he pressed his clawed hands into the sides of his skull. He continued to howl in agony as he clawed at the golden crown around his forehead, as if trying to pry it off.
   He finally managed to get it off, just as his skull began to splinter and shift, his nose and mouth stretching forward into a muzzle as curved horns emerged along the back of his skull. A roar of pain tore from his throat, the sound of it sending chills down Ink's spine.
   "I-It's okay... You're gonna be j-just fine..." Ink kept rambling, in hopes that it would take Dream's mind off the pain.
   He slowly took a step towards his friend, holding up his arms to offer a hug. Dream looked at the other skeleton with a horrified gleam in his eyes, his breathing growing raggedy and uneven. Ink took one more step towards him, which seemed to kick some sort of animalistic instincts into action.
   Dream shoved Ink away with as much force as he could muster, just before he dropped down onto all fours, a feral snarl spreading across his face while a look of pure fear became clear in his golden-eyed stare. "Sstay back..."
   The once-small skeleton's form was rapidly becoming much larger than normal, his bones distending and thickening all at once. His clothes were no more than shreds now, with small scraps being scattered through the snow at his feet.
Ink flinched at the sight of his friend, but he stood his ground. "I'm not going anywhere. I'm your friend. I would never leave you in a time of need."
   "I don't... want to hurt... you..." Dream's voice had become barely more than a deep growl, completely unrecognizable as his own.
   "I can take a hit. I care more about not losing you right now."
   Fell couldn't help but gag. "This is so fucking stupid. Why don't ya just let him go? He's way less of a threat out in the woods than wherever you're goin'."
   Ink shot the edgy skeleton a fierce glare before looking back towards Dream. "Don't worry about hurting me. Just... Don't freak out. I don't want you to lose control."
   "Don't freak out?"
   Ink nodded encouragingly, a glimmer of hope shining in his eyes as he started to believe that he was getting somewhere with the other skeleton.
   "D o n ' t  f r e a k  o u t ? ?"
   Ink flinched at the pure rage behind the voice. It wasn't like Dream to get so angry. "B-Buddy... Y-You gotta calm down..."
   "How can I not freak out?!" Dream roared, his pupils dilating to slits.
   "Oh no..." Ink murmured softly, his expression becoming slightly fearful.
   "What do ya mean, 'oh no'?? What's the problem??" Fell asked gruffly, though he couldn't help but worry a little bit as well.
   "Now would be a good time to start running!" Ink shouted, suddenly darting backwards and taking off at full speed into the nearby forest.
   The beast that Dream had become snarled as he gave chase, his footsteps shaking the ground ever so slightly. Ink ran as fast as he could, especially now that his life could very well depend on it now.
   Fell remained where he was, unsure of how to help at first. But then it came to him.
"Hey! Ink! Lead him back here!"
The artistic skeleton was caught off-guard by the command. "Why would I do that?! He'll hurt you!"
Fell growled under his breath. "Will ya just do it??"
"Okay, okay! Fine!" Ink turned sharply, sending Dream barreling into a tree. He ran back in the direction of Fell, with the beast rapidly regaining the distance he lost in the collision in a matter of seconds. Before long, he was hot on Ink's heels once more.
Fell braced himself, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. "One..." He snapped his fingers, summoning a four-eyed Gaster Blaster. "Two..." He mentally directed the weapon to aim at the enraged beast. "...THREE!"
His eyes snapped open as he gave the order to fire, sending a beam of bright red light directly at Dream's skull, hitting him square in the forehead. The creature tumbled to the ground, unconscious from the attack.
Ink skidded to a halt beside the mutated body of his knocked-out friend, a look of worry appearing on his face. "Dude! Did you just..."
"Kill him? No. I only used enough power to knock his ass out. Trust me, you'd know if I were trying to kill him," Fell answered, approaching the fallen beast with caution.
   "Soo... Now what?"
   The edgy skeleton turned to look at Ink, his eyes narrowed. "I thought you knew what you were doing with this."
   "I haven't had to deal with this before. The only reason I knew what was happening was because I've been through it myself," Ink replied.
   Fell huffed, crossing his arms. "You better think of a plan real quick then."
Ink glared at the other Sans. "I'm gonna wait until he wakes up."
"Then what? He's bound to freak out again," Fell pointed out.
"I'll hold him down until he chills out then. He's still in there somewhere. I'm not giving up on him," Ink explained.
Fell huffed, turning away. "Welp. It's your funeral then. I ain't helpin' ya anymore." He snapped his fingers, teleporting away.
Ink refocused on his unconscious friend, hoping that he would wake up soon. He sat down next to the massive creature, leaning back against his expanded ribcage. "I won't leave you. I promise."
It didn't take long for Ink to fall asleep. But it was far from peaceful. For the first time in a long while, he found himself in the midst of a nightmare.

Ink woke up in a dark, void-like space, with nothing but pitch-black darkness around him. For a moment, he was confused. But he didn't have much time to think about it before the darkness began to fade, leaving him standing in the center of a dark forest.
He looked around, unsure of where he was. That was when he spotted a set of large footprints, seemingly made by some sort of animal. As he observed his surroundings, he began to notice other slightly-disturbing things; huge claw marks that had dug deep into the bark of trees, areas where the snow had been kicked up by something... and then he saw the blood, intermixed with both snow and dust.
At that same moment, he heard a low growl from behind him, followed by a puff of hot air on the back of his neck. Ink froze in place, too afraid to move, out of fear that he would get the attention of whatever was behind him.
He heard the sound of snow crunching as the creature behind him moved to his side, as if testing to see if he'd move. Ink caught a glimpse of the creature's face, which looked strangely familiar, though he wasn't sure why.
The creature nudged him in the side with its muzzle, growling softly. Ink shuddered, but managed to remain generally still. Seeing as it wasn't going to get a reaction that way, the creature moved to Ink's front, allowing him to get a better look at what it was.
Chills ran up Ink's spine as he realized why the creature was so familiar. "D-Dream..."
The beast's skull shot up, his golden-eyed gaze locking onto Ink's. He snarled, his tail lashing out behind him like a whip.
For the first time, Ink noticed the various dark-red splatters across the creature's face, particularly around his muzzle. "Oh, Dream... Wh-What did you do...?"
The only response the beast gave was a growl. Ink searched desperately in the creature's eyes for any sort of recognition, but he couldn't find a trace of a single emotion. His expression was completely blank.
The skeletal beast pinned down Ink's scarf with a single claw, holding him in place. The creative skeleton stared up at his old friend, a look of pure terror in his multi-colored eyes. "P-Please... Don't hurt me..."
The last thing he saw was the beast lunging down at him with a roar, his jaws wide open and ready to clamp down...

...And then he woke up.
His fear must have alerted Dream, because he jolted awake shortly after, his eyes wide as he frantically looked around, trying to pinpoint where the emotion was coming from. His golden-eyed gaze finally rested on Ink, who has leapt backward, away from the beast.
The fright in Dream's eyes faded, becoming replaced with concern as he lowered himself to the ground, making himself at eye-level with Ink. "What's the matter?"
Ink took a moment to catch him breath before answering. "Sorry... I, uh, freaked out over nothing..."
Dream tilted his head to the side, a curious look in his eyes. "You look scared. What happened? Did I miss something?"
   Ink sighed, finally managing to calm down. "Don't worry about it. I don't wanna stress you out."
   Dream nodded. "Okay... Whatever you say then..."
   The two friends fell quiet for a moment. Ink finally broke the silence. "We should head back now."
   "Yeah... But there's just one problem with that..."
   "What do you mean?"
   "Look at me! You really think I can fit through a portal??"
   The two skeletons started laughing, but it died off rather quickly. "It's okay. We'll figure it out. I'm not too worried about it."
   Dream grinned, then nudged Ink's side with his muzzle. "I'm so glad that I have you around. You're the bestest friend ever!"
   Ink smiled back, his eyes shining bright in the darker atmosphere of Fell's Snowdin. He was glad that things ended the way they did. It could have been much worse, yet everything had turned out fine.
   Everything was going to be okay.

There ya go! Someone that was actually requested awhile back! (I don't remember who requested him tho... rip
   ALSO! I have a question for you guys.
   What would you like to see more of, in terms of the oneshots? Should I keep doing my own thing? Should I just start fresh with requests (disregard all old requests and let you guys throw some new ones at me)? Should I revamp some old oneshots and turn them into something new? And if I revamp some old ones, which AUs would you like to see? (Error and possibly Ink are already on the line lol)
Let me know in the comments. Until the next time, stay determined! :D

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