An Accident at the Lab

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Ok, so this one was not a request, just something I felt like doing. I couldn't find an image of GB! Science! Sans, but I might just try to draw it myself.

Sans sighed as he gently set the vial of red liquid on the table beside him. He growled quietly to himself as he rested his chin on the desk in front of him.
"What's wrong Sans?"
Sans jumped as he felt a hand on his shoulder. He tilted his head upwards, his gaze resting on Gaster.
"I'm never gonna figure this out. I've been trying to figure it out for weeks. It's pointless," Sans muttered.
"Don't give up yet. You'll get it eventually," Gaster said encouragingly.
Sans growled in frustration, slamming his fists down on the desk as he did so. Gaster flinched at Sans's sudden outburst. Sans sighed, his shoulders slumping as he held a hand to his skull.
"Ugh... I really need to get some sleep... I haven't had a decent night of rest in weeks..." Sans mumbled.
"I understand. Go get some sleep. The lab ain't goin' anywhere," Gaster insisted.
Sans slowly got out of the chair, shuffling past Gaster with half-open eyes. Suddenly, Sans tripped on the bottom seam of his lab coat, which had been overly long to begin with. As he fell, he hit his skull on the table, causing the vial of red liquid to roll off the table. He didn't have time to dodge before it fell to the floor, which happened to be exactly where he had fallen.
The force of his skull hitting the table had been enough to knock him unconscious.
As Sans opened his eyes, he immediately became aware of a sharp pain radiating through his entire body. Most of it was coming from his skull, which he distinctly remembered hitting on the table when he fell. But it was the burning pain in the rest of his body that confused him most.
He slowly sat up on the mattress, trying his best to ignore the harsh pain in his spine as he rose into a sitting position on the bed.
"Wh-What happened to me?" Sans mumbled, holding a hand to his forehead.
"You tripped and hit your skull on the table. And, on top of that, the vial of liquid determination that you left on that exact table rolled off and spilled all over you," a familiar voice responded, which Sans instantly recognized as Gaster's.
"Oh fuck... That won't... do anything to me, will it?" Sans asked.
Gaster hesitated. "Do you want me to just give it to you? Or would you rather me sugar-coat it?"
Sans paused. "Just tell me the truth. I can handle it."
Gaster took a deep breath. "You see, every monster that has been directly exposed to determination has the same side effect..."
"Which is?" Sans pressed.
"They melt. Every single one of them. Monster souls can't handle that sort of strength," Gaster murmured.
"Wait, what?! B-But I thought-"
"Just give me a second. I was going to tell you something," Gaster cut in.
Sans sighed. "Please continue."
"I was going to tell you that all of those experiments revolved around the subject being injected with determination. So it may have a different effect on you since it was merely spilled on you. Hell, it may have no effect at all," Gaster explained.
"Uh, you might be wrong about that."
"About what?"
"The determination having no effect. I have this weird burning pain in my entire body. If I remember correctly, I only hit my head. So why else would the rest of my body hurt?" Sans answered.
Gaster fell silent. Sans winced as the pain in his body suddenly got worse. Gaster looked up at the smaller skeleton's movements.
"You okay?" Gaster asked.
Sans panted slightly before flopping back onto the pillow behind him. He held a hand over his left eye socket as he looked back at Gaster.
"Y-Yeah. I'm fine. I just need to lay down for a minute," Sans replied.
Sweat was beginning to break out on Sans's skull. He gritted his teeth together as the pain continued to build up inside of him.
"You are most certainly not okay. What's wrong?" Gaster insisted.
Before he could reply, Sans felt a sharp pain in his spine. He arched his spine as an agonized cry of pain escaped from between his clenched teeth. He dug the tips of his fingers into the bed sheets, squeezing his eyes shut as the pain became unbearable.
"Sans?!" Gaster exclaimed, rushing to the smaller skeleton's side.
A groan forced itself out from between his teeth, which had suddenly begun to grow sharper. He kicked out his legs, throwing the sheets to the end of the bed.
Gaster flinched as he heard the sound of bones cracking. He watched as Sans's feet began to change shape; the tips of his toes were growing sharper as his feet elongated.
Sans felt as though he were slowly being stretched out. His spine felt like it was about to shatter. The tips of his fingers dug deeper into the mattress, the fabric tearing as his fingertips rapidly grew into sharp claws.
He became aware of a distinct tingling in the lower portion of his spine. If he'd had the strength to sit up and look back, he would have seen a tail just beginning to form behind him.
He could feel his spine begin to snap and twist as it re-set itself. He barely managed to roll over onto his side before the massive spikes burst through the fabric of his lab coat. He suddenly rolled over onto the floor, grasping at his ribcage with his clawed hands as pain shot through him once again.
He began to sob as he slowly curled up into a ball.
"M-Make it s-stop... P-Please..." Sans cut off with a grunt as a sharp pain jolted through his already-injured skull.
He could feel small bumps beginning to emerge along the back of his skull, which rapidly erupted into massive horns. His face began to stretch out into a muzzle. His voice began to double-over itself as it became more and more animalistic.
Tears streamed down Sans's face as the transformation finally ended. He gazed at Gaster with glowing blue eye sockets. His eyes had an almost fearful gleam in them, much to Gaster's surprise. He would have thought that after something like that, Sans would be at least fighting for control of his mind.
"Dingzzz..." Sans rumbled.
Well that proved it. Sans was in complete control of his own mind, much to Gaster's relief.
Gaster chuckled as he reached forward and stroked Sans's muzzle, his fingers tracing over the huge crack that had split the skeleton's face. "What have you gotten yourself into, my friend?"

A/N: Remember that requests are open! I will do any au at this point! Plus, I am going to start posting some non-requests on this since HARDLY ANYONE IS REQUESTING THINGS ON THIS THING!
Sorry bout that. Had to vent. Heh heh...

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