Always There to Help

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   Ok, so this one is GB! SkeleFrisk and was requested by UndertaleWeirdo89
Frisk opened her eye sockets slowly, immediately becoming aware of a dull pain in her chest. She tried to ignore it as she sat up and got out of bed. Frisk stumbled to the doorway, the clatter of her feet waking up Papyrus.
"Eh? Frisk? Is that you? What are you doing up so early?" Papyrus whispered, rubbing his eyes.
"I just thought I needed some... fresh air! Yes, that's all," Frisk replied, grinning back at the taller skeleton.
"Then perhaps I shall go with you!" Papyrus offered.
Frisk shook her head. "No thanks. I'll only be a minute, I promise."
   Papyrus looked uncertain, but finally let it go. "Ok, just don't stay out there too long."
   "I won't."
   Frisk quietly opened the door and crept down the stairs. She jumped as she spotted Sans's sleeping form on the couch, but she quickly relaxed as she realized that he was far into the depths of sleep. It would take a lot to wake him up in this state.
   "Mmmm.... no Grillbz... I want all of the ketchup... stop keeping it from me... I know where you hide it..." Sans grumbled in his sleep, making Frisk giggle.
Sans pawed at the couch cushion as he continued to mumble in his sleep. Frisk finally pulled herself away from the sight and stepped outside.
   She inhaled deeply, hoping that the fresh Snowdin air would be enough to make the pain in her chest go away. It didn't go away, but it wasn't getting any worse thankfully.
Frisk sighed as she finally turned around and headed back inside the house. She looked over at Sans, who looked slightly less peaceful in rest than he did a few minutes ago.
"No... not him... please... not him..." Sans growled, burying his face into the pillow.
Frisk flinched, moving far away from the skeleton as she headed towards the stairs. Before she had time to watch where she was going, Frisk bumped into the television, yelping slightly as her elbow collided with the glass screen, shattering it ever-so-slightly.
   Sans's head snapped up, his left eye blazing as he frantically looked around, trying to find the source of the sound. Frisk froze where she was, although she wasn't quite sure why.
Sans's frightened gaze finally rested on Frisk, the tension leaving him as he realized that there was nothing to be afraid of.
"Frisk? What are ya doing up so early? Geez, you really rattled me there, heh," Sans murmured, the blue flames gradually leaving his left eye socket.
"I just wanted to get some fresh air," Frisk replied.
Sans sighed. "You've had a lot of trouble sleeping nowadays, haven't ya kiddo?"
Frisk nodded. Sans scooted over on the couch, making space for Frisk to sit down next to him. Frisk smiled as she rushed over to the other skeleton, cuddling up against him once she sat down.
   Sans stayed silent as he allowed the small skeleton child to snuggle up next to him. He stared off at the shattered television screen, his mind completely blank. He closed his eyes, trying to fall back asleep.
That was when he heard quiet sobs from somewhere next to him. Sans looked down at Frisk, who seemed to be crying.
"Kid, what's wrong?" Sans asked.
Frisk was unresponsive.
   "Kid, come on. Speak to me," Sans pressed.
   Still no response.
   "S A Y  S O M E T H I N G ," Sans hissed, his voice edged with a slight echo.
"Sans? What's going on?" Papyrus mumbled as he walked down the stairs.
"Something's wrong with Frisk. She won't answer me," Sans growled, his left eye glowing once more.
   Papyrus rushed to the small skeleton child's side, concern flooding through his dark eye sockets. Sans was about to open his mouth to say something, but he cut off as he heard the sound of bones cracking. Papyrus seemed to have heard it as well, his expression turning fearful as he heard it.
   "Oh god, what do we do?! I don't know how to help her!" Sans babbled, his eye blazing.
   "Sans! Calm down! You're gonna make it worse!" Papyrus ordered, a flicker of orange light shining briefly in his right eye socket.
   "I'm so useless... I suck at helping... Oh god... What am I gonna do?" Sans continued, shuddering at the sound of bones cracking.
   "S A N S .  C A L M  D O W N ," Papyrus commanded, his voice edged with a slight echo.
   Sans snapped out of it, his attention refocusing on Frisk. He took a deep breath and sat down next to the poor skeleton child, wincing as he heard a muffled cry of pain from the child.
   "Maybe we should take her outside. To the woods maybe?" Papyrus suggested.
   Sans nodded, picking up the child and grabbing onto his brother's hand. He closed his eyes as an icy-blue aura surrounded them.
   Within seconds, the trio had teleported to a large clearing in the middle of the forest. Frisk's grip tightened on the fabric of Sans's jacket as pained surged through her. Sans flinched, but said nothing as he knelt down in the center of the clearing, trying to set the small child down on the snowy ground.
   With much protest, Sans finally managed to pry Frisk from his jacket. He heard the sound of fabric tearing as he pulled her hands away from his jacket. Sans looked down, his soul pounding harder as he noticed that there were jagged claw marks in the faded blue fabric.
   Frisk looked up at Sans, a pained expression on her face. Sans noticed that her teeth had grown sharper and her face was somewhat elongated. He tried not to let his fear show through as he lifted up the child's head, forcing her to make direct eye contact with him.
   "Frisk, listen to me. It's okay. It'll only hurt for a few minutes," Sans murmured.
   Frisk sobbed as another wave of horrible pain came over her. Sans winced, but stayed where he was.
   "It's okay. I'm here for you. Don't try to fight it," Sans continued, hoping that he could somewhat calm Frisk down.
   Papyrus knelt down next to the other two skeletons, a concerned look in his eyes. "How's she doing?"
   "She's really fighting it. It should be much quicker than this," Sans responded.
   "Frisk, please. It'll go by a lot faster if you stop fighting it," Papyrus encouraged.
   Another cry of pain escaped from Frisk's clenched teeth. The small child gripped the sleeve of Sans's jacket, causing the skeleton to wince as he felt her claws dig into his arm.
   "Come on kiddo. You've got this," Sans whispered.
   Sans flinched as he noticed spikes begin to emerge along Frisk's vertebrae, eventually bursting through the fabric of her sweater. A tail had begun to appear behind the small child as well.
   After several agonizingly long minutes, the transformation ended. The small skeleton child wasn't nearly as massive as Sans or Papyrus when they were in full blaster form, but she was considerably larger than she usually was.
   Frisk backed away, arching her back and snarling at the two skeleton brothers. Sans reached out towards her, ignoring the growl of protest from the small child as he gently touched her muzzle.
   "It's okay. I'm not gonna hurt you. It's me, Sans. You know I'd never hurt ya kiddo," Sans murmured as he ran his hand down Frisk's muzzle.
   Frisk rumbled quietly, slowly inching her way closer to the skeleton.
   "That's right. I'm not gonna hurt you. All of the pain is over. You don't have to worry," Sans said softly.
   "We'll always be there for you. We promise."

A/N: Wow! That was my first time ever writing about GB! SkeleFrisk! That was fun!
Anyways, leave your requests in the comments below (or private message me if you'd rather)

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