An Innocent Mind is Shattered

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   Okay, this one WAS actually a request from coolwolvesjazz

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   Okay, this one WAS actually a request from coolwolvesjazz . Now, I'm not currently taking any more requests, but I made an exception for this one, since I do believe that Blueberry's torture is FAR overdue. XD
   Besides that, I've looked back at my very first Blueberry oneshot, and I see a lot of places I can improve on. :P
   Oh, and the artwork above was drawn by me! :D
   So anyway, prepare yourselves for some Blueberry suffering! >:3

Blue walked home in complete silence, his faded blue cape trailing behind him as he made it to the edge of the forest. Times had been a bit rough lately. He'd been losing his temper a bit more, which was unusual for someone as kind and outgoing as he was.
   It was all little things that would set him off too. Papyrus smoking in the house, Papyrus not picking his clothes off the floor, not having everything in it's correct place, being two minutes late to a training session with Alphys due to his brother's laziness...
   It worried him. He wasn't usually so irritable. Papyrus frequently went on swings of being moody, but it wasn't like this.
The skeleton sighed as he finally reached his home, unlocking the door and stepping inside sluggishly. He was oddly tired, which was something that didn't usually happen. He was normally really energetic and peppy, but these days he didn't quite feel like himself.
   All he really wanted to do was sleep. Hell, he was certain that he could have fallen asleep standing up. He chuckled at the thought.
   Blue flopped down onto the couch, exhaling slowly. He hadn't been sleeping too well over the past week or so, so that didn't help either. He felt bad. He knew he should have been out patrolling for humans out in the forest, but he didn't feel like it.
He couldn't even think straight. He was so damn sleep deprived that he wasn't even sure he could sleep, which sounded weird, but he didn't know how else to describe it. So tired you can't sleep. It was almost funny, now that he thought about it. He chuckled wearily, rubbing at his eyes sleepily.
   "I'm a mess, aren't I?" He mumbled to himself, holding his hand over his eye socket for a moment.
   Blue finally managed to fall asleep, falling into the world of dreams only briefly before being dragged out of it by a sudden stab of sharp pain in his chest.
   His eyes snapped open as he jerked into an upright position on the couch, his hand instinctively clutching at his sternum. He could feel his soul pounding frantically in his ribcage, so loudly he was certain the whole damn world could hear it.
   Waves of searing pain seemed to radiate from his chest, flooding his entire body with a sensation like fire. He felt as though he were about to burst into flames at any given moment.
   The burning pain that pulsed through the very marrow of his bones became so overwhelming that he began to feel nauseous. He eventually had to lay back down on the couch, though the sick feeling never left him.
Blue groaned softly as pain shot up his arms, the source being at the tips of his fingers. He was trying to keep quiet, out of fear that someone would find him and start worrying about him. He didn't want to draw attention to himself.
The pain continued to jolt through his hands, gradually getting worse and worse the more he ignored it. But he was caught off-guard as he suddenly heard the muffled sound of bones cracking.
He felt his non-existent stomach lurch as he realized that his hands were somehow changing. He lifted a hand to eye-level, confirming his fear. Sharp claws had formed on the tips of his fingers, and they were still growing sharper. His hands had also become a bit larger than before, stretching out the worn blue fabric of his gloves, which freaked him out a little bit.
The skeleton's breathing escalated as he continued to stare down at his hand, watching in horror as they continued to change, eventually tearing through the fabric of his gloves in the process.
   Suddenly, a surge of pain ran down his spine, causing him to cry out in agony as he instinctively arched his back. The sound of bones snapping assaulted him as his vertebrae snapped out of place, his spine twisting and distending at the same time. The pain was excruciating.
   He barely got a moment of peace before the pain rose up again, jolting through his spine and forcing a scream out from between his tightly clenched teeth, which had grown into large, curved fangs.
He subconsciously rolled off the couch, clutching at the place where his stomach would be as he moaned softly. Ice-blue magic began to drip from his eyes, nose, and mouth, pooling on the floor near his head.
The skeleton pulled his worn-blue cape around his body, as if using it to hide himself from the world around him. He finally managed to rise to his knees, using the couch as a sort of crutch to keep himself up.
There were several large, evenly placed tears in the couch fabric, inflicted by his own newly-formed talons. He barely noticed the damage he was doing over the sheer agony he was in.
He suddenly felt another sharp stab of pain in his back, causing him to groan in agony as he became aware of the sensation that something was trying to push its way up from his vertebrae.
   He weakly managed to glance back, his non-existent stomach lurching as he noticed a distinct ridge beginning to form along his back, pressing up against his shirt as well as his cape. He watched in horror as massive spikes shot up from his vertebrae, tearing through his t-shirt and ripping jagged holes in his cape.
   What's happening to me??
   Blue was overwhelmed with crippling fear at the realization of everything that was happening. His breathing grew frantic as he tore his cape from around his neck, desperate to save it from any further damage.
He curled up into a ball, his claws digging into his skull as he tried to ignore the building sense of claustrophobia within himself. It felt like his body was much too small to contain whatever was surging up inside of him.
   He whimpered pitifully as his body was wracked with another spasm of pain.  He could feel the changes beginning to affect his lower half, the sensation of his bones cracking and reforming making him uneasy.
   He could feel his boots seemingly become tighter as his feet elongated, the joints cracking back on themselves, causing him to let out a gut-wrenching moan of agony. Sharp claws began to form on the tips of his toes and burst out from his boots, ultimately tearing them apart.
   A strange, tingling sensation began at the base of his spine, his curiosity making him look back. His soul skipped a beat as he noticed a tail just beginning to sprout from his tailbone, coiling around his leg idly.
   He was scared. He didn't know what was happening. He didn't even know why it was happening. All he knew was that he was shifting into something beyond recognition, and he didn't have any way to stop it.
   He sobbed uncontrollably as pain continuously rippled through him, each new fracture in his bones forcing an increasingly animalistic scream of torment to escape from his tightly clenched maw.
   He clutched at his skull almost desperately as it began to change as well. Several small cracks appeared at the corners of his mouth, as well as along the bridge of his nose. It wasn't long before the cracks widened, splitting open his skull from his nose socket to his forehead, as well as at his jaw.
   He grunted in pain as several horns emerged along the back of his head, his head snapping backwards as his still-growing muzzle struggled to keep pace. He let out a scream of anguish, the sound of his own voice terrifying him as it tore from his throat like a demonic roar.
   He shuddered as he realized that he could still hear his own voice beneath that of the beast, though it was weak and drowned out by the deep growl of the creature he was rapidly becoming.
   Blue suddenly collapsed as pain bloomed out across his entire body, ripping through him like electricity. He could feel his body slowly growing heavier, his body gaining a mass far larger than he was used to.
   Something was screaming at him to get out. Unable to think for himself, he obeyed. He shakily scrambled to his feet, racing over to the front door and throwing it open, not even bothering to close it before making a mad-dash for the forest. He'd been able to fight back most of the further changes, but it was becoming too difficult to push down any longer.
   He finally collapsed in the snow, his legs giving out from under him as his bones began to distend and thicken all at once, his body shifting and expanding at a much faster rate than before.
His voice deepened with each bone-chilling howl of anguish that escaped his mouth. It wasn't even recognizable as his own. It horrified him. He was rapidly losing himself in the mind of a beast. And he didn't have the strength to fight back.
   After what felt like an eternity, it stopped. The transformation was finished. All that remained of the changes was a dull ache in his bones.
   Blue flopped down onto his side, still panting heavily from the strain of everything that had happened. He finally managed to close his eyes, drifting into sleep for a brief instant before he was awoken by a loud snap.
   His head shot up, his gaze darting around the forest in search of the source of the sudden sound. That was when he found it. Another monster had found him.
There, frozen to the spot, was another skeleton. He was wearing a bright orange hoodie and he had a cigarette pressed up against his teeth.
   There was something familiar about the newcomer, but he couldn't figure out what it was. The groggy filter of the beast's consciousness closed off any memories he'd had before.
   The only thing left in his mind was the overwhelming urge to attack. To defend himself. To fight back.
   He rose to his feet, his eyes blazing as he let out a low growl. The other monster flinched back, fear radiating off of him.
   Blue snarled ferally, shaking his head side to side as the voice pierced his thoughts. It was familiar. He knew it, but he couldn't link it to any previous knowledge. His brain had locked itself down for some reason.
"Brother... It's me, Papyrus..."
The beast continued to roar, clawing at his skull in crazed desperation. The monster stepped closer, though his movements were fearful. He put his hands up, dropping his cigarette in the snow at his feet.
   "Shh. It's okay. I'm here for you," the lanky skeleton said reassuringly, inching closer to the massive creature.
   Blue whined softly, tears welling up in his eyes as he slowly regained control. As he gradually became conscious once more, he finally recognized the monster as his brother.
   "Papyrruss..." he rumbled softly, turning his head away.
   The other skeleton stopped in front of him, his dark eyes fixated on him, concern flooding them. "Bro... What on earth happened to you??"
   Blue sighed. "I'm not ssurre... I fell assleep back at the housse, and I woke up in a lot of pain... Next thing I knew, I wass turrning into thiss."
   Papyrus averted his gaze, a small spark of orange glowing in his right eye for a split second. "God, and to think I wasn't there to help you through this..."
   "Hey," Blue cut him off, standing up a bit straighter and perking up, his tail wagging. "Don't worrrry about it, brro! I handled it jusst fine on my own! Mweh heh heh!"
   Papyrus chuckled at his brother's enthusiasm. "Aww bro. You're always so cheerful. Too bad not everyone is like you."
   "Anyone could be like me! They jusst have to trry!"
   "Oh well. It's good ta have you back, bro," Papyrus murmured, stepping forward and hugging Blue's foreleg.
   Blue was quiet for a moment. "I'm glad to be back."

Holy frick! Y'all are some lucky ducks! Three oneshots in one week!

First you got some DeltaRune Sans, then some Classic Papyrus, now Underswap Sans! :D

Guess it was worth the 5-month wait, huh?

Anyway, hope you all enjoyed! Until the next update, stay determined!

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