Infected by a Beastly Virus

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   As promised! Part 2 of the previous oneshot! :D
   I don't typically write 2-part oneshots, but I felt that this would be much better as two separate oneshots.
   Having one transformation is satisfying enough, but y'all got TWO in the last one. (I'm counting Ink changing back as a separate transformation lol)
   So now, here's what would have been the third transformation in the previous one, before I decided to split it up. :P

It wasn't long after the migraine started that the disease began to take its hold. Within moments, a dull ache had begun to creep through the very marrow of Error's bones, almost like his body was straining to keep the beast that was slowly stealing control from his grasp contained.
The voices in his head were completely incoherent. They were talking over each other too much to be heard properly.
Ink simply sat in silence, watching out of the corner of his eye, not willing to face the result of what he'd caused.
Error's breathing quickened as he felt the pain begin to worsen, specifically in his chest and at the tips of his fingers. He shuddered as he suddenly heard the sound of bones cracking, his eyes going wide with fear.
   He lifted his hand to eye level, his soul skipping a beat as he noticed claws beginning to form on his fingertips. "G-God damn you, I-Ink..."
Ink pulled his scarf up over his mouth, his eyes dull. He couldn't help but feel a bit guilty. He knew deep down that it wasn't exactly his fault, but at the same time, he could have done more to stop himself.
Error grunted as pain shot through his arms once more, a wave of nausea overtaking him as he felt his bones beginning to stretch out, growing thicker and stronger in the process.
   He could feel the fabric of his jacket gradually becoming tighter as the changes worked their way into a larger portion of his body, his ribcage slowly expanding as his spine suddenly began to snap out of place, resetting itself and distending as massive spikes emerged along his vertebrae, all at an agonizingly slow rate.
The glitched skeleton let out an agonized groan, shuddering as the sound of fabric tearing joined the sickening sound of his bones creaking and popping.
   Ink flinched, casting a subtle glance in Error's direction as a distorted shriek tore from the glitch's throat. An abnormal amount of scattered pixels were surrounding Error's form, yet Ink was still able to clearly see what was happening.
   Error cursed under his breath, his entire body going rigid as pain seared through him, the sensation working its way down into his legs. He frantically kicked off his mismatched sandals as his feet began to elongate, the tips of his toes growing into sharp, curved claws as the structure of his legs shifted from plantigrade to digitigrade.
   He screamed once more, throwing his head back as his skull began to change as well, his face extending into a long muzzle as large horns erupted from the back of his head. Strings were coming out of his eyes at a strangely fast rate, almost as if he had no control over them.
   Error made a sound that closely resembled an animalistic snarl as he violently tried to rip the excess threads from his eyes, which only resulted in his arms becoming entangled in his own strings.
   Ink inhaled slowly, trying to ignore the increasingly loud wails of anguish from Error, which were rapidly becoming more and more inhuman with each cry.
   It brought back painful memories for Ink. He could still vividly remember his first transformation. He could easily recall how much agony he'd been in... and how sick each change had made him feel.
While he was lost in his thoughts, Error's transformation was gradually coming to an end. The glitch simply remained where he was, still breathing rather heavily from the immense pain that had overtaken him so suddenly.
   When Ink realized it was over, he couldn't help but flinch at the sight of his 'frenemy'. The tattered remains of his clothes were hanging from his ribcage, held in place by several pale, blue threads that had entangled themselves in his bones. His scarf, partially shredded, was bunched up underneath his talons, barely having survived the changes.
The beast grumbled, turning his gaze away from the artist. Ink tilted his head to the side, his pupils turning into question marks. "Hey... Don't be so upset..."
Error snorted, narrowing his eyes. Ink frowned, falling back into thought for a moment. "I know... The first time sucks. But trust me, it gets easier with the more practice you get. It's just a matter of getting the beast part of yourself to cooperate, heh..."
   The glitched monster shot Ink a glare. The other skeleton twitched, understanding exactly what the look meant. "Okay... I'm sorry... I didn't mean to lash out... BUT! In my defense, I had no control over that!"
   Error rolled his eyes. Ink put his hands on his hips, his pupils turning to mismatched diamonds. "Don't give me that! I'm not lying about it!" He sighed. "It just... takes over..."
"You'vve told me thhat beforre. Literrally jusst a few minutess ago, as a matterr of fact."
The shapes in the artist's eyes turned to exclamation points. "Oh! Heh, sorry. You know how I tend to repeat myself..." He tugged at his scarf, which he had returned to its rightful place around his neck shortly before Error's transformation.
   The two skeletons fell silent for a moment, until Error broke the silence. "Ssoooo... How long am I gonna be sstuck like thhiss?"
   Ink's expression went blank. "Uhh... A week...?" He chuckled nervously. "Sorry dude, you can't shift forms as fast as I can yet."
   Error huffed in irritation. "Thhiss iss bullshhit."
   "Yup! But hey, you can blame Nightmare for all of this, not me!" Ink replied, his pupils changing into stars.
   Error opened his mouth to comment, but decided to just drop it. He'd learned long ago not to question Ink. Doing so only sends you further into insanity.

   BOOM! Super late second part! XD
   But yeah, I wrote the basics of this shortly after the first "disease" oneshot, but it just didn't seem good enough tbh. So I spent some time beefing it up a bit, and I think it's a bit more exciting now. :P
   Even still, I'm sorry it's so short. There just isn't as much interaction between these two as there usually is, oof...
   Anyway! Hope you guys still enjoyed! And, until the next update, stay determined!

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