Error's End

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Okay, so this is the serious version of the previous oneshot. Like I said, this was all based off of a roleplay I had irl with CrystelTheWolf . This whole thing started with the joke one, then we ended up working our way into this lol.
   By the way, PaperJam is briefly mentioned in this, but NOT because of the Errink ship. There's a headcanon that I saw that basically said that PJ is the result of Error's glitches and Ink's... well, ink, combining and becoming an actual living being. So he just showed up one day like "HEY I'M YOUR KID" lmao
(Ok maybe there are a few Errink references in here, but the oneshot DOES NOT revolve around the actual ship. Crystel and I joke around with the ship for our own amusement sometimes lmao)
   Also, there is a slight curse warning for this one! (Not NEARLY as much as the last one tho lol)
   ANYWAY! Enjoy the suffering! >:3

   Ink appeared in a splash of black paint, finding himself in what seemed like a dark, abandoned castle. He glanced around, quickly seeking out an all-too-familiar face.
   There, sitting on a throne that clearly hadn't been used in quite some time, was none other than Error.
   "Hey. Would ya look at that? You finally managed to find me," the glitched skeleton sneered.
   "What are you up to, Error?"
   He chuckled. "Me? Nothing. What I do now doesn't matter anymore. You see, I've given up."
   Ink narrowed his eyes, his grip on his paintbrush becoming more firm. "That's a lie. You're scheming something, and I don't like it."
   "I'm being absolutely serious. You really think any of this matters? I'm not real. You're not real. Nobody is real. So why even bother?"
   Ink flinched, his anger faltering for a moment. "What are you talking about?"
   "I think you know exactly what I'm talking about. You just don't want to acknowledge it," Error persisted.
   Ink visibly twitched, but it wasn't in response to his enemy's words. Rather, it was because of a slight twinge of pain in his chest that he reacted.
   Error, sensing that something else was going on beneath the surface, tilted his head to the side, a smirk on his face. "What's the matter, Inky? Having a tough time with something there?"
   Ink glared up at the glitched skeleton, a look of pure hatred in his eyes. "It's none of your business."
   Error raised an eyebrow. "Is that so?" He chuckled. "Since when are you the one to bottle everything up? Oh, wait."
   Ink's expression contorted into a grimace as the pain struck again, this time, being slightly worse than before. "This isn't anything of your concern, Error."
   "Ah, whatever. You can't possibly have come here just to talk me to death, am I right?" Error continued talking, averting from the previous topic as though it had never been brought up.
   "Why the hell would I waste my breath talking to you? It's not like you listen," Ink hissed, his voice breaking mid-sentence as pain gripped him once more.
   "If you don't wanna waste your breath, what are you doing now?" Error paused for a moment, a sinister grin creeping across his face. "Don't think that I'm not aware of what you're hiding. You're only stalling, Ink."
   The artist flinched, but said nothing. He looked away from the other skeleton, the color draining from his eye sockets.
   "What's with the look?"
   Ink ignored the question as he instinctively gripped his forearm with one hand, inhaling sharply as he did so.
   Error's grin became wider. "C'mon, Ink. Why don't you just let it out already?" He chuckled. "What's the point of starving it off for later anyway?"
"You won't get the satisfaction of watching it happen," Ink said bluntly, a small shudder wracking his body.
   "Oh, Ink. I have my ways," Error snickered.
   Ink shot the glitched skeleton a fierce glare before a wave of intense pain flared up in his chest, causing him to double over with a soft grunt.
   Error tilted his head once more. "Getting harder to keep it together now, huh Ink?"
   "I-I can manage it," Ink murmured, tugging a bit at his scarf.
"Are you sure about that? You aren't exactly the type to be good at managing anything. Your fake-ass emotions, your selfish need to keep creating those filthy anomalies, your own thoughts... just to name a few."
Ink suddenly let out another pained grunt, his legs seeming to give out on him for a moment as he fell to his hands and knees. Error barely managed to hold back a laugh.
   "Am I starting to piss you off, Ink? Am I starting to get in your head?"
   The creative skeleton gritted his teeth, squeezing his eyes shut as he tried to tone out his enemy's voice. "I-Is that your goal?"
   Error shrugged. "Maybe. Maybe not. I think you can figure it out on your own." He paused for a moment. "...Or is it becoming too difficult to think for you?"
   Ink didn't respond, but instead, he tucked his face further down into his scarf, as if it would hide his agony.
   "Why do you insist on fighting it? You're merely delaying the inevitable. Besides, what reason do you have for holding it back? I know for a fact that this isn't just to prevent me from being entertained," Error pressed, his grin twisting into a slight scowl for a moment.
   "I-I don't want anyone to get h-hurt," Ink replied.
   "Oh, come on. You're such a bad liar. Just take a look around you!" He gestured to the empty room around them. "Who else is around that you could possibly hurt??"
   Ink opened his mouth to respond, but a jolt of searing pain through his chest cut him off, forcing a cry of agony to escape him.
   "Right now, it's only you and me. And, think about it, wouldn't you want to transform right now? Just so you can kick my ass in your stronger form?" He began to laugh maniacally at the thought.
   "Wh-What if PJ comes looking for me?"
   "I can take care of PJ," Error answered. "What, you don't trust that I can be a semi-decent father?" He began to giggle once more, breaking off into a fit of coughing after a few seconds.
   "I most certainly don't trust you at the moment," Ink growled.
   Error grinned. "You sure that you're the one who doesn't trust me?" He chuckled. "Or is this the mind of the beast that's talking?"
   Ink's head shot up, his eyes snapping open, his pupils changing from their usual shape and color to two matching upside-down pentagrams, bright red in color. "Shut the fuck up!"
   The glitched skeleton smiled sinisterly, pleased to hear a deep growl underlying his enemy's voice. "There it is. I knew that it would speak up eventually."
   Ink's eyes returned to normal, just before he instinctively bowed his head down, pounding his fist against his chest a few times before responding. "J-Just stop it... You're making this a h-hell of a lot harder..."
   Error snorted. "You think I care? Why do you think I'm doing this to you?"
   Ink was about to reply before another wave of pain tore through him, causing him to cry out in anguish as he curled in on himself. Tears began to roll down his cheeks, intermixing with the sweat that was already pouring from his skull.
"You're pathetic, Ink... Crying? Really?" Error chuckled, tugging on one of the strings that hung from his eye and twirling it between his fingers idly. "I thought you were tougher than that."
Ink inhaled sharply, tightly grasping his forearm with one hand. His gaze was fixated on the ground, and he didn't dare to look up at his enemy. He didn't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing him suffer.
"Y-You aren't gonna win this..." Ink hissed, his voice strained.
"I may not win this, but the beast inside you certainly will," Error replied smugly, his grin stretching further across his face. "No matter how much you try to fight back, it will always win."
"A-At least I can keep c-control over it longer than you c-can..." Ink retorted bitterly, barely managing to ignore the sound of bones cracking as claws began to form on the tips of his fingers.
"Oh, Inky. You think this is all about control? No. It's not that I can't control it, it's that I don't even bother fighting against it. What's the point anyway?"
Ink let out another grunt as the pain struck him again, causing him to completely collapse on the ground. Error erupted into a fit of maniacal laughter once more, his stare fixated on his old enemy.
"When the beast wants control, it takes control. It's not something that can be prevented. You can't break its hold once it grips you. Surely, you've been through this enough times to understand it, Ink," the glitched skeleton continued, once he'd managed to pull through his hysteria.
Ink glared up at Error, just before he yanked his jacket off from around his waist and covered his head with it, as if he could conceal himself from Error's piercing stare.
   "What? Are you hiding from me now, Inky?" He cackled. "C'mon, what do you have to hide?"
   Ink fell onto his side, curling up into a ball as his body was wracked with a spasm of pain. Once the moment had passed, he took a couple deep breaths in an attempt to pull himself back together.
   "You're still fighting it, huh. God, I don't think I'll ever understand you, Ink. Honestly, wouldn't it be much easier to deal with it the first time it hits? Then you wouldn't have to worry about it later?" Error grumbled, a scowl crossing his face.
   "N-Normally, I'd just let it h-happen. But s-since you're here... Well, I-I'm just not willing to appease you today," Ink growled.
   "Wow. Such a killjoy, Ink," Error snorted, crossing his arms in mock-anger.
The artist snarled quietly before he reached up and grabbed his scarf, violently tearing it off from around his neck and tossing it aside.
"Why are you taking off your pretty little scarf? I thought you liked it~" Error sneered, his trademark grin returning to his face.
   Ink glanced out from beneath his jacket, his eyes narrowed. Error simply stared back, his gaze unblinking. The artist managed to hold his gaze for a few seconds before the pain rose up in his chest once more. He pounded his fist against his sternum a few times, as if doing so would make it go away.
Error tilted his head to the side once more. "Is that seriously your way of forcing it down?" He shook his head. "You really don't learn anything from this, do ya?"
Ink glared up at the glitched skeleton once more, his expression bitter. "Wh-What's your point?"
Error chuckled. "You can't keep fighting against something that's already inside you, Ink. It's like having emotions. Sure, you can hide them under the surface, or even flat-out ignore them, but they won't go away. You'll still feel them, and you can't just fight them off."
   Ink suddenly let out a groan as pain rippled down his spine, causing him to arch his back in response. His spine was beginning to reset itself, and a distinct ridge had begun to form along the back of his shirt. Error scowled, rethinking what he'd just said and not even acknowledging the suffering of his enemy.
   "Ugh. That analogy doesn't work for you, does it? You can't understand that. You don't have real emotions," He grumbled. "Why did I think you'd understand that?"
   The artist didn't respond. Error narrowed his eyes, clearly not satisfied with his reaction. "You got quiet all of a sudden, Inky... Are you..." He snickered. "Are you doing okay? Do you want me to get you anything? Like some cold water or something?"
Ink growled softly under his breath as Error went into another bout of crazed laughter. The creative skeleton dug his newly-formed claws into his skull, trying to ignore his enemy, but with no success.
Eventually, Error stuttered off with his laughing and fell into a fit of coughing. The other skeleton didn't seem to notice that anything was wrong.
For awhile, everything seemed to get quiet. Only the occasional whimper of pain from Ink broke the silence, which was usually followed by a slight chuckle from Error.
Ink finally managed to catch his breath, though it was still fairly ragged and uneven. But, for the most part, he was calm. At least, as calm as he could be, given the situation.
But his relief soon faded away as Error spoke up once more.
"I thought I remembered you being a bit more vocal than this, Ink..."
The artist winced as he felt a twinge of pain in his chest once more. "G-God dammit..."
Error snickered. "What's the matter? Did I trigger something?" He paused, barely holding back a laugh. "Did I wake up the beast again?"
Ink didn't look up. "F-Fuck you..."
The glitched skeleton gave him a slightly amused look. "Really? I didn't know you wanted to, Ink~"
The artist finally hit his breaking point. "THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT, JACKASS!"
Error burst out laughing once more, tearing up at the hysterics. "Works like a charm, doesn't it?"
Ink was about to reply when the pain struck back, more intense than ever, his entire body going rigid in response. He groaned in anguish, tightly grasping his ribcage with both arms, his claws digging into the fabric of his shirt and tearing it ever so slightly.
Error managed to fight off his maniacal giggling after a moment, his tone becoming serious. "Why are you so tense all of a sudden, Ink?"
The artist couldn't find the strength to make a comeback as the pain began to ripple through him in agonizing waves. Error's deranged cackling soon became drowned out by the sickening sounds of bones creaking and popping as Ink started to lose his grip on control.
Despite the rapidly increasing power of the beast within him, he still continued to fight against it, much to Error's displeasure.
"Y'know, you can't keep fighting this forever, Ink. It's growing stronger and stronger by the minute. And the longer you try to keep it inside, the more pissed off it becomes," Error lectured, his voice somewhat hoarse from his constant fits of laughing and coughing.
Ink's body gave a slight jerk in response to a strong surge of pain through his legs, but the only sound that came from him was a quiet, yet still gut-wrenching, moan of agony as his legs slowly began to change as well.
Error's grin became wider. "C'mon, Ink. Unleash the beast."
Ink's eyes shot open, his pupils changing to red, upside-down pentagrams once more as he began to shudder uncontrollably. This was it. Everything he'd been trying so desperately to keep under control was coming crashing back down onto him.
Error cackled maniacally as Ink suddenly threw his head back, a scream escaping from him, his voice becoming double-toned and edged with a deep growl mid-shriek.
   "Finally got tired of fighting, huh Ink?"
   The artist barely paid attention to his enemy's comment as all the things that he'd managed to prevent from changing began to do just that.
   He cried out as he felt his legs beginning to fully restructure themselves, shifting completely from plantigrade to digitigrade as his feet elongated and the tips of his toes grew into large, dagger-like claws.
   He groaned in agony as spikes suddenly burst through the fabric of his clothing, particularly down the length of his spine, across his shoulder blades, and from his elbow joints.
   The artist clawed frantically at his head as it began to change as well, his nose and mouth extending outward into a muzzle as a number of massive horns emerged along the back of his skull at that same moment.
   "You're looking a bit different now, huh Ink?" Error chuckled, a sly expression on his face.
   Ink's body began to contort, his bones distending and thickening all in unison as his form shifted and expanded, drawing on a mass that it didn't usually have.
   His cries of pain quickly became more and more animalistic, becoming less and less recognizable as his own as the time passed.
   Eventually, after several violent minutes of the transformation, it began to die down. The uncontrollably shuddering gradually left him, as did the excruciating pain of all the changes.
   Ink remained laying on his side for a few moments, trying to catch his breath before dealing with Error.
   "Hey buddy. Ya doing okay over there?" Error snickered, finally getting up from the throne that he'd been sitting on the whole time. He approached the beast slowly, though he took no caution as he did so.
   Ink's eyes shot open, and he scrambled to his feet, his animalistic instincts kicking in before he could stop it. His tail flicked out behind him, lashing back and forth like a whip. A deep growl rumbled in his throat as he lowered his head down to Error's height.
   The glitched skeleton laughed, yet his tone was extremely dry and serious. "Come at me, bitch."
   The beast opened his jaws, a ball of rainbow-colored energy building at the back of his maw as he charged up a blast attack.
   Error held his arms out at his sides, fully embracing what was soon to come. And, just as expected, the blast came merely seconds after he flashed his old enemy that final grin, the power of it instantly turning him to dust on the spot.
"See you in the next timeline, Ink."

   Ooh! Kind of a darker ending to that one, huh? Not quite what you were expecting after the last one, amirite? XD
   But seriously, this was SOO fun to write! That may or may not have anything to do with how fun the roleplay itself was lol.
   Hope you all have enjoyed this as much as I have! :3
   Until the next update, stay determined! (And please, don't give up on these just cuz I don't update them a whole lot anymore! ;-;)

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