Guardian? Or Yet Another Diseased Anomaly?

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Not a request, but something I thought of recently. Don't know how many of you guys read "Disease of the Mind", but the idea of this one is similar. It stems off that idea, as a matter of fact.
The disease somehow escaped the original universe, evolving so that now it only targets skeletons. But now, it's affecting the entire multiverse.
That is the only info I will be giving, since I don't want this oneshot to be COMPLETELY predictable.
Anyway, enjoy! :3

Error and Ink sat in silence, each doing their own thing. Error was knitting, which was something he enjoyed in his free time; and Ink was doodling in his sketch pad.
They didn't acknowledge each other's existence. Sometimes, they didn't feel that they needed to. They weren't exactly friends, being that they held opposing views on many thing; but they weren't exactly enemies either. They could get along, as long as they could set aside their differences for awhile.
They had been sitting there for several hours. Error was starting to get bored. He yawned, stuffing his knitting supplies into his inventory and taking a moment to stretch.
Ink looked up from his drawing, putting it away once he saw Error's gaze fixated on him. "Everything good?"
"I'd say yes, but you and I both know that's not the case," the glitch answered gruffly, narrowing his eyes.
Ink tilted his head to the side. "Oh? Remind me what that problem is again? Sorry, I forgot." He rubbed the back of his neck and chuckled awkwardly.
Error huffed. "The disease. Y'know, the one that's infecting literally everybody and we can't figure out why, or even how?"
The artist nodded slowly, his eyes growing dull. Error seemed surprised by the response. Usually, Ink was a lot more talkative than this.
"We gotta figure out how to get rid of it. You know I can't just destroy every universe it shows up in. Not without disrupting the balance of our world as we know it," Error continued, tugging a light blue string from his eye and twirling it between his fingers.
Ink was silent. Error looked over at him, scoffing as he recognized a typical, spaced-out expression on his face. "Are you even listening to me right now??"
Still, no response.
Error felt his anger give way to concern. Ink normally didn't space out for this long. He stood up and walked over, sitting down directly in front of the other skeleton. "Ink...?"
The colors in the artist's eyes were so dull that they appeared to be gray. Even the shapes of his pupils had changed, becoming two matching rings as opposed to the usual "star and circle" combination.
"Hey!" Error waved his hand in Ink's face, trying to get him to snap out of it.
He was caught off-guard as the other skeleton began to shiver slightly, even though it wasn't even cold in the Doodle Sphere.
"Ink? You okay there?"
The shuddering gradually became more intense, to a point that Error wasn't even sure how he was able to stay upright. Rainbow-colored magic began to pour from his eye sockets, trickling down his face and dripping onto the 'ground' below him.
Error scooted away slightly as Ink's dead-eyed stare became fixated on him, and the corners of his mouth twitched, curling into a twisted snarl as more multi-colored magic spilled from his nose socket, as well as from his mouth.
"I-Ink...? If this is a j-joke, it's not f-funny..." Error's eyes became filled with 'ERROR's, blocking his vision for a few seconds before they cleared up.
A strange sound, similar to a growl of some sort, rose up from the back of the artist's throat as his body began to contort, his bones creaking and snapping as his form began to change.
Error frantically pushed himself back, his soul pounding in his chest as the voices in his head began to scream at him, telling him to get away as fast as he could. "I-Ink?! Wh-What the hell?!"
Ink fell forward, shaking his head violently from side-to-side as his nose and mouth stretched forward into a muzzle, his teeth growing longer and sharper as several horns erupted from the back of his skull. His face split from his nose to his brow, the loud 'CRACK!' that accompanied it causing the glitched skeleton to cringe.
The tone of Ink's snarling became deeper and raspier, a distinct animalistic growl weaving its way into the sound of his voice.
   "Shit, shit, SHIT!" Error tried desperately to open a portal to the anti-void, but with no success. "DAMMIT!"
   He flinched as he heard a chilling, inhuman shriek, pulling his attention back to Ink. His body was wracked with a series of violent convulsions as his spine began to snap and reset itself, with massive spikes suddenly bursting through the fabric of his shirt, specifically along his vertebrae, across his shoulder blades, and at his elbows.
   A tail began to grow from the base of his spine, lashing out behind him like a whip as he continued to shudder. Error frantically tried to find another way out, but ultimately couldn't.
   For once, he was faced with a problem that he didn't know how to deal with.
   Another crazed howl escaped the artistic skeleton as his limbs jerked uncontrollably, his legs beginning to splinter and shift as they restructured themselves, changing completely from plantigrade to digitigrade in a matter of seconds. Dagger-like claws formed on the tips of his toes, ripping his shoes apart as though they were nothing.
   Similar claws had formed on his fingertips as well, tearing holes in his scarf as he tried to take it off with what seemed like an excessive amount of force.
Ink's form was quickly gaining a mass that it didn't usually have, his bones distending and becoming thicker and stronger. His ribcage expanded, with only mere scraps of his clothing still hanging off his now-exposed ribs. The tattoos that covered a large portion of his body were glowing with an eerie red light as the shapes in his eyes turned into red, upside-down pentagrams.
   Error continued to back away, becoming completely shrouded by glitches while his eyes became filled with 'ERROR's. He felt helpless. He couldn't escape. He could only watch in horror as his "frenemy" rapidly transformed into something straight out of a nightmare.
   The horrifying event finally came to an end, much to Error's relief. However, that relief was short-lived, once he realized that Ink could infect him with the disease in a matter of seconds.
   He held his breath as the massive skeletal creature snarled, creeping towards him with its (he refused to call it a "he" at this point) mouth agape, rainbow-colored magic dripping from its maw.
   The voices in his head were shouting at him, urging him to take action. What that action was, however... he couldn't even figure it out. Some of the voices insisted that he get away, some screamed for him to fight back...
   The glitch clutched at his skull, cursing the voices under his breath. The beast took the opportunity to lash out, dashing forward and knocking Error over, pinning him to the ground. The dark skeleton screamed, kicking and thrashing in an attempt to free himself.
   The monstrous creature made an expression that closely resembled a smirk as it dug a single claw into Error's sleeve, holding him in place. It lowered its head, hissing softly before suddenly biting down on the glitched skeleton's outstretched arm, causing him to cry out in agony as he struggled to escape.
   After a few seconds, the beast let go, taking a few steps back and laying down, its tail curling around its hind legs.
   Error hesitantly looked over at his arm, his soul skipping a beat as he caught sight of the massive wound, visible through the gaping holes in his sleeve. "Ink... You son of a bitch..."
   The creature tilted its head to the side before closing its eyes, resting its chin on the 'ground'. Error lifted his head and glared at the beast. "Seriously? That's it? You're just gonna sleep now?"
   He was surprised when he heard the sound of bones cracking once more. He shakily sat up, tightly clutching his injured forearm as he stared over at Ink in confusion.
   He watched in silence as Ink's form began to shrink back down to its normal size, his bones compressing as his joints snapped back on themselves, his overall anatomy shifting back to his usual stature.
   Ink groaned softly as he finished changing back, and he remained on the 'ground' for a few moments. Error fell back down onto his back, exhaling slowly. "I f-fucking hate you... s-so goddamn much right now..."
"...What did I do?"
That just about put Error over the edge. "WHAT DID YOU DO?! Y̷̡͑Ö̴̭́Ù̴͈ ̶̕͜G̵̨̀Ỏ̸͎T̵̬͝T̸͔̊A̷͆ͅ ̸̫́B̶̠͠Ḛ̴̓ ̷̬́F̸͑ͅỤ̸̊C̵͍̚Ḱ̸̪Ĩ̸͔N̴̠͂G̷̎ͅ ̵͖̏K̶͕͝I̵̱͠D̵̟́D̵͐ͅǏ̵̳N̷̞̑G̷̮̊ ̷͚́M̷̹̒È̴ͅ!"
Ink flinched, the colors in his eyes dimming. "I'm sorry..."
"LOOK AT WHAT YOU DID!" Error snapped, raising his arm in the air so Ink could see it. The artist squinted before getting up to get a closer look.
Oddly enough, the majority of Ink's clothes had somehow reappeared on his body, though they were still shredded up a bit. He was still without his scarf, however, being that he'd taken it off during his transformation.
Ink inhaled sharply between his teeth at the sight of Error's wound. "Yikes. Sorry dude."
"Okay, okay! You know I have trouble expressing emotions sometimes..." Ink sighed. "I couldn't control it... It's not my fault... It just... takes over..." He covered his eyes with his hands.
"Well great. As if I didn't have enough problems..." Error trailed off as a sharp pain began in his skull. "S-Son of a bitch..." He gripped his skull with both hands, squeezing his eyes shut as he tried desperately to ignore both the migraine and the increasing volume of the glitched voices in his head.
Oh boy, was he in for one wild ride.

P̶̢̻̮̩̮͒͘Ą̷̝͎̋R̴̢͇̫̠͑̀̚͘͜T̵̡͍͍͂̒̀̈́̕ ̸̼̽͆2̶̗̺̲̹̏̒̉̕ͅ ̶̘͔̺͑̈́̅͗̎Ć̷͕͑̏̎͠Ö̵̲̰̜̗́͗͆̀Ḿ̸̺̱̉͑̕͠ͅI̶̥̎̌͘Ṅ̷̫̄̏̔G̶̡̱̬̩͉̽̎͛͐ ̶̛͈͛̓́ͅS̵̭̪͖͑͐̄̈́̊Ó̵̺̟̞̿̕̚̕Ǫ̴̡͉͔̐̌́͜N̷̜̒̓̓~̸͓̐̀͐̋͝~̵͙͙̘͚͖̒

Bam! Never thought you'd see a PAINLESS transformation, did ya? Didn't think it was possible to write a graphic transformation without immense pain and suffering, huh?
I'm not kidding tho. Ink really didn't feel any of that. Y'know that thing that happens in movies with inhuman creatures where they just shriek for no reason? Yeah, that's why Ink was screaming. XD
Oh! And as an added bonus, I wanna add the scene from a certain horror movie that inspired Ink's actions at the beginning of his transformation.
(It's unsettling. Please, don't watch if you don't like gory shit. I don't want to be the reason you lost your innocence with stuff like this. :/)

You only really need to watch the first few seconds of the transformation to figure out which part it inspired lol.
Anyway! Hope you enjoyed! I know I certainly enjoyed writing it! >:D
As always, until the next update, stay determined!

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