Chapter 12 : How tell it to him ?

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Prussia's P.O.V

Prussia is singing " Bomb Rush Blush " with her karaoke in her room. A soda bottle and a begun donuts dox are at her bed's feet. The lively music leads to forget her that it's already 5 PM.
At the time when the screen shows " New Hight Score ! ", Prussia hears somebody knock in the door.

-It's open, mom. You can enter.

Goldia goes to the room.

-Hello Prussia... Sorry, your mom is in the living-room...
-Goldie-Goldie ! Long time no see !

She releases her microphone to make her a cuddle. Prussia moves back little to see her sad face.

-You look a bit downcase... you all right ?
-Not really. I... I've a little problem, and I need your advices.
-You knocked on the right door ! Sit down and tell me what's wrong !

She sits down on the bed whereas Prussia switches off the TV. Then blue Inkling takes her box and asks :

-Do you want a donut ?
-No thanks. I've already eaten.
-As you want.

Then Prussia starts eat a donut before saying :

-Soooo, what's the problem ?
-I... I think... I'm in love with Jason.

Surprised, she fails chokes with her donut and coughs. Goldia blushes hard.

-Don't laught at me !
-I didn't laugh, I almost died choked... Pass me the soda, please.

Goldia takes the bottle and tightens it to her. Prussia drinks a long mouthful and feels relieved.

-Aaaaah, much better...
-It was so surprising as that ?
-No, I already knew it for a long time. What surprised me, it's that you say it to me now.

Prussia puts the bottle on the ground and looks at her seriously.

-How did you know you love him ?
-Two hours ago, he... invited me in a café. He was so close, so nice, so cute...
-Ah-ha ! It was your first date, isn't it ?

Goldia hides her figure, embarassed.

-We can say that, but... I... I don't know if I've to tell him what I feel. Our friendship is too precious for me, and I don't want to lose it if he considers me only as his friend...

Prussia eats an other donut by saying with a solemn tone :

-Goldia, you want my advices ? You should say to him your feelings. If he loves you and if you don't tell him what you feel, you risk to miss something. Remember it : " You must tell to people you love that you like them. Every day which passes is maybe the last opportunity to do it  ". Don't give up because of your shyness. I don't tell you that because Jessy introduced me to ships, but because I'm your friend and I want only your happiness.

Prussia swallows her donut. The enormous weight of Goldia's fear disappears finally. She takes blue Inkling in her arms.

-Thank you so much, Prussia. Your advices will be useful for me.

-That's why we're besties, no ?

( Heya, CerulanSweet is back ! Don't be scared, Goldia ! We're all here to support you ! Me, Prussia, the readers... We're all with you !

Thank you so much for 200 reads !

Seeya in the next update ! SplatKisses ~💞 )

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