Chapter 17 : Goldia in the rescue !

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Jason's P.O.V

Jason climbs the wall in squid form. He returns to his human form by arriving on the highest platform of the area. The last kettle is in a platform different from others : it levitates in the air on a circular support.
Jason smiles a bit. He almost reached his objective. He can't wait to save the Great Zapfish and Cap'n Cuttlefish.

-Hold on, Cap'n, he mumbles. You and the Great Zapsfih are soon outside danger.
-Hey Agent 3, Agent 1 shouts in his new Headset. Are you there ?
-Yep. At less, I hope so...
-Perfect, Agent 2 adds. There's the plan : I and Agent 1 will free Cap'n and you fight against Octavio. Right ?
-Right. Agent 3, over.

Jason switches off his headset, becomes a squid and plunges into the kettle. This one rises in the sky and pulls him towards the final battle.
When he resurfaces on the Spawn Point, the Great Zapfish is behind him. Blue, paunchy and smiling (if Zapfishes can smile). A little farther, on another platform, Cap'n is lashed. The rope seems squeezed well, because he struggles since a moment unsuccessfully. By seeing Jason, he shouts :

-Stay back, Agent 3 ! It's a trap !
-It's a little late to say it, Jason answers.
-Figures, Agent 1 increases.
-We have no choice, in any case, Agent 2 sighs.

Jason goes to the Great Zapsfish. In no time, this one is inhaled and stored in an immense flying machine. An array of electric shocks can be heard, and the Octobot King faces him, revealing DJ Octavio who holds two leeks in tentacles. A light of triumph shines in his eyes.

-Finally we meet, Agent 3...

Goldia's P.O.V

Without any doubt, Goldia lives the worst experience of her life. Octarian Army is powerful, but also Inktoling is nonviolent. She prefers to knock out and to disarm her opponents rather than to kill them. She fights only in case of emergency.
Goldia's moving of kettle in kettle in this way. The fact that she's a half-Octoling favors her largely : she knows almost of instinct all her enemies. Octarian Army has no secret for her and she doesn't risk to be taken by surprise.
She was afraid of fighting a lot, but most of the enemies were overcome already. Apparently, Jason made a very good job. Goldia can't refrain from noticing the deplorable state of Octomaw. Jason didn't leave him a single tooth after taking his Zapfish.

Finally, Goldia arrives in the last area. She crosses the various platforms to arrive at the UFO Kettle. She becomes an octopus and plunges inside.
When she resurfaces on a Spawn Point, the first thing which she sees is an Inkzooka in a Canned Special. She takes it, surprised.

-Why an Inkzooka ? What will this serve ?

Then she hears an explosion. She perceives the Octobot King bombarding a green Inkling. This one avoids cunningly the shootings since a moment. Even of back and of another color, she recognizes Jason. He's so impressive when he fights, and of a so radiant beauty... A soft wave of love invades Inktoling's heart.
A Twintacle Octotrooper appears behind Jason. This one turns around and splats him quickly, but he gets shot in the shoulder. Unbalanced, he slides on a puddle of violet ink and graves on the ground. Jason tries unsuccessfully to get up. Goldia panics by seeing the Octobot King to load an enormous octopus-shaped bomb.
Inktoling doesn't hesitate anymore : she opens her Canned Special, returns to her Spawn Point and makes a Super Jump. It's time to save Jason.

Jason's P.O.V

Six. Seven. Eight. Jason counts mentally the number of times when he touches the death. He sends an ink flock to the fist of Octobot King which turns around and explodes at Octavio's head. He doesn't seem to appreciate.


A Burst Bombs go to Jason, as well as a Killer Wall with full power. Nine. Ten. Eleven. Twelve. He just avoids them before realizing that a Twintacle Octotrooper also tries to kill him.

-I don't have time to waste with him, Jason thinks.

He turns around and splats him without problems. But the Octotrooper had time to fire. Hit in the shoulder, Jason vacillates and slides on a puddle of violet ink. A sharp pain crosses him the leg.

-Urgh... My ankle... Bad reception...

He tries unsuccessfully to get up. His eyes arise on the Octobot King... and on the octopus-shaped bomb which goes to him. The distress makes beat his heart faster. His airway is shutting down. A black halo covers his eyes. As if he drowned himself in a dark ocean.

-No no no ! Not now !

Jason tries inside to calm down, but he only deteriorates things. The missile is not more than a few meters away. The black halo thickens in front of his eyes. His fear continuous to erode him.

-Urgh... Not... this...

Jason gets ready to give in to his fears when a yellow tornado affects the missile quite hard and sends back it to Octavio. Taken by surprise, this one doesn't try to stop it and takes a second explosion in the face. Jason's fear evaporates.

-WHAT HAPPENED, Octavio chokes ? WHAT JUST HAP...
-Here, Octavio ! Taste this !

A second and a third yellow tornados beat down on the Octobot King. And, just in front of Jason, an Octoling lands with delicacy by holding an Inkzooka. Stunned, Jason can only say one word.

-Goldia !

Goldia's P.O.V

Goldia sees clearly her intervention made Octavio become furious. He becomes hysteric and, when Squid Sisters begins singing, he starts dancing and shouting.


Goldia targets her attention to Jason, still on the ground. His face reflects the surprise, the relief and the terror.

-All is fine, Jason ? Are you hurt ?
-H-How did you find me ?
-I followed you from the Plaza and... well, I think it's not the right time to talk about it...
-You're right. If you could just help me to get up...

She takes his hand and puts back him on his feet. Goldia notices he limps, but doesn't comment. Jason declares :

-Octavio has already received two missiles in his face. If he receives a third from it, he'll be harmless. Do you want to fight with me ?
-Of course.

They exchange a settled look and dash in the fight.

The duel against Octavio is dangerous. The explosions stream of everywhere, purple ink threat to submerge both heroes. Fortunately, Jason and Goldia support each other to manage to stay alive. Octavio eventually loses patience. The Octobot King loads an ultimate bomb against them. Jason points his Hero Shot against it.

-When I say "now", you fire, OK ? We have only one chance !

-Right !

She gets ready... The bomb is closer... Only few meters...

-NOW, Jason shouts !

They fire at the same time. The octopus-shaped bomb takes their two colors (green and yellow) and expels Octavio outside the Octobot. Goldia targets and hits him when he "flies". Octavio smashes on his machine, this one exploding in a two-colored rain.

When Goldia opens again the eyes, the Octobot King is destroyed. Octavio is faints on the ground, always by holding his leeks. The Great Zapfish, free again, swims in the air to return to Inkopolis. Cap'n Cuttlefish, also free, comes with our heroes, followed by Agent 1 and Agent 2.

-Excellent work, you two, he congratulates them. Now, we're going to make sure Octavio will not be a threat anymore. Callie and Mar... I mean Agents 1 and 2, take him.

They do it. Cap'n follows them, leaving Jason and Goldia alone together. They look at each other, and Jason says :

-Thank you for saving me, Goldia...

-It's nothing. We'll start back, now... and you can lean on me to walk.

He agrees, puts his arm on her shoulder and both take the path of the Octovalley's departure.

( Heya, I'm back ! Jason and Goldia made a good job, isn't it ? The peace will be back at Inkopolis thanks to them. But what about their relationship ?

More than 300 reads ! Thank you so much !

Seeya in the next update ! SplatKisses ~💟 )

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