The Color Red

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A/N random pic. Also I edited this chapter! 


That was the first thing that appeared in his head.


That seemed to be the only thing he remembered.


That was the color that reminded him of who he wanted.


That was his name.

"Akashi," he whispered under his breath. The thought made him want to curl up in a ball as he cuddled his warm blankets. "Akashi," he repeated again, the repetition making him go insane. "Akashi..."

He stopped.

He took a breath in and sighed, deciding it was time for him to actually sleep. It was three in the morning and he had a game the next day.

Well... Today.

He gave up, he closed his eyes, thinking back at the specific shade of red that soothed him, made his heart skip a beat, and took his breath away. He thought it was admiration that made the other steal his attention, but clearly it wasn't. He tossed and turned in his bed. It was different compared to Aomine and he was closest to him, so maybe not admiration? Maybe, something more, much more.

He sighed again, frustration creeping up. He sat up and ripped his blanket off. He softly stomped, if he could, to the sink, grabbing a cup and filling it with water. Once his lips touched the glass, his phone rang. He put the glass down and simultaneously stared at his phone, baffled.

Who's calling me at three in the morning?

Once he got a closer look at the caller ID, it all made sense. As it did, panic began to settle in. His grip tightened as he tried to calm himself down. It was a moment, a long moment, before he finally accepted the call.

"H-hello?" His whisper was soft but he could hear the other breathe in to reply, almost eager to talk to him, but he dismissed the thought.

"Ah, Kuroko." The panic seemed to have flared, his heart racing.

"Akashi-kun," he managed to say meekly. The small pause that was left wasn't helping as he hesitated to way anything else.

"First I must apologize, I didn't mean to call you so early in the morning." A small chuckle rang in his ear, and although it was through the phone, it sounded perfect, a sound he could imagine in real life.

"No, it's alright. I couldn't sleep anyway." Kuroko tried his hardest not to let the small anxious feeling slip out.

"Well, if you say so. So, school's going to start soon right? Want to meet up after the game? I know you're going to Seirin. Plus, who knows if our schedule will work out? What do you say?" Although he seemed smooth with the whole explanation, he seemed a little, too eager to hang around the innocent phantom.

Oh he was ecstatic. He was jumping and doing a victory dance in his head as a smile creeped up his lips.

"Uh, s-sure." Damn, he stuttered. On the other line, he could hear another chuckle.

"Okay, that's great! I'll let you know more after we play for the last time." His voice was rather sad, quite depressing if it were, but Kuroko was too excited to really see that yes, it really was the last time they would all play basketball together. He subconsciously nodded.

"Sure, Akashi-kun." The call ended and Kuroko simply stared at his bed. He decided to at least have a bit of sleep. He definitely didn't want to lose their last game together. A thought occurred before the teen fell asleep, he realized how different Akashi was.

He wasn't as commanding as he usually was.

~Later that Day~

The buzzer rang, indicating the end of the game. As always, Teiko, no, the generation of miracles had won.

The team on the other hand, was not excited about their win. Aomine was the first to grumble.

"I didn't take sixty points off that team." A noticeable sigh from him as the others agreed.

"And they were forty points behind us," Akashi continued with the team's dissatisfaction. The opponents looked at them in disbelief. They had won and they acted as if they had lost an utter defeat.

"At least we won," a soft gentle voice said.

"Ah!" Kise back up, clearly surprised about his teammate's existence. "Kurokocchi, when did you get here?" Kuroko looked at Kise with an insulted look.

"We were just playing a game together Kise-kun." The other responded with a nervous laugh.

"Right..." The teenage model scratched the back of his head as a sign of embarrassment. Aomine jumped in.

"But I didn't score sixty points Tetsu!" Akashi hit his head.

"Come on Aomine, Kuroko was just trying to help." He glared at him and Akashi glared back.

"Fine." He muttered, backing down. Both teams lined up and Midorima simply straightened his glasses.

"Scores 120:80 Teiko won!" Why did they use their old team name? Maybe that was just how people saw them.

After the game, everyone left except, of course, Kuroko and Akashi.

"Guess I never really had to call huh?" Akashi yawned, clearly tired. "Well, where do you want to hang out?" Now it was scaring Kuroko. Sure the captain was kind and caring for the team, but after the team had blossomed in their strengths, his caring and loving side was, in a way, lost.

"Why aren't you commanding?" Akashi was the first to halt, followed by the phantom. He looked back and turned, facing him.

"Tetsuya. Do you want me to be commanding?" His body was in front of the sky blue haired boy and his gaze strongly locked with his, showing how easily he could change.

"No, but Akashi-kun. It's just a bit... odd." The look of surprise in Akashi's eyes almost shocked the other, but in moments, he started to laugh. He clutched his stomach and continued before he realized that maybe he should stop scaring his friend.

"Well well, Tetsuya, I just wanted you to look at me." The teen stood there, utterly confused as he pondered about the words that came out of his former captain's mouth.

"But I am." Although Akashi's laugh had faded, his smile that meant no good remained.

"Not like that Tetsuya-kun." His voice grew strong, a mixture of the two. "Not like that."

"Then what?" The phantom was a slight bit nervous about the former captain's next move.

"Look at me like how I look at you. Fill your eyes with lust." An amber almost glistened before it turned back to a soft crimson. Kuroko stepped back.

"Akashi-kun. This isn't funny." Akashi reached out. His hand under the other teen's chin, bringing his face up a bit.

"Kuroko Tetsuya, be my lover for one day."

A/n And done with edit! I hope to edit the next chapter soooooon! Idk if you guys liked it ut I hope you did....

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