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It was a Monday afternoon when practice started. It was a Monday afternoon when everyone realized that their phantom sixth man was gone. They didn't complain, they weren't as cheery, they just practiced.
~time skip~

The moon was out and the light shone on the streets. Kuroko was walking down one particular street, when Kagami spotted the familiar blue.

"Kuroko!" He called out. Looking in the direction where Kagami had called him, he stopped walking and waited for the red head to run and catch up to him.

"Hai?" Kagami looked a bit... angry.

"You weren't at school today." Kuroko cocked his head to the side.

"You guys noticed?" He deadpanned. Kagami clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.

"No durr Kuroko." Kagami sighed. "When are you gonna tell them." Kuroko sighed next.

"I wasn't at school because I was with Akashi, I promised I would meet with him. And," he paused to think. "I won't unless it's the right time."

"When is that?" He seemed more irritated than usual and Kuroko could feel the menacing aura radiating off of him.

"I get it I do, but things are a bit complicated between us, and us and in... us." Kagami face palmed.

"I'm not an idiot you know." Kuroko looked at him for a second then back to where he was looking.

"Bakagami... (cough cough)" after hearing the insult, he didn't waste a single second to hit the sky blue haired teen.

They continued to talk and the next day, he decided to tell them everything.

~time skip~

When Kuroko had finished telling his sad tale, the team looked down, however no words were said and the air grew thicker and thicker. They couldn't say anything and they couldn't do anything. They knew it would either be wrong or awkward, plus, what would they even say?

"Well, that was our past." Kuroko finally said, getting the awkward, patronizing silence.

"Y-yeah," Hyuuga stated. The coach wanted to cry and hit the Bakashi that made their Kuroko so heartbroken, but then she also knew that if she did, she would probably get stabbed by scissors. The rest of the team seemed a bit guilty that they were trying to pry the truth out of their phantom sixth man, and yet they felt relieved at the same time. During that time, they all heard a sudden knock. All turning towards the door, the light was bright due to the darkness in the building and the sunlight outside, it at that moment where everyone wanted to hit that son of a bitch so bad.

"Kuroko." The man called out. "Your answer?" Kuroko looked at his teammates and asked if he could be excused, since of course, his one and only answer was very, very important. Getting up as he got the coaches and the captain's permission to leave, they both walked out with Kuroko grabbing a hold of the Rakuzan captain with one hand and his belongings in the other.

~time skip (mostly cause I have the BIGGEST writers block)~

The sky blue haired boy had the same deadpanned face as the red head, had a plain resting face. He was patient as he didn't want to pry the answer from his Kuroko. He was his and his forever... But... What if he didnt want him anymore? What if he still holds a grudge? What if he only answers yes because he is Akashi? The one who broke his heart? What if...

"Akashi-kun." The thinking teen looked to his left and saw that familiar blue that seemed to have soothed him every time he saw it. After then realizing that his partner had called out his name, asking for his attention. Humming a reply, a million thoughts had ran through his head. what was he going to say? A question? A statement? What? He noticed that the silent teen pried open his mouth to speak, a second later, only one word had escaped his mouth. "I..."

"You don't need to answer right away you know." The emperor stepped from his high position to stay leveled with his partner. "As long as I do not hear a word that could end my world." Kuroko snickered in his head as that line sounded so cheesy and sweet, yet he like it. It was nice to have the same Akashi back. Not the one that hurt him. Kuroko smiled and looked up at him.

"Akashi-kun, let's get back together."

A/n I AM NEARLY FINISHED WITH THE NEXT CHAPTER! YAY!!! Although I think the next one might be the last. I will eventually revise the chapters sooner or later and maybe add more detail take words out things like that.

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