Quite a Night

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A/n kinda long ch. it has... stuff I hope you enjoy... btw I'm not very good so... I tried... also, random pic

A/n edited!

"What?" Kuroko unconsciously blurted out. Akashi repeated his words.

"Be my lover for one day." There was a small pause before Kuroko had finally processed the words.

"But why?" Kuroko relaxed a bit before realizing how tense he was. Akashi looked up as if he never really had an explanation to begin with.

"Well, I just wanted to test something out and one day because I don't want to hurt you. I guess that's my explanation." The explanation seemed a bit... last minute, as it was, but it did sort of explain his intentions.

Or maybe it didn't.

"And if I decline?" Akashi's eyes showed a commanding glare.

"You will be my lover for a day." They way he had said it made him jump, but he wasn't necessarily scared, rather, worried? Even he didn't know. He looked up at his eyes to give him his answer, but was greeted with two shades until it faded away. He sighed, but he didn't really mind. In fact, in a way, he liked the idea?

"Fine, I will be your lover for a day. But what will I be doing?" He focused back on his eyes, seeing that they didn't in fact, change. It was the same two rubies, the two gems, and the pair of eyes he could stare all day without complaining. Truly he adored him, but maybe he didn't? He was just a friend... Right?

"Follow me." He grabbed Kuroko's hand and dragged him practically everywhere until finally, they stopped. Akashi seemed to be perfectly fine while the other gasped for air. Looking up, he could see a big house, a mansion that's what it was called, and the light illuminated the dark. How long were they running? Walking in, all Kuroko could do was look at everything in awe.

Going upstairs, both Kuroko and Akashi fell into a room. Kuroko was on the floor and Akashi on top of him. The former captain smiled as Kuroko's cheeks had a hint of red in them.

"C-can you get off?" Kuroko asked as politely as possible. The redhead smiled innocently and got off. They both stood while one walked in the room as the former captain closed the door.

While he continued to look in awe, the captain went to his bed. "Sit." He patted. "I want to talk to you." The sky blue haired teen looked at him and proceeded to walk in the direction of the bed. Kuroko looked around again, finally realizing that he was in Akashi's bedroom. Taking a seat, he looked into his eyes, revealing that it was still the same Akashi from Teiko.

"What did you need to talk about?" Kuroko asked as he had hoped nothing would happen. Akashi looked at him and heaved a heavy sigh.

"Would you have declined had I not commanded you?" Kuroko took in a moment to think.

"I... I'm not sure." Akashi continued to stare and Kuroko gave in. "No, I don't think so..." His head dropped low in embarrassment, while the other simply smiled in relief. Within a blink of an eye, Kuroko could see the color red, proceeding to pin him on the bed.

"Do you dislike me?" It was a low whisper that he didn't know how to respond, nor act.

"N-not really." Kuroko gasped as he felt a weird feeling throughout his upper half. Was Akashi... Touching him? He took in a moment to process the situation. "A-Akashi-kun. Stop, this is weird." The redhead pouted.

"But I thought you were my lover for the day." Right, that is why he asked. It was to get his "permission".

Again, however, he didn't mind.

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