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Kuroko fell as he couldn't stay conscious anymore. However a red was what was walking towards the teen. As his eye sight blurred, he could no longer get up.
~time skip~

"...ko... Kuro... Kuroko?"

"What?" He shot up and the first thing that he saw was a bright white room. Where was he at? Looking around he saw Kagami and the rest of the Seirin team.

"Kuroko we were worried." The coach patted his back softy. The room seemed to have been the infirmary. Hyuuga was pissed but he couldn't really say anything till afterwards.

"So, where were you?" Hyuuga asked instead of yelled. Kuroko half pouted.

"You guys left me behind again." Everyone suddenly had a hint of red in their cheeks as they saw the innocent and adorable side of him. Hyuuga cleared his throat.

"S-sorry." Their train of thought got cut off when they heard papers flipping.

"So, it turns out he was badly injured in his head and no one knew about it.




"EHHHHH!!!" The doctor nodded. (Who said the red wasn't Kagami? ( ̄∇ ̄))

"Yes, he has been slightly injured and it hasn't been treated so it worsened. Especially after he played that match." Everyone sighed.

"Kuroko." Kagami glared at him. Kuroko just stared back.

"I had an injury? When? How?" Everyone fell at this statement as they tried to stand back up. At that same moment Izuki made another one of his dumb puns.

"Hmm, I'm not too sure but I am sure you can play in the other games starting tomorrow, just make sure you get plenty of rest and that you don't overwork yourself, if not, you could cost a game." Kuroko nodded.

"Hai." Finally standing up he turned to the doctor. "How long do I have to be careful?" The doctor looked up to think.

"Let's see, it should take around a week to heal since it is your head and when overworking yourself it could worsen the injury. If you are lucky, it would heal in three days." He clicked his pen. "At most it would take a week and a half, though I doubt that it would take that long." Kuroko and the Seirin team nodded.
~time skip~

"So we have to be careful with Kuroko and the practices huh?" The coach sighed.

"Yeah. Especially the games too." Hyuuga joined. Izuki took out his notebook and wrote down yet another one.

"Kuroko, you should play but if you feel even a bit woozy, you should tell us and we will figure out a plan." Kagami assured the teen and everyone looked at them shocked. Izuki's eyes widened in amusement as he again took out his pen and notebook.

"They are as cute as a couple..." he muttered, jotting down the words.
~time skip~

Kuroko sipped his vanilla milkshake happily as Kagami munched at his burgers. Holding the bag filled with them, he turned to Kuroko.

"What does that idiot red head want with you?" The question came out of nowhere but Kuroko knew. Separating his lips from the straw, he answered.

"How should I put this. He, wants what he is, in a way, no longer able to receive." The puzzling riddle like answer hit Kagami in the head.

"And that is..." his sentence trailed off as he sought of the answer. Kuroko focused his gaze on him. Keeping his voice as low as possible, he mouthed out, "me." Kagami stopped eating as his eyes widened.   All seemed to be in slow motion as he saw the innocent deadpanned face of Kuroko turn into a sad hopeless one. The way he sipped at his shake was no longer a happy way. He seemed to have been distracted. The way his lifeless blue orbs stared at the teen, was the last thing he ever wanted to witness.

"Ka...ku...Kagami-kun." Kuroko cut his thoughts.

"Y-yeah?" He brought his burger up to his mouth as he chewed on it.

"You don't seem to well, are you okay?" Kagami nearly chocked on his food as he heard that. Why would he be okay when he saw such a thing? It was worse than him crying, and it was definitely worse than seeing him sad in general. He just wanted to assure him without sounding weird. He just wanted to tell him it was alright without hearing the fact that he didn't know anything. He wanted to help.

"Kuro!... ko... I, I want to help. I'm here Kuroko, don't forget that. I am here. And whenever that jackass says something, I will be there to help you. Okay? So please, don't ever show such a sad face." Kuroko stopped sipping at his shake. Looking at him, he couldn't help up allow his eyes water and allow streams of tears to fall.

"Kagami-kun... (sniffle) h-hai!" After hearing that, he smiled. The red haired teen couldn't help but smile along with him.
~time skip~

It's been three days and Kuroko had a checkup. The injury hadn't been fully healed yet, but it was doing well.

A game was coming up and it was a big one. They were up against, Shuutoku.

"You guys ready!" The coach shouted and all gave an agreeable shout.

~time skip~

Midorima was in front of Kuroko.

"And so I guess the captain didn't let you free?" Kuroko sighed.

"Let's just play the game." Midorima dribbled a couple times as he jumped high to shoot his three. Kuroko switched with Kagami and he jump with all his might as he blocked his shot.

Landing, he looked at Midorima.

"I will stop your shots and we will win." Midorima smirked.

"Say that after! Takao!"

"Shin-chan!" Receiving the toss he dribbled again and jumped. Kagami also jumped but it turned out to be a fake. Landing, the carrot made the shot and they scored three points. (Yeah I called him a carrot)

(Scoreboard: Seirin54:Shuutoku56)

Both defenses weren't giving up and they were still scoring. They had two minutes left on the clock, but that was more than enough.

As they scored and scored, it had finally gotten to the point where Kagami could no longer jump.

(Seirin 68 Shuutoku 66)

Five seconds were on the clock. Midorima was already in his shooting position and he jumped. Kagami, not wanting to lose, have everything he had, jumped for one last time. Midorima knowing that he would, did a quick fake and jumped again. But little did he know that Kuroko was right behind him as he stole the ball. The buzzer buzzed and Seirin had officially won against one of the generation of miracles, Midorima Shintaro.


So they had won their match, but little did they know, a monster was what was waiting for them...

A/n so that wasn't so good but I promise this chapter is important to the story. The next chapter I think you guys will like. It's kind of funny and a bit long so... it might take a while. Well, I hoped you guys enjoyed and any questions will be answered.

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