
538 17 1

A/n italic is flashback. Sorry if it's gonna be confusing.

A/n ahhhhhh this app is being so cruel. Making me restart. Sorry this chapter might be a little dead and confusing. I'm trying to edit but it won't work lol

"Hello, my name is Kuroko Tetsuya, and you are?" Kuroko asked. The teen beside him looked to his side where Kuroko was and stared. He stared, confused, possibly wondering why such a weak and frail human being decided to try out this sport.

"Hah?" Kuroko looked away not knowing how to respond. 

"Oh, well. It's alright. You don't have to tell me, but we will be teammates, correct?" The other must've given away his look of confusion. Right, in order to play together he'd have to be good enough. Why did he bother trying this sport again?

"Akashi-kun, I plan on quitting the team," Kuroko muttered, clearly tired. Akashi didn't seem phased as all he did was stare at his clipboard.

"Why?" For some reason that word was so confusing. It wasn't cruel, it didn't seem desperate, it was... just a question. Kuroko felt something go off. Feeling the lack of desperation to keep the phantom felt off. It felt so painful.

"I'm not, I'm just... I'm not good enough. Not like the others. They," he focused on the corner of the table. "They all have potential, unlike me. They're all so amazing," he smiled softly, remembering the fun little memories he made with all of them.

Akashi stayed silent. He stayed quiet with a subtle smile as he brought the other closer to him.

"Yes, but you are my number one."

What a funny little memory. It felt like years since he had last had a conversation like that with him.  It also made him wonder how he even managed to hold such a conversation without even noticing his own feelings.

Huh, crazy how that happened.

The silence must've killed the mood as the other simply sighed.

"My name is Taiga. Kagami Taiga." Kuroko mentally jotted down the name to remember it.

(Still editing. Very much struggling lol)

"What an odd name." He deadpanned as the teen was angered at the insult.

"I just came back from America, of course it'll be a bit odd." Kuroko nodded again.

"That's why you are so weird." Kagami tried very hard not to kill the shorter teen but he managed not to.
~time skip~
~really long time skip~
The practice game against the second years was a bit harsh for the first years, except Kagami, as expected. Kuroko was out of breath, but he made a huge difference on the team.

"GYA!" They all heard. Facing the direction where the noise appeared, they saw a long line and a huge group of girls. The man in the middle finally saw that the game ended and asked the girls to wait for him outside. When they all left what he did was quite a surprise.

"KUROKOCCHI!" He yelled. Kuroko put up his hand as the response. Everyone fell in shock.

"You know him Kuroko?" The coach asked. He nodded.

"Hai, he was on my team." The coaches eyes were sparkling and the young model ran to hug Kuroko.

"K-Kise-kun." Kuroko tried to shove the model off.

"Wait so you were really a part of the generation of miracles?"

He heard a few footsteps as he was practicing. Akashi was watching and all that could be heard was the ball hitting the floor and Kuroko panting. When he nearly collapsed, the captain caught him and smiled.

"Tetsuya, aren't you overworking yourself?" Kuroko shook it off.

"If I don't then I won't catch up." Kuroko wiped off the sweat and tried to stand, but ended up falling.

"Like I said, you shouldn't overwork yourself, it's not good. Plus, you make a big difference. Don't worry, you're good." Kuroko chuckled.

"Akashi-kun trying to cheer me up? That's odd." They ended up laughing.

"Kuroko? Kuroko?" When he was back, he looked around.

"H-hai?" She repeated the question. He hesitated as he repeated those three words. "Generation of... miracles? A-ah... (chuckle) hai, we were on the same team." The coach noticed that Kuroko was acting a bit weird, but decided not to bother.

"Neh neh, Kurokocchi. Be on my team." Kuroko sighed.

"No. I'm staying at Seirin. If you try to make me go on your team, I will purposefully make you and your team lose." Kise "eh" ed.

"Eh?!?! But why?!?" Kuroko sighed and walked away. The whole team looked at Kuroko a bit worried, but again, didn't pay much mind to it.

"Kurokocchi~ is this about the former captain?" He froze entirely. He fought the urge to cry. Since when did this idiot learn their secret. He just forgot and now he had to be reminded. Kuroko hurriedly walked up to the model and ignite passed him. With a few tears falling from his eyes, he looked at him.

"I warn you Kise, do not take that matter so lightly." Then walked away. He was out of the gym. The others looked worried and looked at the model, who in fact seemed dead.

"Ah, Kise, are you okay?" He managed to get up and walk out. The team looked at each other and continued to practice.
~time skip~
"Kuroko! Oi! Kuroko!!!!!"


"Ah!" Kagami screamed. "Where were you?" Kagami took a breath in and sighed.

"I was behind you since you called my name." Kagami jolted back. 

"Are you sure you aren't a ghost." He glared. Kuroko sighed.

"You're just an idiot. BAKAgami..." he deadpanned.  Kagami sighed again.

"Oi Kuroko." He hummed as a response. "Who's you're former captain?"


"You're joking right?" On the other line, a big laughter filled his ears, a laugh of one having the time of their life. When the laughter ended, a pause made the phantom tear up as he figured that simply, he was just a nuisance, a boy that was simply used for ones entertainment. That their love, was just a lie. 

"Tetsuya, you do know I do not joke around." When the call had ended, his hand holding his phone dropped immediately as he leaned against his door frame.

"I feel like a fool."

Kuroko chuckled, and the teen noticed that it was sad.

"Never mind. It's fine. You don't have to tell me." Kuroko nodded while a few tears streamed down as he closed his eyes. He looked at the cloudy sky.

"Thank you."

I love you...

A/n okay that wasn't so good. Okay the next chapter is gonna be better. I promise. If you have any questions I will answer them. And as always. Thx for reading!

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