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A/n random picture

It was a few days after when Kise declared a practice match, and then a few weeks after since then. They won surprisingly, but what was waiting for them, was an actual game. It was going to be their first real game, and they definitely needed practice. Sure it wasn't likely that they would immediately go against another generation of miracles, but that didn't mean they wouldn't.

In the gym they could hear shouts and the ball dribbling. The team was practicing against each other, and they were all quite tired, but they managed to hold on. It was quite loud inside, but Kuroko could hear his name being called. Was he getting substituted? No, it wasn't the coach calling his name.

"Tetsuya..." he turned towards the door. His eyes widened in shock and fear, and his legs trembled. Everyone looked at Kuroko in confusion then at the door.

"No..." they all looked at Kuroko again as they saw his emotions were all over the place. Kuroko fought the urge to cry. At the door he saw that familiar red. At the door he saw that sad smile filled with a hint of hope. He saw it. He felt it. Out of anger, he ignite passed the ball to the former captain. Catching the ball, he looked at him with his red eyes. Finally dragging his feet quickly towards the door and abandoning the game, his head hung low as he tried to find that one word he was dying to ask. "Why..." Akashi cocked his head to the side.

"What do you me-"

"Why!" They all including the former captain, looked surprised and a bit worried. Kuroko looked straight at him. "What did I do! What did I do wrong! I managed to forget, yet you are here! So why! Why are you here!" Kuroko wiped away his tears. He turned around to talk to his coach. "I know this is sudden, but may i be excused?" She nodded.

"Y-yeah..." he nearly ran to the red head and grabbed his wrist so that he could drag him in a private place so that they could talk. Akashi followed without hesitation.

They were outside and Kuroko didn't know where to start. He was frustrated, angry, happy, sad, confused and a whole bunch of emotions. Instead of thinking of his next words, his mouth spoke for him.

"Why did you come back...?" Akashi opened his mouth to tell his answer, but he figured it was best for the other to let it all out. The sky blue haired boy raised his hand to hit him, yet all he could do was lightly punch him in the chest. "Why did you break my heart...?"


"Did you even love me...?"


"What was I to you?"


"Was I the only one who loved you?"


"Am I the only one who had those feelings?"


Akashi tried to think.


"Answer me!" Tears fled his eyes as he tried to think straight. No, it wasn't working. "I loved you! I still do! What the hell was I?! Was I just some sort of entertainment?! Was I just some toy?!" Kuroko grabbed Akashi's shirt. Looking up, his eyes met guilty red. "Was I the only one... who thought you loved me back...?" His voice cracked in the middle and Akashi,  just wanted to tell him the truth. Everything. But he wouldn't allow that and Kuroko wouldn't believe him.

"Tetsuya..." he tried to console him. Kuroko shook his head vigorously. He took a breath in and wiped away his tears, still angry.

"Akashi-kun. What did you want." Akashi looked down. He certainly felt guilty after everything that he's done. Feeling weak, his other self took over. Closing his eyes only to reveal his amber and red, he looked at Kuroko with serious eyes.

"I want you back." Without a thought, and with no hesitation, he refused the offer.

"I decline." Akashi looked down on and at him.

"Tetsuya, you dare defy me?" Kuroko nodded.

"Hai." Akashi chuckled as he heard that. Looking at him yet again, he asked a question Kuroko didn't know how to answer.

"But you still love me do you not?" Kuroko looked to the sides, yet he was unable to receive an answer.

"Sorewa... (that is) I..." he clicked his tongue in frustration. As he was busy thinking of an answer, Akashi pinned Kuroko on the wall that was behind him. (Wall was behind Akashi) "A-Akashi-kun?" With a moment between them, he crashed his lips onto his and when Kuroko was shocked, he took that advantage and slipped his tongue in. Kuroko tried to push him away, but the kiss was overwhelming and his mind was fuzzy. What kept him conscious however, was the fact that this kiss wasn't very familiar too him. It was rougher than usual, and it was also possessive and in a way, powerful. Still trying to refuse him, he ended up accepting him. His hand trailed up to his red soft hair as he remembered those times. He responded to him every time as he remembered the day he accepted him. The days he smiled, the days he blushed vigorously just because of three words. The mornings he'd wake up sometimes to see his red fluffy hair as he chuckled at his bed hair. That day, when he broke his heart and the time when he broke him entirely. Yet all that happened and he still accepted him. Why?

Akashi's hand trailed up Kuroko's bare chest under his shirt as he flinched at his very touches. Since when was the last time he felt this? The kiss broke and Kuroko's mind still tried to keep up on what had just happened. He was still pinned and he ended up meeting with the two reds. His breathing was heavy and Akashi's too, however it wasn't as heavy.

"Tetsuya, please..." Kuroko could hear desperation in his voice yet he didn't know if this was all an act to toy with him again or his actual words and feelings. Kuroko sighed.

"Just give me some time." Akashi nodded as he released the teen.

"By the time we meet again, you should have an answer." Kuroko nodded.

"Hai hai." It's not like he could refuse the "absolute." Sighing again in defeat and slight in guilt, he decided to go back to practice, but what surprised him was a first year, just like him, except with brown hair. "F-Furihata-kun...?" Furihata fell the the ground and looked up at Kuroko.

"H-hai!" He was shocked and scared, but he was sure Kuroko wouldn't hurt him.

"Tch," Kuroko groaned. "Furihata-kun, why are you here?" His frustration was hidden. He didn't want to explain everything, it was too much.


"Y-yeah..." the coach allowed the teen to talk to the other. Immediately she turned to Furihata. "Furihata, go after Kuroko and make sure that he's fine and all." There was a moment of silence.

"Eh!!!" He jolted back. "But why?" She glared at him.

"Just do it!" His head hung low.


"That's how it is." Furihata explained. Kuroko nodded.

"So? When did you start listening?" Kuroko had a smile on yet they both knew, the redhead and him, that he was quite angered.

"Um... around 'answer me!'" Kuroko hit his head.

"So basically you heard everything." Kuroko pinched the bridge of his nose as he muttered under his breath. Sighing, he looked at the former captain. "Why are you still here?" Akashi sighed also.

"I decided to listen in why he was here. I guess I'll leave now." He walked away and disappeared in the distance.

When he was gone, Kuroko helped the first year up and they both walked back to the gym.

A/n I tried. Let me know if you'd like another one of Akashi's POV. If you'd like one plz comment yes and I will make one. Also if you have any questions, I will answer them and as always, thx for reading!

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