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Kuroko's POV
When I entered the gym, everyone's eyes were on me. Possibly Furihata-kun. I told the captain and coach that I wasn't feeling well, so they let me off the hook. I knew they'd ask Furihata-kun what had happened, so I whispered in his ear before I left.

"Don't tell them okay?" He swallowed.
~time skip~

I had just showered as I didn't really bother picking out a shirt. Maybe I'll just sleep shirtless.

I was lying on my bed, thinking about his words. His voice, his soft fluffy hair, his smooth skin, his bright red eyes, and his touch. His touches were soft and possessive, yet I liked it. The was his name rolled off my tongue and his kisses. I trailed a hand down my neck as I imagined his own hand trailing downwards. I pictured him behind my back as his hand trailed down my chest. As his other hand clung to me, his hand going down and down and down.

"A..." I couldn't call out his name. I couldn't. I wasn't going to...

my hand was already grasping my own as I closed my eyes and started to move my hand. I started to remember the first time we've done it in Akashi-kun's bedroom. I remembered how his fingers wrapped around and moved. The feeling of his tongue making contact. I remembered it all as I did the same with my hands. I couldn't help but remember the pain in the pleasure. How loud I nearly screamed. The fact that my voice was hoarse. His face, the face that he made when he came. His kisses.

As I repeated his name throughout the night, I couldn't help but tear up at the fact that it would never be the same. He and I... would never go back the being that same happy couple. Screaming his name one last time, I brought my hand up as I licked off the white substance. It had a weird salty taste yet I couldn't really stop licking it. I pictured his tongue in my mind. How he would've licked it. How he would've devoured me and my body in a single night and yet I'd ask for more. When my hand was coated in saliva, I decided to get up and wash my hands. I looked down at my boxers.

"I just wore them too..." I look in my drawer for another pair of boxers. As I slide right into them, I flop onto my bed as I let a few tears slide right on by. "Akashi-kun, why do I still love you?"
~time skip~

School was the same. Me sleeping yet listening to what was going on, waking up Kagami-kun, since he was always sleeping. Lunch, then basketball.

"Kuroko." I heard. I turn to Kagami-kun.

"Yes?" He looked the the side and angled his gaze down a bit. I then realize what was going on. "Curious aren't we?" He looked at me with a shocked face. I sigh. "It's written all over." He laughs.

"Really?" I nod. He also nods. "What is going on between you and that red haired guy." I didn't want to tell him. Then again he is using present tense.

"Nothing. Nothing is going on with me and him." He clears his throat.

"Maybe I should rephrase that, what happened between you two?" I tense up. I stutter even though no words are coming out as I try to think of a way out of this.

"Kagami-kun. We'll be late for practice. Let's get going." I nearly run to the gym as I try not to let it get to me. He grabs my arm a bit forcefully.

"Kuroko, why don't you want to tell us?" I close my eyes as I remembered my heart breaking. I look up at him with sad eyes.

"Kagami-kun, it's personal, please, I won't let it get to me in practice or in games, so please, let it go." I look away and I try to walk towards the gym. He sighs and I just stare at the ground.

"Fine." Then we ended up being late for practice.
~Kagami's POV~

I walk up to the coach.

"Anything?" she asks me. I shake my head.

"He won't tell me anything." She clicked her tongue.

"I figured he'd say something." I suddenly blanked out as I was thinking intensely.

"Well..." she hums as she focuses on me. "He did say that it was personal. So I don't think we should ask him unless he was to tell us." I focus on the ground.

"So why do you guys want to know?" I hear a familiar deadpanned voice. I look to my right as I see a somewhat familiar light faded blue.

"Gya!" Me and the coach shout. "When were you here!"

"I was here the whole time." I sigh as I try not to grab his head and crush him. He seems to be the same, yet, why does he seem so different? His tone seems more down and his eyes look a bit swollen. Did he... cry? I'm so confused and I want to ask him the reason yet at the same time I knew he wouldn't tell me. I knew it'd be wrong to ask and force an answer out of him. During that practice, when he came by, I couldn't help but notice a glimmer of hope shining in his eyes, yet his face resulted in a pained reaction. What the hell did he do to Kuroko?
~third person~

Kuroko wobbled towards the bench as he reached for his bottle of water. Nearly flopping down and barely able to stand himself, decided to flop on the floor and stay there like a pancake. When break was over, Kagami reached over to help the teen.

The first thing Kuroko saw, was red. Flashbacks played, and he could help but freeze before noticing that it was his teammate, not him. Reaching for his hand, he got up and put his bottle back. Adjusting his wrist bands, he walked on the court and played.
~time skip~

It was the awaited day. The day of their first official match, and their first opponent was...

"Shinkyo." The coach had said as she looked at her team. "That will be our first match, and I'm sure you know who you are up against." They all nodded. To them it was that big of a deal, since there wasn't of course a generation of miracle, but it definitely didn't mean that winning against this team would be easy. They all entered the building and then, started their match.

A/n yay! Chapter down, probably a whole lot more to go! Okay well, I hoped you enjoyed and sorry for not updating sooner. If you have any questions you are free to ask and I will answer. ><

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