Won't Let Go

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Akashi's POV
~few weeks after they broke up~
It was the first day of school at Rakuzan high, and I thought about his voice, his scent, his smile and laugh. I missed it. I was sitting on my desk in the far back closest to the window. I stared out, distracted.

"...shi... Akashi." Someone nudged me. I blinked a couple times before realizing it was my turn to introduce myself. Walking up, I saw my classmates whom I didn't know. I guess I should've paid attention, but it's not like I'll have to know them anyway.

"Ohayo, I am Akashi Seijuro." I bowed to my classmates. "Please take care of me." Straightening up, I walk back to my seat. Looking out the window again, I couldn't help but notice that blue. No, never mind, it wasn't him, just, a person, a random person. I want to see him soon.
~after class~
"Akashi Seijuro." The coach looked at me and I looked at him back. "Your position?" There was a small awkward silence between us before I sighed.

"I don't mind any position, (omg that sounds wrong) but I guess point guard." The coach nodded as he jotted down the information. 

Still thinking about him?

Yeah that's right. Ever since that day-

Just forget about it.

I can't you idiot. If I could I wouldn't be thinking about this nor him. Hearing him groan, I sigh.

Well, you idiot, I hope you also understand he's not gonna accept you so easily.

I laugh inside my head. He does too.

Like that's gonna happen.

I agree. Whether I haunt him or not, he will always come back to me.

Yes, that's true, now, you can never tell him the reason why you broke up with him.

What! Why?

Because if you do, things will be more complicating.

No it won't.

If that was true you would have told him I the first place.

I groan softly.

"Everyone gather up! Let's start!"
~time skip~

I ended up being captain and our training regimen was hell. Yet, I didn't mind it at all.

Twenty laps? I think you can do more.

Hah, if I could I would've. Plus we have to start out slow.

Do you want to lose?

Fine I'll do more. He kept talking and talking which started to tire my mind. While I got a migraine, Hayama just couldn't stop talking either with his loud voice. Then again, he wasn't as bad as Kise, I hope.

"Neh neh! Akashi! (I don't remember what he called him.) Why did you do double the laps?" I just wanted to hit his head to the point where he would never be able to talk again. I shake my head. God I miss my Tetsuya so much.
~time skip~

I was on the roof when I saw a teen, a couple years older than me. His ash colored hair and his gray dead eyes. He was so much like... him.

Stop thinking about him and get this over with.

Right, that's why we're here. I ended up talking to him and I sorta blanked because he was so rude. I ended up letting him control me as my head started to hurt.

"Better phantom..."

What? I started to listen as I realized that he was trying to get a "Kuroko", no, he was trying to replace him. What the hell is he thinking! I then realized it was too late to change the situation.

I was in the gym when I was able to gain control of my actions. I growl under my breath.

You should thank me.

Haha, hell. No.

Come on, if anything, it'll really help the team if we have someone like him.

I wanted to hit my head.

Don't think I don't know what you're thinking.

Fine fine I want you dead, even though you may have helped me or made things worse, you are still a part of me. And stop taking this matter so lightly.


Why?! Because you broke his heart!

No, you broke his heart.

I tense up. As I replayed that morning in my head, I realized that I agreed to the plan. I said those words. I did help, and I didn't you anything about it. Then one thing popped up.

What is it?

You were the one who confirmed it.

Yet you didn't do anything.

He's right, I guess it is all my fault. I'm just here doing nothing while I should be doing something. I have to, or it'll be too late.
~time skip~

There wasn't any practice today and I decided to pay a visit.

Walking towards the door, I see that they are practicing with each other. I lean on the door frame and call out him name.

~after talking~

Are you happy?

I shake my head. Not really.

Why not? He said he'd think about it.

I sigh. You don't understand.

Maybe, but here's the thing. What if he doesn't accept you?

I scoff. Oh, sudden change in confidence huh? You said I'd get him back, and now you're saying I can't. Why is that? Are you toying with me?

Hah? No, I'm sure you found out already, but I want to toy with your so called lover, so that one day, you-

Okay okay I get it. But hurt him and you're dead. I hear him laugh a bit.

Hai hai.

A/n ohhhhhhhh something gon happen. Okay I'm weird I get it. This wasn't a great chapter but I hope you enjoyed and plz vote and comment if you have any questions I'll answer.

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