If You Hurt Me?

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A/n Wooooo I did it! I edited this chapter!

The warmth of the sun was the first thing Kuroko felt. As he opened his eyes, he saw a ceiling that definitely did not look like his. The walls were also different and so was the be-... the bed... a flash of memories flooded his mind as he remembered everything that happened last night. As he tried to move, he realized that there was quite a weight on him. Turning his head, he saw that shade of red.

He yelped.

"Akashi-kun!" The other simply groaned, waking up. He started to open his eyes, and looked up at the now sitting up teen. He smiled, also sitting up to kiss Kuroko's forehead.

"Morning, Tetsuya." He yawned and stretched simultaneously. The use of his first name sort of made Kuroko realize that their relationship wasn't as simple as being friends, though, even then he didn't know what they were. Once the shock subsided, a striking pain finally shot through his back. He grimaced as his massaged close to his hips, clearly in an uncomfortable position. He wanted to snuggle back into the warm blankets, but he knew he had to get up some time, otherwise it would be rude.

Seeing his pained look, Akashi chuckled while a worried expression, somehow that made perfect sense.

"Doubt you'll be getting up anytime soon," he said. Kuroko looked at him a bit confused, worry sort of coming through. If he couldn't walk, that would certainly be a problem.

"Eh?" Akashi started to explain.

"With what we did, your hips are bound to hurt, don't you think?" Right then, did Kuroko realize the after affects of such an indecent night. He looked around and then realized that he was completely naked. He had no clothes on. Nothing. Only the blanket to cover him. Turning a bit red, he looked at Akashi.

"C-can I have my clothes back." He tried his best to sound calm and collected, but his embarrassment got the best of him. He felt a bit exposed not having his clothes, but somehow asking for his clothes didn't seem fit. How? Even he didn't know.

"They're getting washed right now." A smug look came about. "Tetsuya, want to get washed?" Considering what happened the night before, he couldn't help but think about indecent thoughts before he forced himself to erase them. He would like to wash up and even if he didn't, he knew defying his former captain wouldn't be so great, so he nodded, agreeing.

Akashi smiled, almost sweetly.

"Tsune!" He called. The door slightly opened and revealed a young lady around her twenties in a maid outfit and a short brown bob.

"Yes?" She seemed to be new to the job or if she wasn't, she didn't seem to be used to serving Akashi Seijuro.

"Get the bath ready." Kuroko immediately turned his attention to Akashi.

"Bath?" Akashi nodded.

"Yes, bath." It took a moment to process, but he somehow got it. He was going to take a bath, a bath... It wasn't a bad idea per se, it just wasn't something he expected. Aside from that, a bath sounded great.

Akashi examined the teen, then back at the maid. He sent her off to do as she was told and he went to the naked teen, only covered with a blanket. He took the blanket and wrapped Kuroko with it, much like an odd looking dress. Internally he laughed, seeing a small boy in what looked like a poorly made dress made him too adorable. A smile creeped through, yet it was soft.

Carrying him bridal style, Kuroko groaned at the pain. "Why did you have to be so rough," he whined. He pouted at the thought and then replied.

"Rough? Was I that rough?" Kuroko's jaw dropped in disbelief.

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