You're Joking Right?

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A/n I edited this one!!! Yayay!!! (Small details here might not make full sense in the next chapter, but nothing major).

It was quiet, and it was good. The relationship the two had progressed smoothly. It wasn't until Kuroko received a phone call from the other, a call asking him to meet up at Teiko Middle, one week prior to school starting. It seemed sudden, yes, and he was confused, but he decided to meet up with him despite this.

It was a cold morning. Kuroko snuggled up in his blankets, not wanting to leave them. He sighed before he got out and did his morning business. He got dressed before he stood in front of his mirror. He stared at his reflection, feeling something odd surface. He shook it off before he left to meet his significant other.

He walked and focused on what was ahead of him, but his thoughts began to fester. He was confused, confused and scared. Why did he want to meet to suddenly? He bit the inside of his cheek, the odd feeling resurfacing. He looked up and saw a familiar red.

"Sei-kun!" The other was perpendicular to the phantom, his eyes glanced up at the gray skies. It took a moment before he finally acknowledged the boy's presence.

"Ah, Tetsuya." His voice was low and somewhat condescending. His eyes an amber and bright red. It was at this point that Kuroko had two questions; why the middle school and why his second?

"Akashi-kun," he switched to a more formal tone. "What is it?" Akashi frowned, an audible exhale from his mouth seemed to have given his appearance a more pitiful look. His eyes back to normal and his entirety a bit strained. Why the sudden change? "What did you want to talk about?" Akashi looked at him with sad eyes.

"Tetsuya," he merely whispered with his kind voice, the voice that made everything better. "I-"

Or at the very least, it was supposed to.

His appearance changed as he suddenly looked prideful. "I think we should stop," his voice now back to its condescending tone. Confusion stuck the boy as all the possibilities ran through his head.

Kuroko opened his mouth to say something, only to be interrupted.

"Tetsuya, I know what you did." His heart dropped. What was with this accusation? Why? Who made him like this?

"What did I do?" He breathed out, his voice barely a whisper. He could feel a ball of what felt like frustration in his throat as he wanted to scream and ask 'why'.

Akashi turned around and left. He just left without a word. Kuroko ran after him and grabbed his arm. "What did I do Sei-kun?" Akashi shook his grip off. The teen tried again. "Sei-ku-"

"Don't ever call me that," he commanded and quickly turned around. He could hear his thoughts scream 'just ask why. Do it, now before he's gone.'

He clutched tightly at his chest as he stood in disbelief, watching the other walk away from view. He could feel himself shutting down as he forgot to breathe. He tried to gasp but it hurt. He was desperately trying and trying before he finally managed to breathe in. Unfortunately it was short lived when he screamed out and lost his breath. His knees gave out as he dropped down.

He began to hyperventilate, his hands attempting to slow down his ragged breathing. He screamed out once more, but this time his tears began to pour, unlike moments before. He shifted himself to lean on the wall, hugging his legs, sobbing.

It hurt.

When he managed to calm himself down, he took out his phone and dialed a familiar number.

A low voice answered. "Why do you call me?" He bit the inside of his cheek again. The drizzling rain began to fall as the tiny droplets grew bigger.

He pursed his lips, trying not to cry. He chuckled as he tried to process all that had happened. "You're joking right?" On the other line, a big laughter filled his ears, a laugh of one having the time of their life. When the laughter ended, a pause made the phantom feel numb as he figured that simply, he was just a nuisance, a boy that was simply used for ones entertainment. That their love, was just a lie. 

"Tetsuya, you do know I do not joke around." When the call had ended, his hand holding his phone dropped immediately as he leaned against the wall once more, the feeling rain on his face. A small chuckle escaped as he looked back on his memories.

"I feel like such a fool." He got up and walked back home.
~time skip~

He woke up the next morning, wanting to give up. School was going to start in a few days. So he slept, ate and drank the bare necessities and before long, school was just around the corner. He lied down in bed with his comfortable blankets before he decided to just close his eyes and think of nothing, a black void, and silence.

And now it was morning. He got up for school and got ready. He did his morning business, got dressed, and stood in front of the mirror. What a strange feeling of deja vu. He stared at his reflection and noticed how sickly he looked. He decided to make himself a quick breakfast and to drink a glass of water before leaving for school.

He smiled and chuckled at the thought. It felt weird suddenly being nice to oneself.

He arrived at Seirin High and as always, he managed to slip by every person. He attended his classes, scared some people, and looked at the clubs. He looked at everything on the list when one in particular caught his eye. Almost instinctively, did he grab a piece of paper and fill out the form. The sport felt second nature to him, sort of. Yes, it did. It was no excuse for anything. He turned in the application, and of course, none of them noticed. He smiled and felt a feeling of excitement.

"Basketball... I wonder what my teammates will be like."

~time skip~

"I was here the whole time." He said as his coach, Aida Riko, screamed her head off. No surprised there.

"YOU WERE?!" He nodded.

"Yes." Sighing, she told him to take off his shirt as a procedure. He thought about how different this was compared to when he was at Teiko, but he didn't think much of it. He took off his shirt and let her examine his, physicality.

As she inspected him, he saw that her eyes were wide open in shock. He put on his shirt and looked to his left. He could feel himself almost flinch as the color red reminded him all over again. He clenched his jaw before his relaxed them. Smiling, he took out his hand.

"Hello, my name is Kuroko Tetsuya, and you are?"

A/n that was short. But yay! Two chapters in one day! I tried to make it sad. Well questions I will answer. And as always thx for reading!!!!!!

A/n tried editing! Still kind of failed because I use my phone!

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