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A/n ... so I  don't know if this will be funny. I kinda rushed at the end because I had big gigantic writers block.  I still hope you guys enjoy. \( ̄▽ ̄)/ and pls tell me if there is a typo.  I will fix it for you guys ^^

Their next game was definitely a challenge. Kagami's legs weren't fully healed and neither was Kuroko's injury. However the worst thing was, they were up against yet another one of the generation of miracles. They asked Kuroko what he was like, but he didn't really reply with much, but it was enough information to say he was terrifying.

"Well, during middle school, he never really went to practice, and when he tries even a bit, he would overthrow our opponents easily. On the other hand, he loved basketball but with so much power, he doesn't feel much of it anymore." There was a slight pause before he whispered something. "And yet I hate his basketball."

The coach gathered information about the team as much as possible but all was terrifying. The information, it didn't seem to have proven that they were even high schoolers. Were they high schoolers?
~time skip~

The first part of the game didn't go so well and neither did the end. Aomine crushed them miserably and Kagami's legs started to give in with only five minutes left on the clock. With two minutes left, Kuroko fainted.
~time skip~

(In the infirmary)
Kuroko could hear silence yet slight murmurs around him. Prying his eyes open, he saw a bright light again. With a slight brown and slight red on either side of him, he stared to make up the faces.

"C-coach?" He started to reach.

"Kuroko?" She answered back. When the picture started to become more clear, he saw red. He saw two mismatched eyes. He felt the intensity.

"Aka-" he chocked on his words. Shooting up, he looked at Akashi with his blue orbs. "Aka-" this time he interrupted.

"I was worried Tetsuya." His eyes went back to two reds.

"H-hai..." the coach looked at them both and decided to leave them. When the door clicked, they started their conversation.

"What is your answer?" Kuroko gripped tightly on the sheets. They were all alone.

"That's what you ask when you've left me?" Akashi sighed. Sitting on the bed, he lifted Kuroko's chin and turned his head to face him.

"You know I can't last very long." Kuroko slapped him.

"Wow, pervert." He deadpanned. He pouted.

"Hidoi, Baka." Kuroko rolled his eyes. "Oi oi, you have the nerve to do such a thing?" Kuroko nodded.

"After breaking my heart you dare say such a thing?" He copied his voice and attitude. Akashi sighed whilst pinching the bridge of his nose. Kuroko looked to the opposite side Akashi was at, a bit distracted and during that moment, he pinned him on the bed, making the bed creak. "Wait Akashi!" He had just came back from a private study so he was dressed pretty formally. He unbuckled his belt as he used that to put his arms together. Then he untied him tie as he used it as a muffler and tied it.

"Now we haven't done something like this for quite some time huh?" Kuroko wanted to ignite pass him but the belt was in the way.

"Fihrst ob all, whe are in da infighamy. (First all of we are in the infirmary.) whad ip bwe get caupth. (What if we get caught.)"

"We won't. Don't worry." Kuroko seriously wanted to ignite pass him.

"Whnd bwe are donfe, I will ignipth pasth you. (When we are done I will ignite pass you)."

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