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A/n YEH FINALLY EDITED THIS ONE! Now it makes a bit of sense!! Also wrote it when I am heavily sleep deprived. It will be meh, but I needed it to make sense...

Edit- cleaned up my awful grammar...

Akashi's POV   
~couple days after they started dating~

Ever since Kuroko accepted my confession, it felt like a dream. To be completely honest, I wasn't sure it wasn't a dream. It didn't feel, real. But that was just in my head, I was sure of it. Though there was this fear that my father would find out. If he ever did, he would most certainly kill me, or worse Kuroko.

I heard a knock outside my bedroom door. I was studying for future classes and I was sure I let the others know that I was not to be disturbed.

"Akashi-sama," a voice followed the knock. "Your father calls for you." I immediately sighed. Of course my father is the one to interrupt my studies. I internally laughed, how ironic. I got up to open the door.

"I am currently studying. Is it a matter that can wait?" She paused as she hesitated.

"Ah, sir. He informed me saying that if you were not to come then-" I cut her off, hearing in my head the many threats that my father would have made.

"I understand. I will be on my way," I almost muttered as I walked past her and into my father's work room. I knocked three times to make my presence known before I opened the door and closed it behind me. "Father you called?"

He was clearly preoccupied, yet decided what he needed to discuss with me was far more important. It seems he read my mind, being that he looked in my direction and looked at me with a look that screamed disappointment. Then again, when does he not?

"Break it," he said as he threw what looked like a contract on his desk. Of course, I was very confused. I almost laughed.

"What?" He picked up another piece of paper with, who knows what information, and spoke in a voice that was all too familiar to me. It was the same voice he would speak in whenever he lectured me, because he always expected more from me, because he expected me to know better.

"I know who he is and who he is to you," he shifted a pile of paperwork to the side as he signed a couple papers. "So break it." Not once did he make eye contact with me, not once did he consider me his equal.

I took a breath to respond, to protest, whatever, but he cut me off.

"If you don't," he chuckled, "well, you know exactly I would do, don't you? You are my son after all."

My immediate thought was that there was no way he could have known. Did someone tell him something?

"I'm not an idiot. I am your father, and if you're idiotic enough to think you could fool me, well that makes you no better than a lowly peasant." I stayed silent, feeling offended by his remarks. But hey, maybe he was right...

"I understand," I croaked. I took a small breath in and slowly breathed out, calming my nerves to the best of my abilities. "I just, I just need a little time."

Now he stopped what he was doing and gave me his undivided attention. He didn't approve of my sentence.

"Did I not make myself clear? When I say break it off, I don't mean later, I mean now." I tensed my jaw before deciding to speak up. Mother, please give me some strength.

"I understand but-"

"But what? What more could there possibly be? What," Father stood up and walked towards me. "Do you think," now he laughed. "Do you really think that you have feelings for him? That, I don't know, you could possibly love him?" I shrugged my shoulders as my words got caught in my throat.

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