Chapter Sixteen

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"What is going on with Nina and Ashton?" Michael asked me as I scrolled through my Twitter. "Last night was a train wreck."

"Basically... Ashton and Nina slept together, and he said they could date but he's trying to get back with Bryana." I explained and he nodded. "It's a lot."

He sat down beside me and I laid my head on his lap. "I gotta um... talk to you, Max." He said and I set my phone on my chest.

"If it's my attitude and behavior, I'm sorry but I can't always be the perfect little angel you think I am. It's just not me. I swear, I shout, I get angry, and I can be a spoiled little brat sometimes." I told him and he laughed.

"I know that. It isn't what I wanna talk about, but I know that." He assured and I looked up at him.

"Well, what did you wanna talk about?" I asked and he hesitated for a moment. "If you used my hair stuff, I won't be mad."

"Metaphorically speaking..." he spoke up and I rolled my eyes. "If someone broke your phone charger, how upset would you be?"

"Who broke it?" I asked, even though I knew it wasn't broken. It couldn't be. I just unplugged my phone from it like five minutes ago.

"Sorry?" He asked and I shook my head as I flicked his forehead. "I'll buy you a new one when I get myself one. I've been borrowing people's for the past weeks since mine is at the stage where you gotta adjust it a certain way."

"Urgh, I hate that stage." I pretended to gag and he agreed. "I'm not mad. It's okay."

"You sure?"

"It's a charger Mikey, it was like seven dollars. Calm down." I laughed and he played with my hair. "Why don't you wear your piercing anymore?"

"Lost it."

"Liar." I claimed and he laughed as I narrowed my eyes at him. "You're supposed to be my punk rock older brother with the scary piercing and leather jackets."

"Maybe I don't wanna be that punk rock guy with the scary piercing and leather jacket. Maybe I just wannna be Michael." He retorted and I held my heart.

"Dude, I just asked about the piercing, I didn't need you to go so deep into life and the world." I told him and he rolled his eyes. "Maybe you're right. Just be Michael, because you're my big brother regardless and though I'd prefer you to be big and scary so girls don't like me just for you, it's okay."

"That doesn't happen, does it? No one knew we were related before, it couldn't have happened." He asked and I shook my head.

"No, it didn't happen, but it's probably going to start." I shrugged and he chuckled. "So, have you propsed to Crystal yet?"

"What? No. We're not getting married now." He immediately said as his cheeks went red. "No way. Calm down."

"Why? I like Crystal, she's better than your other ex girlfriends." I complained and he shook his head as I fixed my glasses. "You guys make me wanna be in a relationship. I want that cute and lovey stuff."

"You'll find someone, you're only twelve after all."

"Okay, this twelve year old joke thing is getting out of hand. I am fifteen, you guys aren't that much older than me." I huffed and he just chuckled as I yawned. "I'm sleepy."

"Then take nap. We'll wake you up before the concert, promise." He told me and I nodded. "Or... we'll wake you up early enough for you to get dressed."

"Please. I look like a fat, hot mess." I said and he grabbed my tummy. "Hey! I'm fat, stop."

"You're not fat, shut up." He scoffed and I rolled my eyes. "You are tiny."

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