Chapter Seventeen

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"I'm scared, Ni." I told her as she pulled me close to her. "What's going to happen after tour? When I go home... where am I staying? Is my dad even going to want me to come home? Am I going to have to move? Why didn't Michael tell me I'm only here so they can finalize their divorce?"

"Hey, it's gonna be okay, I promise." She told me and I shook my head. "I'm sure things are going to be just fine. Only difference is that maybe your dad won't be as involved after, maybe."

"Why are they divorcing though? They looked so happy..." I sniffled and looked outside of the window. "Why now?"

"I couldn't answer that. There's so many reasons." She rubbed my back and I shook my head. "Maybe... Maybe they just... fell out of love. It's something that happens frequently."

"Do you think it was me?" I asked abruptly anf she seemed shocked by my statement.

"What? Of course not. Why would you think that?" She asked and I was silent as I tried to find the words.

"I-I'm freaking weird, Nina. I act like a girl. I wear heels and makeup and shorts that no man would ever touch, let alone wear. I still call my mum, mummy, and I watch Disney movies and giggle over the princes. I'm a fucking weirdo." I rante as I ran a hand through my hair. "My own dad didn't even think of getting custody over me, just Michael. What if he hates me?"

"He doesn't hate you, Max." She tried but I shook my head. "Just because you're not a typical boy, doesn't mean you caused your parents to want a divorce. It's so much more than that."

"I don't know." I told her as I wiped underneath my eyes. "I just... I wanna know why. Why didn't Michael tell me about this before?"

"He's your older brother, Max. Maybe he just wanted to think he could protect you from this. I know I did the same to my siblings when my mum left us." She said softly and I just shrugged my shoulders weakly.

"I don't know what he thinks he could do to protect me from this, honestly." I mumbled and then laughed bitterly. "After all, I'm the one who's going home to a broken family, while he's the one who lives with his girlfriend and his best friends on a whole different country."

"It's for his work. You see what he does, it isn't a nine to five. It's all around the clock, everyday, every hour." She reminded me. "He works literally every day up in LA, writing and all that shit for the band."

"You sound like my mum." I rolled my eyes and then stood up quickly. "I'm going to bed. I-I don't wanna talk about this anymore."

"You can't just bottle up your feelings, Max. You know how unhealthy that is." She claimed and I scoffed.

"Fuckin' watch me. My bottle's bigger than you think." I told her before walking towards my bunk. I got in and then shut the curtains before throwing my blanket over my head.


"Goodnight, Nina." I stated firmly as I closed my eyes, ignoring her worried tone.

"Come here. I know for a fact that you don't want to be alone right now. Let's cuddle." She said and I shook my head.

"Leave me alone, Nina."

"If you don't come out, I'll go in there." She promised and I felt irritating fill my veins. I don't know why, but I was aggravated. I just wanted to be alone. I wanted her to leave me alone and stop taking to me.

I never feel like this, and I didn't know how to deal with it. It was frustrating me, so I decided to do what felt the easiest.

"Take a fucking hint. I don't want you near me right now. Just leave me alone dammit." I snapped at her and it was silent.

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