Chapter Eighteen

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( sorry for the long wait, had some major writers block but I'm back! This is unedited, but I'll edit super soon! Hope you enjoy xx )


"Yeah?" He asked and I walked up to him. "I'm smoking bud, you shouldn't be around me."

"I can talk to you, right?" I asked quietly and he looked at me. "I-I need to talk to someone."

"You know you can talk to me, and I'll always be here for you, but what about Nina? Or Arz and Crystal?" He asked and I shook my head as I crossed my arms.

"It's about Nina... and Mikey... and Crystal."

"Ah, alright then. What's up?" He asked me and I looked over the empty parking lot, something I found happened a lot while on tour.

There's more dressing rooms and parking lots than flashy, city lights and scenes. You wake up in one city and you're just half way across the state the next.

"I... I over heard Michael and Crystal talking, and Michael's been lying to be." I sighed and he looked at me. "Then Nina asked why I was so upset, and I told her, but I also had really snapped and have been distant from her, from everyone really."

"Are you ranting, or looking for advice?" He asked me and I shrugged.

"A little bit of both really." I admitted and he nodded. "I feel bad, and I feel so... lied to."

"Well... What happened? What did he lie about?" Calum asked me and I bit on my bottom lip. "Was it a big deal?"

"He told me that he wanted me to come on tour because he misses me and that I have mum's last name because they wanted me out of the spotlight. They changed it when I was younger and you guys were getting famous so that people didn't hate me or crowd me." I explained and he nodded.

"He told me that too. What part of it was a lie?"

"He told Crystal on the bus that I have mum's last name because our parents wanted to... to divorce. Dad wanted to take him and and mum wanted to keep me." I continued and he threw his cigarette on the floor before stomping it out. "He said I was only here because they wanted to go through with the divorce while I was a-away."

"I'm so sorry, Maxy." He apologized and I couldn't help but hold on to him. He rubbed my back gently and I cried into his shirt. "If anything at all, I absolutely promise that he does want you here."

"And-And I accidentally yelled at Nina and now she hates me too." I sobbed into his t-shirt. "She didn't even do anything! I'm ju st a fucking asshole!"

"Maybe you should apologize then. Too many people on this tour have been pissing people off and not apologizing for it." He sighed and I nodded. "Really... just apologize to her. I'm sure she only wanted to help."

"I'm such a dick." I shook my head and I heard door close. "No wonder why my dad wants to leave."

"It isn't your fault-"

"How do you know?" I asked as I pulled away from me. "Maybe he likes Michael more cause he's actually good at something! All I do is cry, complain, and do girly stuff that he's embarassed by."

"Who told you that?" I heard Ashton's voice and I turned around. "Who told you about the divorce?"

"Not Michael, my parents, or Crystal. I had to evesdrop just to hear it." I told him bitterly and he put his hands in his pockets.


"It is my fault, isn't it?" I asked as Calum turned around. "It's because I'm fucking weird, huh? All I do is mess with makeup, hair, and clothes like some stereotypical gay man. I wear shorts from the girls section and I own more heels than I can count. I still watch Disney movies and act like I'm some royal fucking princess that gets whatever she wants."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2017 ⏰

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