Chapter 1 || The Divorce

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My life was going great, loving parents, the money, the house and 1 amazing BFF! I may of been an only child but I had my best friend Abigail. Her and I would text and speak on the phone every day.
Abigail: heyyyyy
Me: wanna come over today?
Abigail: Yass gurlll we can shopping for new outfitsssss!
Me: k I'll Ask my mum
Abigail: k
Abigail: what did your mum say?
Abigail: Hello???
Abigail: I'm coming over.
There was a knock on my door. I open it to see Abigail standing in front of me. "Hey come in!" I tell her. We walk in and head up the stairs." "Amelia!" My mum calls from the bottom of the stairs. Abigail and I turn around to the bottom and the staircase "Yes, mother?" I say. "Would you like the good news or the bad news?" I am scared to ask for the bad news. Abigail and I exchange glances. Abigail mouths the words to me "Bad news" "The bad news please." "Well.....she takes a deep breath, your father and I are getting a divorce" A tear rolls down my cheek but I quickly wipe it away so my mom doesn't see the way I'm feeling. I look down and Abigail whispers in my ear "Ask for the good news." "And the good news?" I ask politely. "Yes, I have been given a pay rise, so that gives us more money to shop!" "Yay..." I try to say excited.

We pull up in front of the mall. We walk in the big gates and began shopping! It took the divorce thing off my mind for a little while. We went into every store but it was worth it, because we bought ALOT of things. Around 10:30pm we dropped Abigail to her house.....

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