Chapter 9 || New Friends

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A bell is rung at around 5:30am in the mourning.
PA system: Rise and shine ladies, be ready for breakfast in 30 minutes!
PA system: Don't be late!
Oceana wakes up and rubs her eyes. "You're already awake?'' Oceana asks. "Yep, I was never actually asleep though.'' I explain. "Oh." "So do you want a shower first or me?' I ask. "You can go, it'll take me a little while to wake up properly." Oceana says yawning again. I grab my clothing for the day and head to the bathroom. I go in the shower, get changed, do my hair in 2 braids, brush my teeth and head back into the room. "All done." I announce. Oceana's bed is all made and her half of the room is clean so I decided to clean mine too. Oceana heads to the bathroom and I begin cleaning my room. I made my bed and re-folded all my clothing. It was 5:57 and Oceana just got out of the shower. ''Come on, we need to go the cafeteria." I say rushing Oceana. We head downstairs along with other orphans. Ding ding ding! The breakfast bell goes. We all rush in the cafeteria and wait in line for our breakfast. I grab my tray and the lunch lady gives me my pancakes and chocolate milk. I look around the cafeteria and see an empty 4 table in the corner. I would've had a 2 table but they were all full. I sit down and Oceana comes too. We begin eating when I felt 2 sudden shadows peering over me. "Hi, do you mind if we sit here?'' One girl asks. "Yes of course." Oceana replies. They both sit down and we sit in awkward silence. "...I'm Amelia Younge?" I say trying to make conversation. "I'm Myer and this is Alison'' Myer says. ''How long have you been here for?" I ask. "Well, I've been here for 7 years and Myer has been here for 6" Alison says. "Wow."
PA system: girls, we hope your enjoyed your breakfast. Ms.Charlotte wants all girls to begin their cleaning in 10 mins.

"Oh, where must we clean?" I ask "Everywhere!" Oceana grumps. "All day!" Alison adds. We get up from the dining table and begin cleaning. I grab water and a brush and clean the walls. After 4 hours I was stuffed. "Are we done yet?" I whine. "It's only 1pm Amelia." Myer says. "So?" I ask. "We finish at 5pm!" Alison says to me. I rub my eyes and continue my cleaning. How could these girls survive here?! This was my first full day and I couldn't handle it!
By the time it was five I just wanted to sleep. My eyes were red and my feet were killing me! All the other orphans looked perfectly fine though. Ding ding ding! The dinner bell rang. I was so pleased I could eat! I rush into the cafeteria and grab my food first. I go and sit on a 4 table and save seats for Oceana, Myer and Alison. I see them and wave furiously. Eventually they see my and walk over to the table. "Why are you here so early?" Myer asks. "I'm tired!" I yell. "Ok ok.' Myer says. We eat and all head back to Oceana and my room. We sit on my bed and chat for hours.
PA system: All girls, have a shower and get ready for bed. Ms.Charlotte will be around soon to check on you. Goodnight

"Well we better be heading off" Myer says. "Ok, night guys." Oceana says. They walk out and Oceana and I have a shower. We tuck ourselves into bed and I try to drift off to sleep....

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