Chapter 12 || Natalie

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After breakfast Oceana and I head back to our room. We begin discussing the new staff. "Who do you think they are?" "What do they look like" "I wonder how young they are" The whole orphanage was buzzing about the new staff. I didn't know why it was such a big deal, so I asked Oceana. "Why is the new staff so shocking?" "We never get new staff!" Oceana explains.
PA system: All orphans meet at the hall for our assembly
PA system: Don't be late!
"Wow my first assembly!" I say. "Don't get to excited, assemblies are never good." Oceana grumps. We head to the assembly hall and take our seats. Michael steps on stage. "Morning girls, as you know we are getting new staff." He begins. "There names are Natalie and Liam, they will now be coming to the stage." He finishes up. No-one comes. We all sit there waiting. "Can Natalie and Liam please come to the stage now please." Michael repeats. Two young figures walk up the staircase which leads them to the stage. Michael hands the microphone to the girl standing beside the boy. "Hello fellow orphans, I am Natalie and this is Liam." Natalie starts. "We are new staff here at the orphanage. We are here to help you and have fun!" Oceana and I exchange glances. We weren't here to have fun, we were here for cleaning. She hands the microphone to Liam. "Hello as you may know I am Liam, I have heard much about you all and looking forward to meeting all you lovely people!" He says cheerfully. These 2 new staff were in for a rude shock, they had no idea what was coming there way.

We all exit the hall and head to the cafeteria for lunch. An empty table is in the left hand corner. Oceana and I rush to it and get the seat. Two girls, looking quite the same peer over our table. "Hello our these seats taken?'' The girl on the right asks politely. "Nope." Oceana says. "Do you mind if we sit here?'' The girl to the left asks. "Of course!'' I say. They take a seat and start introducing themselves. "Hi, I'm Maddison Walters and this is D.J Williams." Maddison says. "We are identical twins and have been here for 10 years!" D.J explains. "I'm Ocea-" Oceana says before getting cut off by the PA system.
PA System: Girls we have an important message from Ms.Charlotte, just because we have new staff you should not be hanging around doing nothing! Clean, clean your rooms everything!
The whole cafeteria grumps in their chairs. "Anyways..I'm Oceana Anderson and this is Amelia Younge." Oceana finishes. "Ding ding ding!" The bells goes to begin our cleaning. All the orphans hop out of their chairs and find an area to clean, Oceana and I head to the assembly hall to pick up everyone's mess. I felt someone breathing over my shoulder and I turned around to see Natalie standing behind me. I spin around and say hi. "Hello." Natalie begins. "Who might you be?" She's asks with a rather big smile. "I'm Amelia Younge and this is Oceana Anderson.'' I point to Oceana who is already having a conversation with Liam. I think of a nice way to ask Natalie why she wants to be here. "Why do you want to be here?'' I try to ask in the most polite way possible. "Well, they needed we staff." Natalie explains. "Oh, i don't think you should've came." I say. "Why ever not?" Natalie's face frowns. ''It is torture here, we have to clean, get yelled out and we get the belt!" I explain. "Oh my, this does not sound pleasant." She sulks. "Maybe I'm having second thoughts about this job." Natalie worries. "I won't tell anyone if you and Liam leave." I wink. "Oh honey, I can't to do that." Natalie assures me. "Okay, it's your loss." I smile. Ms.Charlotte rushes into the hall where Oceana, Natalie, Liam and I are having our conversations. "What is going on here?!'' She yells. I open my mouth to speak but Natalie get me to it. "Well Ms.Charlotte I am just trying to meet all the orphans." She smiles. "Orphans? Meet them?" "What do you think this is a summer camp?!'' She yells. "Liam and Natalie, my office now!" Ms.Charlotte demands. They all head to her office. Oceana and I stand in front of the office it hear what is going on. We here yelling and bickering. Finally they come out. We look up to them and they we not smiling. "What are you too doing, get back to work!' Liam demands. We scurry to the gym and clean the sports equipment up. As we put the hula-hoops away we begin discussing Liam and Natalie. ''What did Ms.Charlotte do to them?!" Oceana complains. "It was Ms.Charlotte, she changed them." I say. "Oh Come on Amelia, someone can't just change something, just like that.'' She says clicking her fingers.  Footsteps trail in the gymnasium. I shadow peers over us. "Cleaning are we?'' Ms.Charlotte sasses. "We uh....uh'' Oceana and I try to explain. "So you think I change people do I, Miss.Younge?' Ms.Charlotte asks me, her eyes narrowed at mine. ''What no...of course no-" "BELT!" Ms.Charlotte demands. "But I-" "No buts!" My office nowww!" She yells. I hurry to her office and stand in front of her desk. She opens her top draw and gets the belt out. I gulp once or twice. I close my eyes tight shut and....whip! The belt whacked me real hard. Not crying was really hard to do. "Now, don't ever talk about me, rudely to someone again!'' She yells. I rush out the room, tears filling my eyes. I go into my room, slam me door and cry my eyes out. Ding ding ding! The dinner bell rang. I was not up for dinner, but knowing Ms,Charlotte she would know if I wasn't there. I sulk my way to the cafeteria, seeing Oceana's arms waving furiously towards me. I walk over to the table to see her face, looking quite worried. "Are you ok? Have you been crying? What did she do to you?'' All these questions where piling in on me and it was to much to give her the full details. "It was ok.'' I say turning around to go and get my food. We all eat and head back to our rooms to get ready for bed...

Authors note
Hey guys! Was this chapter too long?! I'm not sure? Anyways I  hope you are liking the divorce so far and More chapters will be posted very soon!
~ilysm guys!~ 🐠

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