Chapter 5 || Double Funeral

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After both my parents passed away, we decided to have the funeral on the same days as moms. My phone keeps buzzing all day of RSVP's from ppl saying they will be attending the funeral.

The day finally arrives. The funeral. It's going to be the saddest day of my life. I put on my black dress and boots and head to Abigail's room and see her looking beautiful as always. 'Hey...." I say. "Hey, you all ready for today?" She's asks. "I guess so, except I was imagining doing this when I was much older." I keep talking. "Also, do you want to speak at the funeral?" I ask Abi. "That would be an honour Amelia!" She thanks me. We head to the funeral and I walk past seeing my parents in their coffins. They look nothing like I've seen them before. My mom is wearing makeup and my was hideous. The funeral began and I was hosting it so I went up on the stage.

My speech
Hello, fellow friends, family and others. Today we are gathered here to remember the lives of Xander and Lisa Younge. They were amazing people and great parents. We were so lucky to have them in our lives. We loved them and they surely loved us. I may not of got to say goodbye to either of them but we had amazing memories together. Here is a quick collage of mine and our memories with them..(Collage plays)  Now could my friend. Best friend. Abigail please come to the stage....

Abigail looks at me nervously, I mouth the words to her "go ahead" she takes a deep breath and begins her speech. I go and sit down in my seat. I look back and see people crying, which makes me cry too. As Abigail finished her speech she came and sat back down. I finished off the funeral and we came and eat. I caught up with a lot of my parents friends. It was pretty depressing, bc everyone was bringing up my parents, which made me fell uncomfortable. 

The funeral finished and we said our goodbyes to all the guests. We began cleaning and I came across a cupcake. It had a smiley face on it. It brought back so many memories. Dad, mom and I would always make these cupcakes and play together, laughing and having a great time. Abigail came to me and told me it was time to go. By the time we got back to her old place it was time for sleep. I couldn't be bothered getting into my pj's so I went to bed, in my dress...

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