Chapter 17

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Riley's POV
I woke up and did my usual morning routine before I ate breakfast and waited 'til my handsome boyfriend showed up to pick me up.

When he was in front of my house I walked out, gave him a good morning kiss and then we drove to school.

As we arrived he opened the door for me and together we walked into school. In the school hallway James and I were greeted by Beth.

"Hey Riley, what do you think? Shopping day or spa day?" Beth asked me excited. Was she being serious or was that just a stupid joke?

"Beth do you seriously think that I want to be friends with you after you tried to kiss my boyfriend?" I asked her trough gritted teeth and emphasized the my.

James grabbed my hand without saying something to Beth and dragged me to our first period, so nothing bad could happen.

School went over fast. It was ok although Beth asked me 24/7 for forgiveness but I knew that she was just lying.

Right now Daniel, West, Eldon, James and I are in James's car, driving to dance. Suddenly Eldon speaks up.

"James, I need some girls advice." He said shyly an as James heard what he said he instantly parked his car somewhere.

"Ok bro, speak I'm listening." My boyfriend said chilled.

"There's this girl, I want to ask her out but she thinks I'm and idiot." Eldon explained to us without telling us the name of this girl.

"Bro, just say that this girl is Emily, from where I know that? It's obvious. By the way everybody thinks you're an idiot." My boyfriend said and at the end he starts to laugh and Daniel and west gave him a high five and joined him.

But I thought that it wasn't that funny and by the look of Eldon's face he didn't too.

Sometimes I think that James is an asshole to Eldon or everybody else but me.

He is cute when he is with me but when he is with the boys he does jokes that can hurt people feelings.

I hit James' muscular arm and he immediately stopped and his so called bros did the same. They always do what James does, like puppets.

"Eldon I'm sure that my sister will start to like you if you'll be less an idiot and ask her out if you are ready." I said to him to lighten up his mood and then James started his car to continue to drive to dance.

James POV
As we arrived me being a gentleman opened the door for my gorgeous girlfriend. I put my arm around her waist and the boys followed us. When I looked behind me I noticed something.

"Stop looking at my girlfriend's ass!" I warned them and was already pissed at them.


Was the only thing Riley asked.

"What we can't help it?" Daniel said and then they started to laugh. Before someone said something the boys ran away because they knew that I would ran behind them and that's what I did.

In studio a everyone looked at us confused but I ignored it and tried to catch the idiots that I call my bros.

"Come on James, catch us." West said to provocate me more.

"Yeah James, catch me outside, how bout dat?" Eldon said and everybody started to laugh but that gave me another reason for hitting them.

"Eldon, do you want pizza? I have one in my bag." I said but of course I don't have pizza in my bag. It's just that Eldon loves pizza and he is the only one that would believe this. As he stood next to me I pushed him to the ground but not that hard because Miss Kate could see me and then I would be in trouble. But when the boys and I are alone they will get what they deserve.

After Miss Kate came we started to dance and after a while we did a break.

Emily's POV
We had a small break, so I went to my bag to drink something but then I saw that Eldon stood next to me.

"What do you want, Eldon?" I asked him already annoyed of his presence.

"I wanted to ask you if you want to go..." He started but I interrupted him because I already know what he wanted.

"No!" I said annoyed. Of course he wanted to go on a date with me, I mean who doesn't? I always thought that Eldon was an idiot and I still think he is, so there's no way that I will ever go out with him.

James POV
I've seen the whole scene between Eldon and Emily. The only thing I can say about it is 'typical girls'. Suddenly I felt someone hit me, Riley.

"Ouch! Babe, what did I do wrong again?" I asked her confused.

"Typical girls." she mocked me.

I didn't notice that I said that out loud. All of sudden Eldon stood next to me.

"We need a plan B." Eldon said.

"Bro, we didn't even had a plan A." I said cluelessly.

"Plan A just failed." Eldon said now in a desperate way that was kinda funny.

Riley and I started to laugh and Eldon just glared at us which made us stop laughing. We planned a plan b and then dance started again.

After dance practice I drove Riley to her home before I drove to my house where my annoying sister Piper and my mother were already waiting.

"Why are you so late?" My mother asked me like an officer.

"Calm down, I just brought my girlfriend home." I said and smiled at the thought of my beautiful girl, but Piper just rolled her eyes as I mentioned Riley.

"Before you say something. I really like her and I think she is the one, like the one." I explained to them but Piper didn't believe me, as always.

"When can I meet her?" My mother asked me excited.

"Eeehmm, I don't know, tomorrow?" I answered her more with a question back. She agreed and then I went upstairs to my room. I texted Riley that she will meet my family tomorrow before I fell asleep.

Usually I would say that the next chapter comes on next Friday but I'm going to go camping on Friday, wich means that the next chapter will probably come in two weeks. I'm sorry but I'll promise that i will upload 3 chapters then. Tell me in the comments if you liked it and vote! See you in two weeks I think. ❤️😜

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