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"Edgar Allan Poe's frequent theme 'Death of a Beautiful Woman' transpired from the constant deaths of women in his life.

"One example is his last poem 'Annabelle Lee'. The poem ----"

The bell rang which interrupted sensei Jura's speech. He was supposed to explain the poem but changed it instead.

"---- will be your assignment for next week."

"Arrrgh!" Came the class's reply.

"Make a 500-word essay about the poem and submit it on Monday. Class dismissed." He said while ignoring the cry of protest from the students.

Jura was about to leave when Natsu approached him.

"Sensei, I ----

"The answer is 'no', Natsu."

"B-but I haven't said anything yet!"

"Well...I know what you're thinking. You're going to plea to move the deadline coz you have something to do this weekend." He said in a matter-of-fact tone.

Natsu was dumbfounded. He then thought of something else and was about to reply when Jura cut him off again.

"And, NO, you will not bargain to make a hundred word essay in exchange for walking my dog."

He scratched his head.

"I was thinking maybe...150?" He said sheepishly.

"NO!" Jura glared at him.

"Come on, sensei. We have basketball practice this weekend. Where's your team spirit?"

"You're not in the varsity, Natsu."

"Well...I was going to cheer for them."

He facepalmed then sighed. "I'm going."


Jura stopped at the doorway and faced Natsu.

"You have two options, Natsu. Do your homework or FAIL. Make a choice." Then he left.

Natsu contemplated for a moment then ran after him. He was a few feet away from Jura when he called him out.


Jura stopped in his tracks then turned around to face him.

"I...CHOOSE...TO LIVE!" He said dramatically while raising his hands and looking up at the ceiling, then he slid down to the ground kneeling with his eyes close.

Jura was so used to his antics that he just stared at him for a moment then left.

Natsu tried to peak to see his reaction but got disappointed when he saw him leave. He then stood up and brushed his knees, then turned to the crowd and bowed.

Students who were standing at the hallway were clapping and laughing at him at the same time.

"Thank you! Thank you!" He was grinning from ear to ear when Lucy whacked him on the back of his head.


"Ouch! What was that for?" He rubbed the spot where Lucy hit him.

"For acting like a moron. What makes you think you could pursuade sensei to make a deal."

He just shrugged. "There's no harm in trying."

She rolled her eyes. "Everytime a teacher gives us an assignment, you always try to bargain your way when you know they'll never cave in. Don't you ever get tired?"

"Nope." He then paused and thought for a moment before continuing, Actually...I learned that from you."

"From me?" She said confused.

"Uh-huh! Wasn't your motto in life to 'Never Give Up'? I mean, that's your motto in pursuing your love for Gray, remember?" He said smugly.

This made Lucy speechless. She tried to speak but no words came out.

"Got ya, didn't I?" He said cheekily.

She heard laughters behind them. Apparently, the others followed suit after Natsu ran.

"Ho, ho, ho! She got you on that one, Lucy!" Jet said then gave Natsu a high five. Natsu was grinning broadly when Erza pinched him in the ear.

"Ow, ow, ow!"

"How many times do I have to tell you to quit pestering our teachers?"

"I wasn't...honest. I was just asking sensei about Edgar Allan Poe."

"Liar." She pinched him harder and dragged him outside of school.

"LISANNA HELP ME!" He pleaded. Lisanna just waved at him. Everyone laughed and started walking after them.

Meanwhile, Lucy was still rooted on the floor. She can't seem to move or even blink her eyes.

"Don't mind Natsu, Lulu. I'm sure you'll get him next time." Levy said patting her shoulder.

"B-but h-how did he turn the tables against me?" Lucy said, still frozen on the spot. Then, someone spoke behind her.

"Maybe you should consider changing your motto, then. May I suggest the 'Give Up Now' phrase?" Gray said while smirking then left.

This awoken Lucy's senses. "Never!" She said with determination in her voice, then ran after him leaving Levy behind.

Levy just laughed as she saw Lucy grabbing Gray's arm. Gray tried detaching himself from Lucy but failed. She looked like a magnet who kept coming back whenever he tried pushing her away.

"Oh, Lulu." Levy exclaimed while shaking her head. She was so focused to them that she didn't notice Gajeel approaching.

"Come on, shrimp, before you die of laughter." Gajeel placed his arm over Levy's shoulder.

She flinched at first, then glared at him. She pinched him hard on his side. He just laughed and kissed er on the side of her head.

"You're cute." He grinned.

She blushed and stucked her tongue at him.

"Hey, you two! Stop with the public display, will you?! There are people out here." Natsu shouted.

"You're just jealous flame-brain!" Gajeel retorted back.

"Whatever metal-head. Erza said we're taking the bus, so you better get your assess over here before she kicks it."

With that said, the two looked at each other then dashed towards them.

No one dares to face the wrath of "The Great Titania".

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