Chapter 2

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"So what class do you have next?" Mystery Boy asked as we walked out of Chemistry, me giggling at the way he basically flipped off our annyoing teacher. 

"I have Pre Calculus. What about you?" I asked, and he smiled, leading me the direction of my math class. "I have a seat next to an amazingly funny girl in Pre Calculus." He winks, causing me to giggle again. Maybe this is the boy Steph was talking about? No, he couldn't be. Could he?

"Nash." He said, looking back from ahead of me where he had been walking. I cocked my head to the side in confusion. "What?" I asked, almost in a whisper.

"My name is Nash." He smiled, and I nodded in understanding. No more calling him Mystery Boy. Darn. I mentally pouted, causing him to look at me funny. "I guess mental pouting doesn't look to good to people who look at you..." I giggle, and he chuckles, nodding.

I noticed the door to the math class was open, so I mentally noted to check tomorrow if this is a routine thing. When we stepped into the classroom, there was literally no one here. I sat in the very back corner, where I could write a bit. 

 I pulled out my journal, and thankfully, Nash had put headphones in his ears, and his music was playing loudly through them. I giggled at him, since I could still hear the music. He just smirked, and looked ahead.

"You can't depend on your eyes, when your imagination is out of focus." -Mark Twain

One thing I have learned today, this Mystery boy- Nash, his name is Nash- Is pretty entertaining. Honestly, after spending all of first period with him, I can't imagine what would have happened to me today if he hadn't saved me. Thanks to him, I have an actual light at the end of the tunnel that is the school year. I have something to look forward to everyday when I show up at this hell hole. I actually feel as if I have a friend who isn't Amanda, or one of the populars. It feels nice...

Sure Nash isn't my normal aspect of a friend. I wouldn't necessarilly look at him randomly and say 'yeah, we would be friends.' No. This is one of those friendships that is probably beyond unhealthy for both of the people in it, but they don't care.

Hell, He asked me out on Friday! Which, by the way, I am beyond looking forward to. I can't even imagine how that night will turn out, and I'm scared honestly. But that fear, that thrills me. It excites me even more! And I can't wait!

"Writing in that thing again?" Nash's voicec speaks, as he takes his headphones out. I giggle, closing the book before slipping it into my bag. At least this time he is sitting down and not able to see what I was writing.

"Why are you always writing in that damned thing?" He asks, and I shrug my shoulders.

"Why are you always staring at my ass?" I counter, and his face flushes, causing me to giggle. The teacher soon walks in, and it is only then that I realize that the room is now packed with the obnoxious group of sophomores that throw shit at each other. 

"Seriously..." I groan, as I roll my eyes and dramatically fling my head back. These kids seriously get more and more immature as time goes on.

Thankfully, I have my sisters old pre calculus teacher. I love Ms. Enders, and she loves me, so this year should be pretty amazing.

"Oh, Lilly, what a wonderful surprise to have you in my class this year!" She cheers, obviously happy that there is one decent student in her second hour class. I smile and wave, giving her a look that basically says 'help me, these imature lunatics are going to destroy me.'

She laughs as she begins her class.


"Thank god that's over!" I groan as Nash and I leave the classroom. He chuckles, and follows me in the direction of my locker. 

"Looking like a lost puppy, are we?" I joke as I enter the combonation on my lock, popping it open and stuffing my math and chemistry books inside. I grabbed my mascara, touching it up a bit before Nash and I make our way to the cafeteria.

"Oh, be prepared for a show stopper." I giggle as we stand outside the doors. Two annoying seniors (Who my sister considers friends) open the doors for me, and I give them my fakest smile before entering.

Everyone stops, and I get slightly annoyed at the attention they are giving me, as I hear whispers about my mysterious friend.

"Okay, everyone. You can shut up about my new buddy and get back to your lunches." I snap, and everyone listens.

"You weren't kidding when you said you were a popular." Nash mumbles from behind me, and I shrug. "A girl neer kids about her social status. And trust me, that isn't even a fraction of the reaction my sister will get." I say, and once again, the cafeteria goes silent.

"That must be her." I say, nonchalantly, as I fill my lunch tray with food. After the lunch lady takes my pay, I make my way to the table that all my friends sit at every year. The table that is known as the A-List table. There isn't a marking, or a sign. Just the unwritten rule of the populars. No one questions it, so we don't bother. 

"Will you be sitting with us today, or would you rather sit somewhere else?" I ask, and Nash shrugs, taking a seat next to me. I smile as he watches me pick at the food on my plate. 

"This honestly looks..." I start, searching for a word to describe the glop that sits on my tray.

"Disgusting." We both say at the same time, causing me to laugh. "Yeah. It really does." Nash smiles, while I take no time to toss the crap out.

My sister takes a seat across from me, and basically shoot eye daggers at Nash, as I return the gesture to her. 

"Who's this?" She asks, coldly. I kick her lightly under the table, and she backs off a bit. 

"I'm just asking! I haven't seen you around, and it surprises me that my sister would hang out with you. She isn't the tyoe of person to just bring anyone around this table, let alone talk to them." She smiles at him, trying to soften the blow of her previous question.

I send her a thankful look before changing the subject.

"So I got Ms. Enders for pre Calc..." I smiled, catching her full attention, but earning a death glare from Amanda as she sat next to me.

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