Innocence (Nash Grier Fanfiction)

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"You ready?" My best friend, Amanda, asked as we stood at the bus stop. It's our second year of high school, and my sixteenth birthday is next Friday.

I eagerly nodded as I fixed my crop top and shorts, checking to make sure I haven't scuffed my clean black high top converse.

"Girl, you look great. Will you stop worrying!" Amanda giggled, as she watched me fidget with my outfit. I have to say, I do like this outfit a lot. It is my normal style, the trend setting fashionista type. I mean, it helps that I have a thin body and can pull it off, as well as my California tan. I spend a lot more time at the beach then I really should...

A big yellow bus halted to a stop in front of Amanda and I, as we stood in the somewhat front of this heard of teenagers who all look beyond tired. I don't blame them, I mean, I did have to wake up around 4 this morning to look presentable, and here I am two hours later getting on a school bus.

Amanda grabbed ahold of my arm, practically dragging me on the bus and to the very back seat. The group of kids we normally hang out with in the neighborhood joined us, as we were considered the 'populars.'

"I'm so not ready for this." My older sister, Stephanie, sighed, throwing herself down in a seat next to her best friend. "You and me both..." I mumbled, not wanting Amanda to hear. She is a little... overjoyed for school. But I love her, so it doesn't really matter.

"Oh, Lilly, I heard there is this new sophomore who looks for girls like you. Just try to stay safe, okay?" My sister weakly smiled, as I gave her a nod.

"So who's ready to go to the hell hole?" I joked, earning a round of laughter from the group.

We eventually got to the high school, which is larger than I remembered. I stood excited, and then remembered I have cheer practice after school. And on the first day, too. I pouted slightly as I was pushed off the bus by the seniors.

"Hey, watch it, Jake!" I yelped, as he playfully smacked my butt. "You know, I can still beat your ass, even if you are a senior who plays football, right?" I smirked, and he held his hands up in mock defense.

"Sorry, squirt. Won't happen again. Today, at least." He said, winking. I rolled my eyes, flipping him off as Amanda and I made our way to our lockers.

Our lockers are right next to each other, however we only share one class, our dance class fourth hour.

"I can't believe your birthday is next week! Who are you inviting?" Amanda asked, as we began mindlessly strollling the halls with our bags for first period. I was about to answer, when I bumped into someone.

"Sorry, I wasn't paying attention." I say, embarrassed as I looked at the boy in front of me. His piercing blue eyes looked down at me, and I made note of the eye brow ring that was shining above them, making his eyes gleam even more.

I also noticed the piercing on his lower lip. As well as a few tattoos that spread down his arms and on his neck.

He wore a red t-shirt, and black skinny jeans, complimenting his appearence by alot. His black vans almost made me view him as a normal teenage boy, but the piercings and tattoos brought me back to his actual look.

By this point, I was barely aware of the fact that Amanda was trying not to burst out laughing, while this mysteriously strange boy stood before me, practically eye raping me.

"Uhm, hello? My eyes are up here." I snapped, and his head shot up, as he smirked at me.

"Yeah, whatever." He spoke, before walking away, making sure to draw attention to the smack on my ass.

"What the actual fuck was that..." I mumble as Amanda and I continued walking.


As I entered myfirst period chemistry class, I noticed not many people where there. I decided to take a seat in the back and pull out my journal. I have a few minutes to kill, anyways.

"Being a teenager is an amazing time and a hard time. It's when you make your best friends - I have girls who will never leave my heart and I still talk to. You get the best and the worst as a teen. You have the best friendships and the worst heartbreaks". -Sophia Bush

As a teenager myself, I know one thing for a fact. Life isn't easy. My sister may be a more experienced teen than myself, but she doesn't show it. She is so immature sometimes, and I honestly wouldn't be surprised at all if she came home one night crying to my mother about how she fucked a guy last week and got pregnant. It's sad, really. And I can't imagine what my mother would do. Hell, I can't imagine what my dad would do! One thing is for sure, my dad would make a point to murder that boy the next day. He wouldn't care if it meant jail time.

But besides all that, the reason I am writing today is plain and simple. There is a boy in my life. I hope. He seems kind of like a bad boy, but I feel like that's whats pulling me more toward wanting to know him.

Yeah, yeah.. I don't even know the kid. Hell, I don't even know his name. All I know is that since he bumped into me this morning, I have not stopped thinking about this mystery boy. It intruiges me, really. I don't even know him, yet I have some weird craving for him... I wonder when I will see him next. Remind me to..

"Whatcha writing about?" A voice asked. I recognze that voice as one person only. The mystery boy. I quickly slammed my journal closed, earning a raised eyebrow. That damned eye brow, with its stupid piercing. God it looks really attractive. I thought, earning an amused look from the mystery boy.

"Attractive? Thanks. Your not too bad, yourself." He winked, taking a seat next to me. I mentally facepalmed for saying that outloud, and stuffed my journal into my bag.

"So what are you doing Friday night?" He asked, catching me off gaurd. Is he trying to ask me out? Probably not.

"Nothing. But that could change.." I hinted, and he grinned, catching on. "Good. Give me your name, and number, and I will pick you up at 6." He smirked, as I wrote my number and name down on his hand with a sharpie. I made a note to write it somewhere else, as he would probably wash it off, but changed my mind when he grabbed out his phone.

"So, Lilly... What kind of group do you associate with? The journalists?" He asks, nodding toward my bag. I shake my head slightly.

"Ever heard of Stephanie Jackson?" I ask, and he nods. "Yeah, that A-List varsity cheerleader that everyone adores?" He asks, and I nod. "That's my sister. I hang with her and her friends. And some of my friends." I smile, and his mouth opens. I giggle, and reach over, lightly pushing his mouth closed as he smirks.

"So I never caught your name..." I smile, as the bell rings.

"That's cause I never told you." He winked, grabbing a notebook from his bag, which honestly surprised me.

My surprised reaction was soon diminished when he spent the entire class poking my thigh and trying to make me laugh. Sure, I got yelled at by the teacher twice, and a few glares from the 'nerd heard' but whatever. At least I now know something about Mystery Boy. And that is the fact that he likes to touch my thighs...

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