Chapter 12

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After writing about Nash in my journal, I slipped it away, and we sat, giggling and joking like a crazy, when his phone started ringing. After a string of curse words excaped his lips, he answered it, sounding very grumping as he told whoever it was our location. After hanging up, I turned over so that I was facing him, and slowly started kissing him to relax him. I could feel his muscles relax underneath me, and a rude cough broke the kiss.

"Nash." A kid with an ecual amount of piercings and tattoos spoke. He looks an awful lot like Nash...

"Hayes." Nash spat, holding me close as he shot the other guy daggars. 

"Why haven't you been home all week? Mom and dad have missed your asswhole remarks at dinner." Hayes said. Wait, what?

"Hold the fuck up. Who is this kid, and why is he making it sound like you are brothers?" I ask, standing up. Nash looks almost worried as he scrambles up in front of me. "I, he. He is. He is my brother, but he doesn't live with my family. He lives with my grandparents, but I guess that changed recently, and I wasn't notified." Nash explains to me before turning to his brother. 

"And sense when are mom and dad around for dinner? They are always gone! It's amazing how I survive in that place!" Nash yells at him, and I can see his brother flinch slightly, but not too much.

"Today is Tuesday. You have been gone since Friday. Mom and dad are home Saturday through Monday. You know this!" Hayes nearly screamed, throwing his inked arms in the air. Nash pinched the bridge of his nose before looking up at his brother. 

"I'm sorry, okay. I didn't mean to ditch out on the only time we ever get to spend with them, but I promise it will be fine. The reason I was gone was because I was with Lilly, trying to keep her safe after Aaron, Carter and Taylor nearly beat the shit out of me!" Nash spoke, low and calm. Hayes looked from his brother, to me, and back again. 

"He was with you? All weekend..." Hayes asked me, as if trying to get the information approved. I nodded. "And you aren't lying?" He asked, raising an eye brow. I shook my head, and he looked at me. "How do I know." He said, flatly.

"After his... incident on Friday, we went to my house and watched movies with my best friend Amanda, and after she fell asleep, we went to sleep. It was around 2 by then, so we just said fuck it and went to bed. Then he spent the weekend helping us plan for my sweet sixteen on Friday. And he drove us to school this morning." I say, and the look in his eyes shows me that he believes me. 

The mood of the coversation took a huge left turn when Hayes came closer to me. "Since I don't know if I will see you, Happy Birthday." He smiled, awkwardly pulling me in for a hug. I thanked him, and he stepped back. 

"Why did you come over here, anyways?" Nash spoke up, and Hayes shrugged. "I came to ask if you wanted to help beat up Taylor for nearly breaking Becca's arm." He said, and Nash and I shared a look that said 'Hell yeah!'

"We're in." I spoke for us, and Hayes started laughing. "You? Hurt someone? Yeah. I'll believe it when I see it." He laughed, starting to make me angry. With each breath of laughter, he sent me more and more over the edge before I finally just walked up and punched him square in the jaw. 

"Ow, okay, what the fuck? But that was pretty good. What else you got?" He asked, amused. That is sooo not going to cut it. 

I grabbed a hadful of his hair, and pushed him into the wall before repetedly throwing punches, casing a busted lip on his face. 

"Lilly you can stop now." Nash smiled, pulling me away from the obnoxious boy in front of me. He is obviously a freshman, who doesn't know me. 

"Do you even know who she is, bro?" Nash asked Hayes, wrapping his arms around my waist as I leaned against his chest. Hayes looked at me once before shaking his head. 

"A-List. Captain of the Junior Varsity cheer squad. Also Stephanie J's younger sister." Nash smiled, proud of my status. Hayes' eyes grew wide as his jaw dropped. "Oh shit, I'm sorry. I.. I didn't mean that shit... And oh my god I just got beat up but a cheer captain! This is like the best day ever!" He started practically crying, making me bite my lip to hold him the laughter.

This kid has some serious issues.

"Okay, so where's Taylor?" I ask, and Hayes points to the door to our left. I tell them to stay there, and then call Nash's phone, putting his on mute before putting mine in my pocket. "When you hear me say 'Do you know who the fuck I am', head out. Got it?" I ask, and they nod, holding Nash's phone close to them. I exit the building, and make my way over to Taylor.

"Look who it is. Nash's little wuss girlfriend. What are you going to do, pepper spray me?" Taylor laughs, as I think of all the things to piss me off. "You only wish." I smile, as sweetly as I can. It is so fake, but he doesn't know that, nor does he seem to care.

"Aw, look. Sweet little innocent Lucy, coming to save the day!" He coos in his fakest baby voice. "It's Lilly, and if you keep talking, I won't be sweet, or innocent." I spit, making him laugh. "I wouldn't be laughing." I say with an umamused look on my face as I shift my wait to one foot and bring my hand up, as if looking at my nails.

"Poor little white girl has to make sure she didn't break a nail." He smirks, and I literally almost blow up on him. "Do you even know who the fuck I am?" I ask, knowing it will take a good ten minutes for Nash and Hayes to appear. "Lilly, Nash's pathetic girlfriend." He smiles, and I blow. 

I swing my fist at him, hitting his jaw as he stands surprised. "Not so sweet and Innocent now, huh?" I smirk, kicking him in the balls and watch him fall to the floor in pain. I take this chance and jump on him, grabbing a fistful of his hair and slamming his head to the ground. After multiple curse words and painful moans, I decide to just stick with punching. Sure, its less damaging, but that makes an easier clean up for me. 

I swing my fists repetedly, hitting his face every time, as he spits blood. I know I should stop at this point, but I really can't. I haven't let out this much anger in a long time, and the rush feels great.

"Lilly, stop!" Nash and Hayes yell from behind me, but I don't listen. Instead, I throw another punch, hitting his nose, which is probably broken. 

"Don't fucking come near any of my friends again, got it?" I growl, punching his jaw before Nash and Hayes literally drag me off of him. He tries to scoot away and I attempt to jump at him, making him nearly scream. 

"Lilly, baby, calm down. It's not that bad." Nash tells me, and it is then that I realize that Taylor threw a punch at me, hitting my upper cheek. I could feel the blood spill down my face, as the sting from my busted knuckles starts to be noticable.

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