Chapter 10

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"Oh my god... This is... beautiful!" I smiled as Nash led me through the sand of the beach. I took off my heels, and was walking barefoot next to him, with his hand still in mine. We had finished dinner early, so we decided to come here to the beach. As we walked further away from the parking lot, I noticed a small little cave with candles lit up all around the inside, in the exact direction Nash was leading me.

"You planned this?" I asked, and he nodded, smiling. We continues walking, and eventually stopped when we got to the cave. There was a giant lounge chair in the center, and it looked like it could fit two people. I didn't know they even made those! 

"Please, have a seat and relax." Nash smiled, as he led me closer. 

My phone began ringing, and I reached into my clutch to answer it. Of course, unlucky me, it was Cindy.

"Hello?" I answered, and I heard her panting. 

"Lilly! Lilly you have to get out of there! Aaron... Him and his friends... They are coming! They are coming to find Nash and basically break him. You guys have to get out!" Cindy spoke frantically, and I couldn't grasp what she was saying.

Right as I was about to ask her if she was serious, I saw Aaron and a group of boys walking toward us. Nash cursed under his breath, and the line went dead. 

"What the fuck is going on?" I whispered to myself more than anything. Aaron ran up and started throwing punches at Nash, who blocked them all and knocked him out with one square blow to the face. I shrieked, watching his body fall unconcious to the sand. 

Another guy came up, and this time, he actually managed to catch a few punches on Nash, who looked super pissed. 

While watching all of this fighting play out in front of me, I hadn't noticed some random guy come up behind me. He started touching me, and I couldn't hold the tears that where threatening to escape.

"Nash!" I screamed, and everything seemed to stop. Nash had met my gaze, and he punched the guy who was fighting him, causing that guy to fall as well. By that time, this random guy behind me started unzipping my dress, making me sob louder. 

Nash ran over to me, punching that guy, who smelled strongly of alcohal, and he fell, hitting his head on a rock and knocking himself out.

There was no one else there, and thankfully, I didn't get raped just then. Nash held me in his arms, sobbing apologies to me, while I quietly sobbed on his shoulder, staining his shirt. 

"I'm so sorry, Lilly. I really am. I can't believe this happened. I'm sorry." Nash cried, holding me tight. I shook my head and pushed away, taking in his now bloody face. 

Seeing him so bloody and beaten send pain surging through my veins. I shook my head, and tried to wipe the blood away, but it kept coming. I frantically tried to stop it, not wanting him to be like this. 

"Just, please take me home." I sighed, after minutes of failed attempts to clear his bloody face. He nodded, and we began the drive home.


I dabbed a wet cloth over Nash's eyebrow, the one that isn't pierced, and he flinched. "I'm sorry. I know it hurts, just try to relax." I whispered, not wanting to be too loud. He nodded, and pulled me closer to him. I finished wiping up the blood, and washed my hands when he turned to me with a wet cloth. He wiped dried blood off of my face, from after my attempt to wipe it from him. My hands got all bloody, and then stupid me tried wiping my tears away, spreading blood on my face.

"I'm really sorry it ended like this, tonight. Maybe next Friday I could take you out for a make-up date?" He suggests, and I shake my head. "I.. I can't." I say, and he frowns, letting his head fall. 

"You didn't let me finish. I can't because next Friday is my sweet sixteen, which you better come to. But the Saturday after that sounds great." I smiled, and his eyes lit up with a sparkle that always makes me smile. 

"Oh, and Lilly?" He asks as I begin to turn around. "I wouldn't miss your party for the world." He smiles, and I find myself copying his gesture.

We head out of the bathroom, and I went to my room to change into some pajamas.

I pulled out some yoga pants and an old t-shirt, and quickly changed, pulling my hair up into a messy ponytail.

"Nash, Amanda, are you guys up for a movie?" I ask, and they both nod. I made up some popcorn, and grabbed three cans of soda from the fridge along with three giant bags of m&m's. After handing Nash and Amanda each a soda and a bag of candy, and a little bowl of popcorn, I sat down on the couch and put in 21 Jump Street.


"I literally love this movie!" I cried as the credits began. Nash gave me a weird look, and I swatted his head. He ended up sitting in front of me, on the couch, so he wasn't that far away. Amanda was passed out, so I just left her there and Nash and I went to get a ton of blankets and pillows and stuff. I helped him set up a 'bed' since it was after 1 in the morning, and then set myself up one. 

"Goodnight, Nash." I smiled, leaning down to kiss him. He happily took my treat and nearly pulled me ontop of him.

I giggled as I rolled over to my bedding, and wrapped the blanket over my body in the process.

Right when my eyes got heavy, Nash whispered a good night that warmed my heart.

"Goodnight, my Lilly pad."

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