Chapter 3

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"He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life." -Muhammad Ali

It isn't until now, after lunch when I take time to sit by myself during my free period, to sit under this tree and write, that I realize how important it is to cherish my new friendship. Nash had to have a lot of guts to come up to me- to any girl- and act the way he did, the way he has. 

I am now realizing how much courage this boy has to even think of talking to a girl the way he did. To smugly ask for my name and number, and then ask me out on Friday- Which I am still looking forward to- It takes a lot. I can't even remember the last time someone talked to me that bravely. Granted that my sister basically ruined my life with her social status, making everyone within three cities fear me... 

But still! I want nothing more than to be who I am. Who I was supposed to be. But instead, I got stuck in my sisters shadow as the A-List sister. Sure, I love being high up in the social status ranking- I mean, what girl wouldn't?- I just wish I could have earned it myself, instead of being born into it, basically.

It's annoying how my stuck up and -no offence- Bitchy sister made her way to being the most loved, yet most feared teenager in the freaking state! (Literally, I'm sure if you ask anyone in California who they fear most, their answer will be Stephanie...)

Last time I actually thought about what I want for ME and not for HER, I wanted to be that carefree girl who everyone could talk to. 

Guess I have some work to do, huh? Trying to win myself a social status instead of being born into it by my fucking sister. La-dee-freaking-da. I get to go be the girl everyone fears, yet try to make a difference for myself.

I wonder how much of a trainwreck this will be?

Honestly, I'm scared to find out. And I am scared that if I try to change, my sister will diown me and attempt to remove me from the A-List. 

What even is the A-List? Like seriously! It seems like some fucked up imaginary list of people who are worth your time, and those who aren't are in some social peasantry and have to worship us! It's rediculous!

Oh great... That was the bell.. Wish me luck at dance!

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