Chapter 9

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We decided to ditch the rest of first hour, and just hung out in the courtyard under a giant oak tree. We were aimlessly chatting about the most useless things ever. He told me about how his dad once told him that the second half of the moon doesn't exsist, and how he argued with him for an entire year, doing everything to prove that the moon has two halfs.

"Oh great." He mumbled, looking off into the distance. I followed his gaze, and saw a boy about our age, with two little snakebite piercings on the left side of his lip. He had tattoos all up and down his arms, and wore a black t-shirt with matching black skinny jeans, and black boots. 

"Aaron." Nash greeted, when he finally was close enough to talk to.

"Nash." The guy, Aaron, said, giving Nash the most disgusted look ever.

"So, who's this? That girl you have ditched us for all week?" Aaron spat, giving me a disgusted look. 

"No. This is the girl that I would rather hang out with then get fucking high in the back of some fucking nightclub." Nash countered. I'm guessing Aaron is the reason that Nash was almost late for class, considering the busted lip and forming black eye.

"Look, I bit the shit- I mean, I talked to you once already, now get the fuck away from me." Nash growled, starting to stand up. 

I noticed his word choice, how he corrected himself before finishing his scentence. It's pretty obvious that Nash beat this guy up, so I don't see why he is trying to hide it.

"Is this the guy you beat up this morning?" I asked, quietly, and both of them snapped their heads in my direction as I stood up. I'm not leaving without answers, but I surely don't want to be around this guy if Nash beat him up.

Before either of them could give me a decent answer, a girl wearing black skinny jeans, combat boots, and a black skull crop top, with dark makeup, eyebrow piercings and a lip ring, ran up.

"Aaron, why the fuck did you run off like that? I thought we were going to hang out?" She pouted, and then noticed me and Nash. 

"Oh, hey Nash, and..." She greeted happily, pausing since she doesn't know who I am.

"Lilly." I smiled, and she returned the gesture.

"Oh, hi Lilly! I'm Cindy!" She spoke, loud and proud. We began talking as Aaron grabbed Nash and pulled him aside. 

"What is going on with them now?" Cindy asked, looking at the two with a worried expression. I shrugged my shoulders, and she looked back to me.

"Are you the girl that has Nash head over heals in love?" She asked, and I shrugged, again. "Let me rephrase that- The girl he spent all week with and hasn't shut up about like at all?" She asked, and my cheeks turned a pink color.

"Well, I am the girl he spent all week with, but I had no idea that he talks about me all the time." I smiled, speaking loud enough for him to hear. When his cheeks flushed a deep pink and he flicked his eyes in our direction, I know I was successful with my intentions.

Cindy and I laughed at his reaction, and she nodded. "Yup, you are deffinitely her. I must say, I'm impressed. No one ever gets to him like you do." She smiled, and I returned the gesture, feeling the flock of butterflies go off in my stomach. 

Cindy and I exchanged numbers as the bell rang, and Nash and I scurried off in the opposite direction as them, to our second hour class.


After school, Nash dropped me and Amanda off, and surprisingly, my mom wasn't sitting outside. When we went inside, there was literally no one. When we were grabbing snacks, I noticed a note in the kitchen.


I know Amanda is staying the weekend, thats fine, however, no crazy parties, and I expecct chores to be done. Your father and I have some important buisiness to deal with in New York, and we brought Jake along, since he isn't old enough to fend for himself completely, and you and Stephanie aren't ever home. We should be home by Tuesday, at least, Thursday at most. Steph is staying at her friend Gloria's house for the weekend, so it will be just you. My debit card is on my night stand, I trust you will use it wisely, and NOT spend all of our money, please?

Love you, honey bunch :) Call Daddy or I if you have problems.


"Well that's lovely. Good thing you are staying the weekend!" I smile and hand her the note. After reading it, she nods, and then pushes me upstairs. "It's time to get ready. Let me have your phone, while you take off your makeup and run through the shower." Amanda said, taking my phone and basically pushing me into my bathroom. I listened, and quickly showered, shaving three times and washing my hair twice. I made sure I smelled strongly of my green apple scented body wash, and  shut off the water, stepping out onto the fluffy mat. 

I quickly dried off as I made my way to my room, grabbing out a pair of black lace underwear and a black push-up bra with lace covering the pads. 

Amanda gave me a look that basically praised me for my bold choice, and tossed me my outfit, which I was hesitant about. 

My outfit is a black quarter sleeve dress, that is very fitting, and reaches just above mid thigh. Not to mention, the v neckline. She shrugged off my nervouse look, and handed me a second dress. This one is a  quarter sleeved, red dress with a v-neckline and mid-thigh length. I like this one much better, especially considering how it is only tight until about mid torso, and then it fans out into a flowy dress. She nodded, handing me a black belt to strap around the hem of where the tight top meets the flowy skirt.

After straightening my dark hair and giving my a dark smokey eye, she applied a dark red lipstick to my lips, and sprayed purfume all over me. She made me put the lip piercing back on my lip, and found a fake eyebrow piercing, that surprisingly look real. I like this look, honestly. But I doubt I would ever act on my thoughts to make it happen.

After slipping on my black heels, Amanda ran downstairs to meet Nash at the door. Holy shit, it really took 4 hours to get ready? I thought as she called my name and I walked down the stairs, holding the black clutch she gave me. When I reached the bottom, I saw a smiling Nash, wearing his usual black skinny jeans, but with a dark red button up and matching vans.

"You look... you look great." He stuttered, before grabbing my hand and leading me to his truck.

This is it! My subconscious screamed, and for once, I agree.

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