Chapter 6

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"Thanks for that. I needed to get away." I smile. Nash had just driven me home from taking me to the ice cream shop. It's about 5, so I guess dinner should be done. 

"This week has been incredibly fun for me." I smiled again, and he nodded in agreement.

"I know what you mean. Don't forget about tomorrow's dinner date." He winked as I got out of the truck. I nodded, and my excitement grew. He ran around the side of his truck, giving me a hug before walking me up to where my mother sat on the porch with Baxter. A huge smile spread across her face, until she saw my outfit. 

I'm wearing an ACDC crop top, denim shorts, and my black converse, but the crop top only shows skin when I reach up. "You should put this on, before your dad sees that." My mom chuckled, tossing me a white tanktop. I nodded, before slipping it on over the crop top, without the straps. I pulled the crop top up over it, and pulled my arms out of the sleeves, and then back once the tank top straps where on my shoulders. 

"Thanks mom." I smiled, kissing her cheek as she waved at Nash. 

"Would you like to stay for dinner?" My mom asked, just as she did every night since Monday. Nash nodded, thanking her, just like every night. We walked in the house as a group, with Baxter running in front. Nash laughed as Baxter trampled my 10 year old brother to the ground. He huffed and jumped up to give Nash a bro hug.

"Hey, Jake! What's up?" he asked, and my brother shrugged. "Nothing much. But just a warning, dad's coming home soon, and he won't be happy when he sees you. He doesn't like the girls bringing home guys." Jake said, quietly. I nodded, swiping my finger under my neck while sticking my tounge out the side of my mouth and crossing my eyes.

Nash just chuckled, and walked with me to the dining room, where Stephanie, and surprisingly Amamnda sat. I gave Amanda a 'your-sleeping-over' look, and she nodded, smiling. I have repetedly apologized to her throughout the week about not spending much time with her, so she will be spending the night, and possibly the weekend with me to catch up. 

I make a mental note to mention the date, as well as never ignoring her like this again.

"Hey, Amanda?" Nash greeted, and she nodded. "Hi Nash. How have you been?" She asks, and I thank her through our telepathic mind message system, which makes her giggle. 

"Dude, what's wrong with your face? You look constipated." Steph giggled, lightening the mood. She finally warmed up to Nash, after he had a chat with her about something. I have no clue what, but we all seem to be friends now.

"Girls, Jake, your father is home." My mom smiled, walking into the dining room to help serve food. I stood up and ran to him, since he has been gone all week. 

"DADDY!" I squealed, attacking him in a hug. 

"Hi, Lil. Where's this boy I heard about?" He asks, smiling. Wow, Dad smiling at the mention of a boy in the house? WHAT.

"I'm right here. It's nice to meet you, sir." Nash smiled, shaking my dads hand.

"You, too. What's your name?" My dad asked, surprisingly calm. While they chatted, mom and Steph pulled me aside.

"We talked to dad. Told him about your new friend, and he agrees that it is time you have some freedom since you are the age Steph was when she brought her first boy home." My mom smiled, and I instantly felt weight fall off my shoulders.

"Thank you!" I quietly cheered, pulling them both into a hug. We had a little fangirl moment, before bringing out the rest of the food and taking our seats. Mom and dad sat at each end of the table, while Jake, Amanda and Steph sat on one side. Nash and I sat on the other. 

"So, girls, how's school?" My dad asked, and we both started rambling about our classes and how annoying our teachers are and how much fun school is so far for us.

"Woah woah woah, calm down! One at a time please!" He laughed, and Steph repeated her entire ramble, allowing me to repeat mine right after.

When dinner was finished, Steph offered to take care of dishes while Amanda and I walked Nash out.

"Hey Nash, can you drive us to my house to get some overnight stuff?" Amanda asked, and Nash nodded, letting us get in his truck. Since there was only one set of seats, I was squished between the two of them, but I honestly didn't mind. 

You're closer to Nash that way... My subconcious said, and I ignored it.

"So, you excited for tomorrow?" Nash asked, and I nodded, almost forgetting Amanda was here. 

"What's tomorrow?" She asked, looking at me.

"Our date." We both said, making us all laugh at the creepieness. She nodded in understanding, giving me the look that I knew was coming.


"Thanks again!" Amanda and I said, smiling as we got out of Nash's truck. He nodded, driving away as we made our way up the steps.

"So a date, huh? Does your mom know?" She asked, and I giggled. "Yes, of course. She practically loves him, so she is perfectly fine with it." I explain, and she nods, throwing her bag on my bedroom floor.

"Wow, this is your month! A date one Friday, your sweet sixteen the next, and then homecoming the weekend after!" She smiled. That reminds me, I need to make invites. And get a dress for both occasions.

"We have to go dress shopping! I literally have nothing to wear to eaither my party, or homecoming!" I sigh, digging through my closet. 

"Then that's whaat we do this weekend. Dress shopping, party planning, and invitation making." She cheered, and I smiled.

"This is why I love you. You always know what to do!" I smiled, hugging her. She giggled, and Jake pounded on the door.

"LILLY! LILLY PLEASE OPEN UP!" He yelled, and I flung the door open to find my brother in tears.

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