Chapter 8

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When I woke up this morning, I was a little behind schedule, since Amanda spent the night and was in the shower. I repetedly banged on the door to make her hurry up, which worked for the most part. We helped do each others hair, as she straightened hers and I curled mine, and then we got dressed.

I went with a different look, having a skater skirts, with black tights underneath, and a fitted red crop top. I pulled on my ankle hieght combat boots, and did my makeup, darker than usual to go with my appearence. I smiled, grabbing out my fake lip piercing that basically pinches into my skin as if it where real. I learned to ignore the pain of it, though. 

Amanda looked completely opposite, with her white shorts, a sheer orange quarter sleeve button up, a white bandeau, and orange leather sandals. Her makeup was light and natural, and she had her large hoop earrings in. 

"Ready?" I asked, grabbing my phone and making my way to the kitchen downstairs, as she followed me.

"So, is Nash going to school today?" She asked, seeing that we really have no other way to go unless we take the bus. My sister started driving to school since Nash started picking me up every morning. My parents are both at work, thank god, and my brother is at school.

A honk outside interrupted us, and I nodded.

"That's him! Now hurry up and grab your stuff so we aren't late!" I said, grabbing two breakfast shakes from the frigde, tossing one to her. She caught it just in time as she pulled her bag over her shoulder, and we headed out.

"Nash smiled at me as I got into the truck, squeezing into the middle.

"That lip ring is faker than Miley Cyrus." He chuckled, and I nodded.

"It makes me feel cool. Just shut up and drive." I chuckled, as Amanda closed the door, laughing to herself at out encounter. 

"So your truck was okay?" I ask, after five minutes of being completely oblivious.

"Nah, I got a new one last night. I figured I needed something to drive you around in tonight, and since I always pick you up, I went and got one after I was released from the hospital." He chuckled, and I nod in understanding.

"So, Nash, when will you be picking Lilly up tonight?" Amanda asks, and he smiles, resting his hand on my knee. 

"How does 6 sound? I'm pretty sure we set a time before, but life has been so crazy this past week that I forgot." He smiles and I giggle. 

"Sounds great." I smile, and lean my head on his shoulder. 

When we pull into the parking lot, Nash lets us out at the front. I give him a quick kiss before leaving and I noticed he nibbled on my lip ring. Maybe I should get a real one? Snake bites or something? I don't know.

I got to my locker, and started stuffing things inside. After grabbing the few things I need for first hour, I headed off. Nash promised to meet me there, since he had 'buisiness to take care of.' Whatever that means.

I got to the classroom, took my usual seat close to the back, and grabbed my journal out.

"You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something - your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life." -Steve Jobs

Do I see a future with this incredibly mysterious yet somewhat perfect boy? I mean, he has made the biggest effort to spend every day with me for the last week, and he practically spends every hour of it with me at that. His presence brings me warmth and security, and I feel as though I rely on him for that. But is that stupid? Should I be relying on him for protection and comfort? For security and love? 

Do I love him? I mean, I know for a fact that I like him, and the thought of being with him warms my heart and send butterflies hurdeling through my stomach, but is it worth it? Will he hurt me? I honestly doubt it, but hey, you never know. My subconcious is always screaming at me to find out more, to plead him to give me answers, but I don't think I want answers at this point.

I really don't want to do anything to hurt him, or myself, and his car accident last night really didn't help. Speaking of him, where is he? He told me he would be here early, yet class starts in less than five minutes... Maybe he doesn't want to be around me. Maybe he found someone prettier? Who knows... I just hope that he shows up at all...

I shut my journal and went to slide it in my bag, when it fell and opened to one of my entries. I scrambled to pick it up, but Nash happened to walk up in time and grabbed it.

"Please don't read it." I begged, and he looked down at the journal and then back at me, as if mentally debating whether or not to read it. I prayed silently that he wouldn't since the majority of it talks about him. He sighed, handing me the journal and taking his seat. 

As I took it from him, I couldn't help but notice the dried blood on his knuckles. What the hell is this? I thought, and tried to look away. I managed to slip my journal into my bag and grab out my notebook for the class. I set it on the counter top, and went to reach for my pencil, when some girl came walking by and kicked my face.

"What the fuck?" I yelled, as I stood up, grabbing all of my stuff and running out. I heard feet running after me as I ran to the bathroom with tears streaming down my bloody face. I could already tell that it was bleeding from where her stupid shoe hit just above my eye. 

I heard the doors swing open, and Nash stood before me.

"What are you doing in here?" I asked, nervously as I tried to hide my face.

"Well for starters, some bitch just kicked you in the face for no reason, your face is a bloody mess, and you are crying. Not to mention you dropped this." He said, holding my closed journal. 

"Don't worry, I made sure no one read it." He sighed, handing it to me as I jumped on the counter. He grabbed some of the cheap paper towels that our school has, getting them wet before attempting to clean off my face. My makeup was surely ruined from me crying, and I can pretty much gauruntee that I look like shit.

"This might hurt." He said, applying pressure to the cut above my eye. I winced, and a look of pain flashed through his bright blue eyes as he frowned. 

After what felt like ages, we had finally cleaned my face, and I reapplied my makeup. I looked back to normal, but frowned at the lip ring.

"Nash?" I asked, and he met my eyes through the mirror. 

"Should I get a lip piercing?" I asked, and his eyes went wide.

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