Chapter 14

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"You can't be serious!" I scream. My dad looks at me with fearful eyes. "Honey, listen. We are, and that's the way it is. There is nothing you can do about it. So if I were you, I would go break up with that boy and spare him his feelings before you tell him about the temporary move." My mom said, and I stood up storming out. 

"I'm not leaving, and there is absolutely NOTHING you can do or say about it. I'm staying here even if I have to live on the fucking street!" I scream, slamming the from door shut. 

I walk down the street, kicking rocks when they appear. To say I'm mad would be the understatement of the year. I can't believe my parents want me, no, expect me to go with them to freaking France for 6 months! Not going to happen. No way. 

When I got to the old bridge that I love so very much, I sat down by the water under an old oak tree and pulled out my journal.

"Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything." - George Bernard Shaw

That's the thing, George... I don't want to change anything. I want to stay here with Nash and Amanda, and all my other friends I have made in the last two months since school started. God, two months... It really doesn't feel like it has been that long. Honestly, it feels like two years, but looking back, it seems like merely two weeks. I can't imagine how slow time would go after this.

I don't want a change of scenery, or a change in schools. I sure would love to prove to my sister that I could become a popular on my own, but what about Becca, and Amanda? Nash and Hayes? Hell, we have even forgiven (Somewhat) Aaron, Taylor and Carter! Sure, they aren't 100% off the hook, and they never will be, but they are our friends now at least. And that girl Aaron is dating, Cindy. She has even become a friend!

I can't leave. Not now. Not after everything I have been through. And I know my parents will surely never see this, but Mom, Dad: I meant what I said about me staying here. I will not leave with you. I don't care if I am 16, I am not going. Oh, and I got my belly botton pierced last week when Nash got his most recent tattoo. Speaking of... I have an appointment for that in a few days. So suck on that because there is nothing you can do about it!

God, after writing that, I almost want to scribble it out and start over... I feel like a bad child, and if I actually told my parents about my new and soon to be body markings, they would never let me see Nash again. Honestly, though, he has nothing to do with it besides the fact that he was there and plans to be there when it happens. He isn't forcing me to do this to myself. Hell, he has never once mentioned it. He was surely surprised when I told him, so you see? He was oblivious. Until I told him... But I already said that... Here I go, being idiotic again! 

But back to the topic, although the piercings and tattoos relate to change, that isn't the point. I don't want to go to France! I don't know a single person there, I don't want to leave behind all that I have, and I know for a fact that this has something to do with my parents wanting me to find someone else to spend my life with, because even if my mom loves Nash, she even told me: She could never see a future for us... Well guess what, mom. Both of us can, and trust me, we have discussed it several times.

Anyways, I should probably go before my parents call the cops and report me missing or a runaway. *Insert annoyed eye rolling* 

I stand up, journal in hand, and begin walking home. When I arrive, Nash is standing outside, leaning against his truck while Steph screams and yells inside. Nash notices me, and I question why he is standing there.

"The way she is yelling, I was honestly afraid." He shrugs, and I nod, tuning into the screaming. 

"Look what you did! You had to go and tell her and now she is gone! She won't answer the phone, even! You guys are terrible! How could you do this to any of us? Do you want to ruin our lives for us by making us go to some lame French Private Academy? We don't even know french!" Steph screams, and Nash gives me a questioning look.

"My parents want to move to France for 6 months, but Steph and I agreed that we refuse to go." I said, running a hand through my long brown hair. He nods, looking slightly upset. I take this as my que to go inside, and when I open the door, the screaming stops. Steph runs up to me and opens her mouth to speak, but I hold my hand up and stop her.

"Just don't. I'm tired. I need sleep, and I'm obviously not going to get that here, so I am getting stuff and going to Nash's. That gives me peace, quiet, and a less likely chance of meing kidnapped and shoved on a plane to across the world." I say, in a very serious tone. I run up the stairs, and grab my cheer bag, stuffing a weeks worth of clothes, underwear, and toiletries in it. I grab my phone charger, and shove  it in the bag with my laptop and its charger. I grab my phone, and journal, and head for the door without saying a word.

When I step outside, Nash has already started his truck, with the passanger door open so I can climb in.

"How long will you be staying at Casa De Nash?" He asks, trying to lighten the mood.

"At least a week. If that's okay." I say, and he rests a hand on my thigh. "You are always welcome at my apartment, any time for as long as you want." He said, driving away. 

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