Chapter Nine

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I could instantly tell something was wrong by the way Logan was acting. He had all of his feelings blocked off from me and he was tense the whole time I was with him on Friday.

As soon as I got to his house he’d blocked all his emotions faster than you could say ‘suspicious’. He smiled at me and wrapped his arms around my waist, kissing me softly. When Logan pulled back he greeted me, “Hey Mia.”

 “Hi, are you okay?”

“Of course I’m okay, why wouldn’t I be?” He asked, joining me outside. “I want to show you this place that I love.”   

“Um… okay.” I agreed, following Logan to his car. “Where is it?”

“You’ll see,” He said mysteriously.

Twenty minutes later Logan stopped the car at in a big open space filled with nothing but trees. In front of us was a forest that led to who knows where. Logan jumped out of his car and I followed slowly, unsure of what we were doing. “We have to walk from here, but it only takes a few minutes.” Logan saw my reluctance and added, “Trust me, it’s worth it.” He grabbed hold of my hand and we walked towards the forest. I hoped he’d been serious about the walk only taking a few minutes; I wasn’t dressed for a long hike. 

“Where does it lead?” I asked, peering at the trail, which was barely visible through all the dirt.

 “Just a couple more minutes and you’ll see.” Logan promised. Sure enough, we came to a clearing after only a small amount of time had passed. Except it wasn’t at all like the barren parking lot, it was completely opposite. Flowers grew all around and it seemed like we were on some sort of cliff. Logan pulled me over to the edge and I gasped at the sight. You could see all the way from the city to the ocean. And the setting sun was the perfect addition.

“It’s beautiful,” I told Logan, still gazing at the picturesque scene.

He chuckled softly, “They’ll have fireworks in about a half an hour, as soon as it gets dark.” 

“How did you find this place?” I asked, finally turning my gaze to the handsome man beside me.

He hesitated and I saw his jaw clench, but he answered anyways. “I always come here when I shift, it’s peaceful and quiet.”

I pursed my lips to stop myself from asking the question that I wanted to in fear that he would say no, but somehow it still escaped. “Can I see you as a wolf?”

Logan shuffled his feet, thinking, “Stay here. If you think I’m going to hurt you, use a shield. Attack me, do whatever you have to, but don’t run.” Then he turned and ran off into the forest. My heart was beating over time at the fact that he was actually going to show me. I had faith that he wouldn’t attack me, but even if he did, I wouldn’t attack him back. I would use my shield, but there was no way I could actually attack him.

A few minutes I heard a rustling from the place Logan had left. I was sitting in a patch of flowers and still staring in that direction. Slowly a big wolf emerged from the trees. He had dark hair and was smaller than I’d expected. Not to say he wasn’t big, just not as big as a horse. But, it was his eyes that were exactly the same. He still had those same, intelligent green eyes that looked like they could see into your soul.

He slowly approached the place where I was sitting. Strangely, I wasn’t afraid. He looked too familiar for me to be afraid, so I held out my hand as he came closer. Logan sniffed my hand and then, without warning, he jumped towards me, knocking me into the grass. He licked my face and I crinkled my nose in disgust. “Logan, that’s gross.” I told the wolf as I wiped my face off with my sleeve. He whined as he got off of me and I laughed as I sat back up. Logan sat down in front of me, his tail thumping the ground. I gently reached out to pet his head and was surprised by how soft and warm he was. When it grew dark, Logan stood up and trotted off to shift back. I shivered in the dark and jumped about a foot in the air when a twig snapped next to where I was standing. I turned and saw-“Logan! You scared me.”

Logan chuckled, “So I noticed. Come on, they’re about to start the fireworks.” He pulled me to a sitting position near the cliff. I leaned my head on his shoulder and waited for the show to begin.

The next day I was dressed and ready for prom in less than two hours. My fingernails were done, my dress was ready, my shoes matched, my hair was done up, etc. There were only a few minutes till prom and Sam had left a half an hour ago. She was supposed to come pick me up in a limo with her boyfriend, but I was beginning to doubt her.

Just as the thought crossed my mind, the doorbell rang and I ran down stairs to yank open the door. To my surprise, it wasn’t Sam, it was Logan…. in a tux…. with flowers. I gaped at him and he chuckled. “You didn’t think I would let you go alone, did you?”

“How did you find out?” I asked, still shocked.

“You have a very talkative best friend. She got my phone number and called to tell me about prom. I brought you flowers and you look beautiful by the way.”

I felt my cheeks become a light pink as I invited Logan inside, “Thanks.” He handed the flowers to me and I marveled at them. “I’m going to go put these in a vase. Then we should get out of here as soon as possible so Aunt Bella doesn’t bring out her camera.” Just as I finished talking she came into the room with the camera dangling from her hand.

“Who’s ready for pictures?”

Once prom ended and I lay my head against the leather chair, watching Logan as he drove. He glanced at me and saw that I was watching him. He smiled, “Tired?”

“Yeah; you try standing in heels for two hours straight.”

“I’ll pass thanks,” Logan replied as he parked in front of his house. We got out and Logan came around to my side and took my hand as we walked towards my house, my heels dangled from my other hand. We reached my house and Logan pulled me to him, kissing me gently. “I’ll see you later.”

“Bye,” I whispered and made my way up to my house. I couldn’t stop smiling; prom had been awesome, other than the killer shoes. 






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