Chapter Four

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 After Brian left Bella came in and grabbed my wrists, pulling me into a sitting position. She stared me down. “You are going to get dressed. Now,” Her voice was strict and I had no choice but to obey. The whole time I felt like I was going to faint; stupid heartbreak. Once I was dressed Bella came back and pulled me downstairs. I closed my eyes, feeling dizzy, but a sweet scent made me more alert almost instantly. I clamped my eyes shut tighter, afraid that if I opened them the smell would be gone and Logan would be nowhere near. I heard a hurt sigh and forced myself to open my eyes.

Logan sat on the couch in front of me, his eyes were tired and the cut was still on his lip, though it was no longer bleeding. My eyes met his and for a moment it felt like I was complete, but then the memories came rushing back and my vision blurred as I struggled not to pass out.

 Suddenly Logan was next to me, his warm arms wrapping around me as Bella handed me to him. His skin was warm against my thin shirt and I leaned into him, needing to know he was really there. I could hear Bella and Brian leaving through the front door. Logan pulled me down onto a couch, keeping his arms wrapped round me. He lifted my legs onto the sofa and I opened my eyes again, studying his face. Logan was looking me the same way, holding me close to him, one hand pulling through my snarled hair. I lifted my hand to his face and he pulled me closer to him.

I could feel tears slowly forming in my eyes, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it, I’m sorry. I don’t want you to leave me.” 

“Shush, its fine, I’m right here. You look awful Princess, are you okay?” His tone was worried and I nod quickly, hating that I’d thought I could ever live without him. I hated that I needed him so much. I was always an independent person, until Logan came along.

“I wasn’t, but I am now. I missed you so much, how could it have only been three days?” I ask, clinging onto his shirt and inhaling deeply.

Logan rubbed my back and I felt his hands on my face turning it so I could see his face. “I have no idea; I missed you so much, Princess. You are never going to leave me again.”

“Never,” I agreed as he pressed his mouth against mine. Our lips moved in synch and he gently nibbled on my lower lip. I could feel the electricity in my veins, but my magic was under perfect control. I opened my mouth and his tongue explored it, while mine did the same to him. When he pulled away, it was to kiss down my neck. He sucked on the side making me moan and he sucked harder, leaving a hickey. Then his hands slipped onto my waist, wrapping my legs around him and shifting so he was above me. I slipped my hands under his shirt and felt the muscle, moving my hands up until his shirt was off. Logan captured my lips in a kiss that lasted a couple minutes. When he pulled back we were both panting. I lay my head on his chest, wrapping my arms around his waist and falling into an easy sleep. It was the first real time I’d slept in the last three days, with my arms draped around Logan, a soft blanket covering us.

When I woke up, I was instantly aware that I was alone. I was lying on my bed in my clothes from yesterday and I was utterly alone. Panic began to build in my chest and I sprung so I was sitting, I was instantly alert as I looked around my empty room. Was yesterday only a dream or my imagination? Was I that desperate to have Logan back? Yes, I was.

Just as I started to freak out the door opened and Logan came in with a glass of water in his hand. He set it on my bedside table and quickly joined me on the bed, wrapping his arms around me. I leaned into him as he whispered, “You look like you saw a ghost; are you okay?”

I laughed, but it was quiet and shaky, “I’m sorry for freaking out. I just don’t want to lose you; I thought it was a dream or something.”

“I just needed some water; I’m not going to leave you.” Logan muttered, holding me close to him. He leaned back on the bed so I was lying on top of him, my head on his chest.

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