Chapter Seven

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I was walking towards my room when I heard my uncle’s voice in the kitchen and he sounded mad. My curiosity got the better of me and when I heard my name I crept towards the door, listening into the conversation.  

“You think you can just come in here and take her back after all these years! She is happy here.” Brian’s voice floated through the door.

“Brian calm down. Mia is not going anywhere she is like a daughter to us.” My aunt said calmly. Who was it that wanted to take me? What was going on in there?

“Bella, you forget. She is our biological daughter; we have every right to be her guardian until she turns eighteen,” A cold, feminine voice replied. I felt my blood grow cold, my parents were back and they wanted me? I would never let them take me away from Bella and Brian. They had abandoned me; they can’t just suddenly decide they want to take care of their daughter, it doesn’t work like that.

“You left her at our doorstep!” Brian yelled at them. I felt my eyes water at the truth in his words. They hadn’t wanted me, they left.

“Idiots; she’s already home, she’s right outside the door. I think she is listening to our conversation.” A harsh, male voice said. How could he possibly know? I stepped away from the door and just as I did the door swung open. There stood Bella, she looked down at me with worry in her eyes. She sighed and gestured for me to follow her back into the kitchen. I gulped and followed her inside; it was time to meet my birth parents.  

I looked at Brian first. He was standing in front of the counter looking stunned and irate. I begrudgingly shifted my gaze to the table. A woman and a man were seated there. The man had by black hair and it was combed neatly on his head. He wore a suit and had ice blue eyes. He looked frightening.

The woman wasn’t much better. She had the same golden hair that Bella had, but her dark eyes held none of the warmth that Bella’s had. She was in black dress pants and a white blouse. These people couldn’t be my parents. They looked heartless, completely opposite from my aunt and uncle. But their appearances were too similar to mine to be ignored. For a moment I wondered if I looked as cruel as them. I didn’t want to be like them in any way. I could barely look at my own parents without wanting to break down in tears.

Bella spoke first, “Camille these are your biological parents: Jared and Eliza.” I noticed her use of biological parents and how unwillingly she introduced us.

“What are you doing here?” I asked in a quiet voice, trying not to cry or yell.

Eliza looked me over, but ignored my question, “You’re pretty enough. With a little work you could be gorgeous.”

“What do you want?” I asked a little bit louder, my voice stronger.

This time Jared spoke, sending a pointed look towards my aunt and uncle, “We need to talk to you in private.” 

“Will you be okay Camille?” Bella asked. I hesitated; I just wanted to get rid of Jared and Eliza. But I had a feeling they wouldn’t leave until they talked to me and got whatever it was that they wanted.

“Yeah,” I replied.

“We’ll be in the living room if you need us.” She told me before grabbing Brian’s hand and pulling him out of the kitchen. I took a deep breath and turned to my parents.

“What do you want?” I repeated, looking at Jared and Eliza. This better be good.

Eliza spoke first, “We want you to come live with us, at least until you go off to college.” I’d spent my whole life dreaming about this very moment. Hoping my parents would come back and say it wasn’t their fault that they had to leave me. Now that it was completely unbelievable, way too unbelievable.

Which is why I had to say, “Don’t lie to me. I’ve waited for you for eighteen years, I’m done. Why are you really here? And don’t even think about lying.”    

Jared nodded, “Straight to the point. While Eliza and I were in Miami we got into a little bit of legal trouble. We found the police man had a son about your age and we gave him an offer. They would let us go if you married their son; they’ve always wanted a daughter, but they only had one son. They’re well off and they are a nice family. You’ll be fine with them.” It took me a minute to process what he’d said. But when I did, I realized they didn’t care about me, at all. It hurt, but it gave me the strength to say what I needed to.

“You sold me in exchange for your release? You came to get me just so you could dump me somewhere else. Well, guess what? I’m not going to marry him; I’ll gladly let you get thrown in jail.” I hissed at them.

Jared easily crossed the distance and stood next to me. He struck me across the face and spit, “You will not talk to us that way! Have some respect for your parents.”

“I have no respect for you, you don’t deserve it.” I knew I should just yell for my aunt and uncle, but they’d made me mad. Thinking they could just waltz in and marry me off to a stranger, demanding I have respect for them.

I could see he was angry by the fire in his icy eyes. “Eliza, do the fire thing,” Was all he said. Then he stepped to the side. I watched in confusion as Eliza smiled evilly and stepped closer. The next thing I knew it felt like I was on fire. I screamed in agony as I felt my whole body burning, no flames in sight. Suddenly the kitchen was full of people. I saw Bella run over to Eliza and Brian to Jared. The burning was gone, but I was still in pain as I watched my uncle and aunt struggle to contain my parents. Then someone blocked my view. I heard everyone talking, but I focused on the person who had now taken me into his arms. It felt like cold water pouring over my body, finally the pain was dimming. I held onto Logan as he carried me outside; the cool air made me sigh in contentment.

“Mia, baby, are you okay?” He asked in a ragged voice, holding me closer to him. I soon felt myself being lowered onto a soft surface. The pain was nearly gone by now. I opened my eyes and saw Logan looking at me worriedly.

“I’m okay,” I muttered, sinking into the mattress. I closed my eyes and let myself fall asleep, trying to forget the feeling of fire on my skin.


Another Update!!!





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