Chapter Nineteen

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I was halfway down the stairs when my phone rung. The caller id told me it was my aunt. I answered it, “Hello?”

“Happy Birthday,” My aunt and uncle yelled and proceeded to sing the whole song. We were all laughing by the time they finished.

“Thank you,” I said gratefully.

“You are lucky it’s your birthday or I would be yelling your ears off right now,” Brian said sternly.

“Can we just forget that part? I’m happy with him,” I sounded like a lovesick teenager… Oh wait, that’s what I was.

“I’m glad that you are happy and that you like him, but we are not forgetting about the lecturing part. If you plan on staying married to him, I want you to at least have a mock-wedding at home so Bella and I can come.”

“Alright, I can’t remember my wedding anyways; of course I’ll have it again.” 

“Wonderful. And this might feel personal, but are you pregnant?”

I was shocked, “Of course not! Why would you think that?”

“Well I know Logan is a wolf and the first time is-”

To save us both from a lot of awkwardness I quickly stepped in, “Okay I got it. I have not slept with him; you have nothing to worry about.”

I could tell he was shocked by the way it took him a few minutes to respond. Thankfully he didn’t question me any further. “Well, happy birthday. Your aunt wants to talk to you.”

“Okay, bye Brian.” After a short pause, Bella was on the other side of the line.

“Hey Honey, how is your birthday going? I can’t believe I had to miss it.”

“It’s going good,” Please don’t ask about my plans today I prayed silently.

“That’s great! Did you have chocolate pancakes for breakfast?”

“Yeah, Logan made some. Sam told him that I liked them.”

She laughed softly, “Well isn’t that boy the sweetest.”

“Yup,” I replied with a small giggle. “He is a great husband.”

Bella heaved a loud sigh, “Would you stop reminding me? I wanted to be at your wedding.”

“Don’t worry; I think we’re going to have one for show so that you can come.” I reassured her. I hoped Logan would go along with the idea, because I would love to remarry him.

After talking with Aunt Bella for a little while, I switched my phone off and put it back in my pocket. This was going to be hard enough without distractions and I would be able to talk to people tomorrow. I reached the kitchen door and stopped for a minute to gather my nerves and for a second I couldn’t believe how ridiculous I was being, or rather, how ridicules the situation was.

Then I shook my head and forced the thoughts out before entering the kitchen. Logan was standing against the counter, fiddling with his phone. He looked up when I entered and he smiled widely at me. “Hey Baby, since it’s your birthday and no one else is here,” Suspicious look… “I’m taking you on a date.”

“Where are we going?” I asked, trying to hide my smile at the stupid pet name.

“It’s a surprise,” He replied, holding up a blindfold.

“Can you at least tell me what to wear?”

He studied my outfit, “That’s fine. Get a jacket and then we’ll go.” I nodded and ran back up to our room. I was about to reach for one of my jackets when I caught sight of one of Logan’s. I only hesitated for a minute, before grabbing it and pulling it on. The familiar smell comforted me despite the way it was ten times too big for me.

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