Chapter Fifteen

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Mia’s POV:

I could hear a dull beeping. That was the first thing that I realized. The second was that someone was holding onto my hand so tight it should hurt. But it didn’t, it was comforting and warm. I opened my eyes and blinked a few times until my vision became clear. I was in a room with white walls and a green door. Logan was sitting in a chair next to my bed looking ready to pass out. As soon as he saw that my eyes were open he grinned and leaned over so that he could kiss my forehead, my nose, my cheeks, my mouth. “Are you okay?” I asked wearily.

Between kisses, Logan managed to say, “You’re asking me that?” Then he pulled back and asked seriously, “Are you okay? Does anything hurt? Do you need a nurse or-”

“I’m fine,” I assured him.

“I told you not to let go, but you did. I thought I was going to lose you.” Logan admitted looking haunted at the idea. I wanted to do all I could to get rid of that look.

“Well I’m here now. What happened anyways? I mean, after Laura chucked a rock at me.”

“John called an ambulance and the cops. Laura fled, but they caught her and she is now in a mental institution, when she gets out she’s going to jail for twelve years. Cassie and Riana are going to move in with some relatives. The wedding is cancelled. And you were in a coma for six days.”

I stared at Logan as I comprehended what he’d said. Then I frowned, “Is John okay? It couldn’t have been easy for him.”

“He’s just glad Sadie is safe.”

“You look tired,” I pointed out, studying the circles under his eyes.

“I am tired. I haven’t slept for three days.”

“Why?” I gasped.

“You honestly think I would just leave you alone at the hospital in a coma? Sadie also visits a lot; she’s really worried about you.” I nodded, but my reply was cut off when a nurse came into the room.

She smiled kindly at me, “Glad to see you’re awake. You had everyone really worried. Do you mind if I do some tests?”

“I’m going to go call Brian and John and tell them you’re okay,” Logan said, slipping his hand from mine. I frowned, but he gave me a reassuring smile and I had to return it. Then he slipped out of the room and I turned my attention to the nurse.

“That’s some guy you got; he refused to leave your side.” She told me as she started checking some kind of machine next to my bed.

“Yeah, he is amazing,” I agreed whole heartedly.

“The little girl is also a sweetie, she would read you stories.” I smiled because that sounded exactly like something Sadie would do. We both fell silent as the nurse continued her job.

The nurse said I could leave in three days and after a long debate Logan agreed to go home at night. I had to spend hours trying to convince my uncle and aunt that I was okay and they didn’t have to fly over. Once I was done John brought Sadie, Sam and Noah in to see me.

Sadie climbed onto the bed near my legs, while Logan held onto my hand and Sam and Noah stood near the end of the bed. “I’m so glad you’re okay,” Sam exclaimed. “I should’ve been there and stopped her somehow.”

“That’s impossible. I’m just glad no one else got hurt.” I said, making Logan squeeze my hand and I looked at him to see a pained expression on his face. I gave him a weird look, but I didn’t say anything because of the others in the room.

Noah sensed the awkwardness and asked, “So how is the hospital food? It must be tasteful; that’s why Logan stayed for three days isn’t it?” 

“Ha-ha,” Logan said dryly.

“Are you okay?” Sadie asked from her spot on my legs, looking up from her coloring book.

“I’m fine; I just have a little headache.” I explained and she nodded before returning to her coloring.

“You get out on Tuesday right?” Sam asked and I nodded.

“Great; we’re going to go shopping on Saturday and then we’re going to a club.”

“Um, okay.” I agreed slowly.

Just then, John came in and told me, “You look better.”

“Thank you,” I replied.

He shifted his weight and looked around at all of us, then asked me, “Can I talk to you and Logan for a minute?”

Noah frowned and complained, “But we just got here!”

“It’ll only take a minute,” John promised. Noah and Sam took Sadie, who complained loudly, and went into the hallway. John sat on the chair next to Logan and said, “I was going to wait until later to talk to you about this, but with the recent events, I think we should talk about it now.”

“Talk about what?” I asked.

“About Sadie; when I die, she will have nowhere to go. Her mother is dead, my parents are gone and I don’t particularly want to contact her other grandparents. I don’t think they would be much better than Laura.” He started.

“What does this have to do with us?” Logan asked.

“I was wondering if you would consider adopting her. I know you’re young, but you’re her brother and the only family she has left. I figured Camille would want to be included in the decision, seeing as how you two are so close. And money wouldn’t be a problem; I’m leaving you the house and all my money.”

“Stop making it sound like you’re going to die tomorrow,” Logan snapped. Then, more calmly, “We still have more than a month left.”

“But after that time is up, I need Sadie to have somewhere she can be safe.”

“We don’t have to decide today, do we?” I intervened. If it were up to me, I’d agree instantly, but it was Logan’s decision. Now, if he said no, I would just try to get custody of her. I was only eighteen and I had no job, so it wouldn’t be easy, but I’d still try. Sadie was the most adorable kid ever and she had already been through so much.

“Of course not; I’ll just leave you to think about it.” John said, getting up and making his way out. While Logan and I were alone, he reached over and pulled me into a long kiss only pulling away when the door opened again. Our friends and Sadie entered and took their previous positions while I tried to calm my breathing without making it obvious.

“So about Saturday,” Sam started.

“I think that’s a great idea for a double date; at least the club part,” Noah agreed. I looked at Sam and noticed a faint blush on her cheeks and she was looking at Noah, completely stunned. This could be the start of things getting better, I thought.

But as usual, we weren’t that lucky.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------It feels like i haven't worked on this story in a while... I don't know, maybe i have. But I was thanking about it and decided i should try to upload this one as fast as possible because I've finished it and have others to work on. I was busy all weekend so that's probably why i feel like i haven't uploaded in a while. It's almost summer which means more uploads, faster.

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