Chapter Eighteen

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After court case

Logan and I now have legal custody over Sadie. She was confused as to what was going on, but she went with it. Logan had barely kissed me during the last week and I was aching for his touch, but he seemed to be distant after what happened in his room. As if that weren’t enough drama, my birthday happened to be tomorrow.

Sam and I were now at the mall, a bag of lingerie hanging from my hand. “Are you really going to?” Sam asked, holding back her laughter.

“Yes, I am going to.”   

  “You’re going to try to seduce your own husband?”

“Pretty much,” I said with a small shrug.

“Do you have any idea how wrong that sounds?” Another shrug and she rolled her eyes. “Why won’t he sleep with you anyways? You think he’d be pretty willing.”

“He’s worried that I’ll get pregnant,” I replied.

She paused, “Will you?”

“I don’t know,” I said meekly.

“Wait, do you want to have a baby?” She asked, her eyes showing horror.

“Someday,” I answered, avoiding her gaze.


I sighed, “Yes, I mean no. Not soon. I want to go to college and all, but I want to be with Logan. We’ll use protection and I’m on the pills. I won’t get pregnant.”

 “And if you do?”

“Then we’ll just have to deal with it,” I muttered.

Sam shook her head, “Alright, but you’re crazy.”

I rolled my eyes, “Why, because I want to sleep with my husband?” I said it a tad too loud and a few people gave me weird looks making me duck my head.

Sam waited until no one was listening to go over the plan, “So you want me and Noah to take Sadie to a hotel for the night. What’s going to be our excuse?”

I thought it over, “Um… there’s a carnival that Sadie wants to go to. And since it’s my birthday, you and Noah agreed to take her. And you’re sure Noah will go along with this?”

“He has to, he owes me.” I gave her a curious look, but decided not to question her.

                                                                 The Next Day

The day started out fine, but I was nervous about tonight. I tried to ignore it as I got up and walked into the kitchen where I was surprised to find Logan cooking. He looked up and grinned at me, “Good morning Birthday Girl.”

“Good morning, what are you making?”

“Chocolate pancakes and eggs,” He answered nonchalantly.

I jumped up from the stool I was sitting on, “Seriously!?”

“Sam told me you loved it and that your aunt would always make it on your birthday. So, being the amazing husband I am, I decided to make them for you.”

“Thank you,” I squealed, wrapping my arms around him.

Logan chuckled at my actions and leaned over to kiss my head, “Your welcome.”

“Good morning,” Chirped a little voice. I turned to see Sadie, in footsy pajamas, smiling at us with a bouncy ball in her hand.

I smiled at her, “Good morning Sadie. How did you sleep last night?”

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