Chapter Six

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“Sam, please be nice.” I begged her as she drove us towards the lake where we were meeting Logan and Noah.

It had been a week since I’d met Logan’s parents and he was taking me to the fancy restaurant tonight, but for now we were just going to hang out, Noah and Sam included. I had no doubt in my mind that Sam planned on interrogating him and Sam could be… harsh. When she met John he nearly had a heart attack when she asked where he wanted to get married. She later told me it was because she wanted to be my maid of honor and she didn’t want to go to a temple for my wedding. She thought I was going to marry him.

“If by that you mean go easy on him then no. It is my job, as your best friend, to see if he will stay with you despite your troubles.”

“And by troubles you mean psychotic best friends?” I asked with a small smile.

Sam feigned a hurt look, “I didn’t know you had more than one psychotic best friend! I thought I was your favorite! I am right?”

I laughed at my strange friend, “Yes, you are.”

“Good!” She exclaimed, pulling into the parking lot and parking next to Logan’s car. Then she jumped out of the car looking way too excited. I gulped, poor Logan; first my uncle and now my best friend. He has got to be wishing I was a loner with no family or friends.

As we approached the lake I caught sight of Logan who grinned and ran up to me. He hugged me tightly and kissed me softly making me giggle at his excitement. He stepped back and nodded at Sam politely, “Hi, I’m Logan and this is my friend Noah.” He finished just as Noah reached us.  

Sam looked him up and down, tapping her chin as if it were a job interview. “I’m Samantha and I have some questions to ask you before I can allow you to date my best friend.”

“Is she for real?” Noah asked; an incredulous look etched upon his face. I nodded and he complained, “I didn’t get to interview Mia!” I gulped at the idea of being interviewed by him; he seemed less stable than Sam.

Logan punched him in the arm, “Too bad.”

Sam tilted her head and muttered, “Chooses good friends, but is very violent.”

“I’m not violent,” Logan protested.

“Don’t forget, he’s also defensive,” Noah chimed in making Sam laugh. Even I cracked a small smile, which I promptly hid from my frowning boyfriend. Logan wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me towards the lake, sitting on the edge to dip his feet into the water. Sam sank down next to me and Noah next to her. I carefully put my feet in the water, it was freezing!

“Alright, first question. Where do you work?” Sam asked.

Logan didn’t even hesitate at her bluntness, “At a coffee shop, but I’m in my last year of college so next year I plan on being a science teacher.” That was news to me; I didn’t even know he was in college! I frowned, I should have known that.

“Do you have any kids?” This one I think I know the answer to.

I groaned, “Sam.”

“Nope, not that I know of,” Logan answered with a small smirk.

“Okay, why do you like Mia?”

I was also curious. Logan held onto my hand tightly and he smiled at me as he said, “Because she’s smart and nice and pretty and funny and- I could go on for ages.” I smiled at his answer, it seemed like he would pass the crazy best friend test.

“What are your intentions with her?” Sam continues, making my embarrassment grow.

“I think you know,” Noah snorts making me blush and Sam giggle. Logan just glared at him, pulling me closer.

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