Chapter 1

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I woke up earlier than usual this morning. I had to help my mom cleaning the house because we were going to have visits. Some far cousins that my parents found a while ago were coming to visit us. They were going to stay with us for two weeks. I got up and made
my bed. I also made a smaller bed that I have in my room. I sleep in the attic of my house which is actually very comfy! It has a bathroom just for me!

I made the other bed too in case someone needed to sleep there. My house is not very big for guests but I think it's okay. My cousins were going to stay in my parents' room and my parents were going to stay in my sister's room with her. Her bed is bigger than mine and she has another little bed in there. By what my parents said our cousins have kids. 'Maybe they will stay in my room with me. I love children!'

After breakfast I vacuumed the attic and the living room. My older sister Lisa cleaned her room and my parents'. When my mom said everything was done I took a shower. I dressed a pair of black shorts and a white top. I was wearing my flip flops but my mom told me to pick something better. I chose my black converse all stars. I did a simple makeup and dried my hair. It was hot so I let it a bit wet to get some waves. My hair was brown, long and curly.

"So where are they from exactly? Are they English?" I asked my parents that were sitting in the living room.

"I totally forgot to tell you" my mother started "They're from Korea! South Korea, of course!"

"Really? Cool! Do they speak English?"

"Yes, don't worry about that!" my dad said.

"Do you think you can talk to them Lisa?" I asked my sister giggling.

"I'm nineteen and I'm older than you! Of course I can!" I laughed.

At 12pm the bell rang. My parents got up to open the door and I just stayed beside them. A woman entered in my house and hugged my mom. She was very beautiful and her skin was perfect. After her it was a man. They talked a bit with my parents.

"These are our daughters" my parents introduced us.

"Hi, nice to meet you!" the lady said and I smiled.

After them a boy entered. He probably was eighteen or nineteen years old and he looked very beautiful. He also looked familiar to me...

"This is Jihyun!" the woman said "Where is your brother, love?"

"He's getting the bags" the cute boy said.

After he spoke, another boy entered in the house. He was taller than me and had blonde hair. 'Oh. My. Gosh.' My mouth was probably opened because I was shocked.

"Hi, I'm Jimin!" he said and I blushed. I couldn't believe.

"Isn't he..."my sister started but I shut her mouth.

"Don't say anything"I whispered at her.

"You have two beautiful boys!" my mom said to the woman.

"Your girls are absolutely amazing!" the man said.

"Well can we talk with you?" the woman asked.

"Oh right! Our daughters will show you the house." My mom said to the boys.

"I have to call Jake because of school!" My sister said. 'Please, don't leave me alone Lisa!'

"C-Come with me" I said to the boys. 'Act natural.'

"Excuse me?" Jihyun said and I looked at him "Can you please tell me where is the bathroom?" he was very polite.

"Sure! There! In the first door" I pointed to it "let's go!" I said to the other boy and I went up stairs. 'Great, now I'm alone with... with him.' I showed him my parents' room and my sister's "And this is the attic which is my room!" I said in mine.

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